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#133958086Monday, May 12, 2014 10:38 PM GMT

Do you think its a good idea? I wrote this about 10 minutes ago, but it got lost. and dont ask for TL;DRs. its not my fault you cant read a page of a second grade book. This idea is pretty simple. Many many websites around the internet have implanted notification systems for users. Usually its about messages or friend requests. Yes, I am aware that ROBLOX also offers one at the moment, but what I am proposing is that they improve it and make it more broad. For example, but the Friend Requests and Messages tab, ROBLOX could add a notifications tab. It could/will include the following: *What is already in the notification system (New trades, friend request accepted, etc) *Decals/images approved *New limiteds available (could be a BC only thing, another promotion to get BC) *Sales/someone purchased your limited (If you are a popular user, or sell alot of stuff, you could change how often you get sales notifications. For example. you could set it up for: everytime someone buys something, Daily report, Weekly report, and monthly reports. This could work for alot of users) *Theres tons of other stuff that could be put in here. Tell me below what can be added to this list. Support or Not support. If Not support, please tell me why this is a bad idea, or how I can improve it. Thank you! Watch my forum sim: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkG1ebrsTIk -- /jim
#133958168Monday, May 12, 2014 10:39 PM GMT

TL;DR Follow me on Twitter; @VenomsantaRBLX
#133958313Monday, May 12, 2014 10:40 PM GMT

@venom this proves that ATR can't even read 2 sentences. Watch my forum sim: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkG1ebrsTIk -- /jim
#133958375Monday, May 12, 2014 10:41 PM GMT

#133958399Monday, May 12, 2014 10:41 PM GMT

I can read it all if i want but honestly i dont give a crap k
#133958470Monday, May 12, 2014 10:41 PM GMT

S&I. The Bannanachair King Lives Again!
#133965984Monday, May 12, 2014 11:40 PM GMT

Too long; didn't read. "Umad"
#133966863Monday, May 12, 2014 11:47 PM GMT

Full support. "*Sales/someone purchased your limited (If you are a popular user, or sell alot of stuff, you could change how often you get sales notifications. For example. you could set it up for: everytime someone buys something, Daily report, Weekly report, and monthly reports. This could work for alot of users)" This idea is the one I like the best.

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