#134326717Friday, May 16, 2014 2:28 AM GMT

(@Huge. Alrighty. Kinda sucks that you haven't joined. Haven't seen you do any rping. )
#134326809Friday, May 16, 2014 2:29 AM GMT

(I do in other threads. This thread is great and all..but lacks freedom) "She is a beast that propels from the alleyways.. she lures you out.. then she does a deafening roar as she says another guy didn't finish her off.." -K3rl343
#134326975Friday, May 16, 2014 2:31 AM GMT

I want to join.. but at the same time I feel like I won't RP.)
#134327136Friday, May 16, 2014 2:32 AM GMT

(Freedom in what way? If you mean for class choice, you can talk to Leo about something custom. Weapons and armor are more lenient than the last one, as well as less realistic. Tenebra was rather strict when it came to that sort of stuff.)
#134327318Friday, May 16, 2014 2:34 AM GMT

(Yea, but still, in these times, people were free to wear as bad armor as they wished, even if they die) "She is a beast that propels from the alleyways.. she lures you out.. then she does a deafening roar as she says another guy didn't finish her off.." -K3rl343
#134327632Friday, May 16, 2014 2:38 AM GMT

(And you are allowed to in this RP. If you read the guide and classes, it tells you which sort of weapons are usually used by the class, and what armor they use. Every class can use 'cloth' armor which pretty much, is not armor at all. example Warrior - Clothes, Light, Medium, Heavy. Barbarian - Clothes, Light, Medium, Heavy. Thief - Clothes, Light. An Karl, I'm not sure what to say to that. If you don't think you'll rp/ post for whatever reason... It's hard to say really. First thing that comes to mind is, don't join... But keep the thread in mind or watched atleast. You can join whenever. )
#134327667Friday, May 16, 2014 2:38 AM GMT

(I might...( "She is a beast that propels from the alleyways.. she lures you out.. then she does a deafening roar as she says another guy didn't finish her off.." -K3rl343
#134328105Friday, May 16, 2014 2:43 AM GMT

That's not my name, my brother chose my username.
#134328569Friday, May 16, 2014 2:49 AM GMT

Some questions... -If I want a custom class, do I just say what I want and describe it in the "Class" section? -Am I allowed to have scimitars? -How many weapons maximum? Vote Soviet Bear 2014
#134331828Friday, May 16, 2014 3:34 AM GMT

The Kitsune melts into a wall and emerges next to Mikayia; she then flourishes her fans until the right one covers her "face" up to the eyes, whilst the left one covers her stomach. The apparent leader of the group urges his men forward, calling out as he does so. "We've got them outnumbered ten to one!" he says. "Catch them both!"
#134331970Friday, May 16, 2014 3:36 AM GMT

(Forgot to mention that the group is visibly shaken by Mikayia. 1: For being a Pale Elf, and 2: For having a flaming sword.)
#134332044Friday, May 16, 2014 3:37 AM GMT

(I might use my usual char, Suzanna, but twist her around a bit) "She is a beast that propels from the alleyways.. she lures you out.. then she does a deafening roar as she says another guy didn't finish her off.." -K3rl343
#134332420Friday, May 16, 2014 3:44 AM GMT

"Stand back just a bit, lady." Mikayia takes her sword in both hands once again. She shouts a single magical command word, while slashing her sword in a horizontal arc at the air in front of her. The command word launches off a wave of flames from the blade. The magical flames are not nearly as concentrated as a fireball cast from her sword, but they are enough to catch fire to anything dry and flammable that they touch. Left unchecked, the flames would spread as the same speed and intensity as a natural fire. + Spellcast: Swords Fury + Mikayia's ire is visibly rising. She's considering not letting the band go free if they decide to surrender. If they don't give up soon there will be a lot of bodies in the alleyway...
#134332656Friday, May 16, 2014 3:49 AM GMT

(Btw, I don't make giant posts, considering most of the time larger ones are godmods, or just useless blabbling) "She is a beast that propels from the alleyways.. she lures you out.. then she does a deafening roar as she says another guy didn't finish her off.." -K3rl343
#134332872Friday, May 16, 2014 3:53 AM GMT

(Depends on what you call giant. A healthy amount of detail is great to have.)
#134332911Friday, May 16, 2014 3:54 AM GMT

(But is is mandatory? AKA i usually post like "Lindsay then began to jump side to side, attempting to dodge") "She is a beast that propels from the alleyways.. she lures you out.. then she does a deafening roar as she says another guy didn't finish her off.." -K3rl343
#134333169Friday, May 16, 2014 3:59 AM GMT

(( Well, if she's jumping from side to side, thats all you need to say. Some things take more (like my two-step lunge description) but not much more. And I understand, that not everything can have a massive amount of detail stuck in to it, and sometimes it's not possible. A healthy amount of detail. Paint an image, all you have to do. ))
#134333248Friday, May 16, 2014 4:01 AM GMT

(Well, you see, I ain't a artist.) "She is a beast that propels from the alleyways.. she lures you out.. then she does a deafening roar as she says another guy didn't finish her off.." -K3rl343
#134333298Friday, May 16, 2014 4:02 AM GMT

(( All you can do is do your best... God that was cheesy. ))
#134333348Friday, May 16, 2014 4:03 AM GMT

(You can say...if your posts are portraits...mine are fingerpaints coming from a 1st grade class) "She is a beast that propels from the alleyways.. she lures you out.. then she does a deafening roar as she says another guy didn't finish her off.." -K3rl343
#134333694Friday, May 16, 2014 4:10 AM GMT

(@hugeboo: There should be at least a bit more than just a single sentence when there's something important going on, such as a fight. Using single sentences doesn't paint much of a picture for other players, and could confuse them or me; such as if I had an enemy take an action against you, just to learn that you were jumping to the other side of what I expected. Therefore throwing me off and making me have to rewrite what I had already wrote, or correct my mistake. Though a single sentence would be fine during things that are less important, such as eating, walking or the like.) (A quick example of what I mean. If you have a character attack me, and I simply say that I stepped to the side; there's no telling what side I stepped to, thus making you either confused or annoyed(depending on your personality, I'd be more confused than anything.), which would then lead to needing me to explain to you exactly where I stepped to, how I moved, and the like; which might annoy you or other players. Hope this helps.) (All I ask is that you give it your best.)
#134333780Friday, May 16, 2014 4:11 AM GMT

(( Here's what you do. You get your CS all done up, check through the guide and rules to make sure it's good (ask questions if you're unsure) then start roleplaying. Then we'll see. ))
#134333924Friday, May 16, 2014 4:14 AM GMT

(Eh, I'll do it lata) (Or not at all, I see RPing as a past time where I can puke out a quick response and still have fun, not make a full essay per post, sorry) "She is a beast that propels from the alleyways.. she lures you out.. then she does a deafening roar as she says another guy didn't finish her off.." -K3rl343
#134334353Friday, May 16, 2014 4:24 AM GMT

(@hugeboo: Three sentences isn't a full essay; my guide is.) Eleven of the thugs catch on fire as they advance. Instantly chaos ensues. As they attempt to drop to the ground and roll, they fall on each other, rekindling the flames. As they continue to roll into each other, they also bump into three others, lighting them on fire as well. Only nine more thugs remain standing at this point.
#134334508Friday, May 16, 2014 4:28 AM GMT

Character Name: Darius Meryn Character Age: 25 Character Gender: Male Race: Human Sub-Race: Maonian Class: Warrior Equipment: Darius, when not in battle, wears a cotton orange robe that he loosely ties with a red linen cloth, showing his hairy chest under the apparel The robe itself is decorated with wavy patterns that are colored red on the collar, arm sleeves and the bottom seams that hangs from the back. Over the robes, he wears black pants made of cotton that reaches his ankles that has golden-leaf decorations on his left thigh that reaches his knee. His boots, made of fine brown leather, cover his shin and is the only part of his apparel the securely fits onto him. Darius doesn't always wear his robe. When on an adventure, or when in a fight, Darius wears a light, brown leather vest with a metal disc in the middle of his chest. His whole arm is bear except for leather gauntlets, which feature steel knuckles. He keeps his pants and boots, and will also reuse the red linen cloth to tie the scabbards of his weapons onto his waist. Darius, in battle, will carry two scimitars on the sides of him. However, he never leaves his trusty knife behind, which also features a curved blade and a wicked edge. Made of exotic steel, his scimitars and knife form a natural wavy pattern across the blade. All his weapons have curved handles, and his scimitars are about as long as his legs. Appearance: Darius is a tan, handsome, man with reddish brown eyes as warm as chocolate, but also hot as fire, and hungry for reward. He has a lithe, athletic build and a hairy body, though not so that you can't see the colors of his skin. He has brown, shoulder-length hair that is unkempt and oily, and a scruffy 5 o'clock shadow of the same shade of brown. Darius is also a rather tall person, standing 5'10" and weighing 155 lbs. His skin is a light brown tan, baked by the sun to perfection Personality: Darius is only aimed for gold and wealth. An independent figure, Darius will only take orders from those who are able to pay him well enough. In fact, he is never a likable person to begin with. Sarcastic, arrogant, cruel and merciless, Darius is known to make many enemies. However, despite his hunger for coin, he still has a code of honor. One of his more noble side is his sense of loyalty, never turning his back on a client when their enemy offer to outpay him. His charming attitude matches well with his appearance, making him quite the manipulator. Bio: Born as a poor sailor's son in Maoni, Darius didn't have much to start his life with, only his knowledge of the sea, which wasn't very impressive either. Instead, he enjoyed playing stick fights with his young friends. It was well known among his town that he is a born fighter. It wasn't until a hurricane struck his house down when his life changed. Now homeless, his parents abandoned him young in the forest. Fortunately, fate decided the boy's life wasn't to end, and a blind swordsman known as Beli found the boy and raised him as his own. Beli taught Darius the art of swordsmanship without sight. Darius, the born fighter, was shown to be easily angered at first, but eventually absorbed Beli's wisdom and performed the art of swordsmanship in exceptional skill. However, despite Beli's teachings, Darius's hunger for gold never washed away. In fact, as Beli hid the distraction of gold, Darius's hunger grew stronger and stronger, and eventually, after eighteen years of sword training, Darius ran from Beli and decided to become a sellsword. Darius's life until then was very blurry after that. All we know is that now he is rich in gold, but his hunger for it is unchanged. Strengths: Darius is a ferocious swordsman, capable of single or dual bladed combat. His attacks are lightning quick and fierce as fire, but each stroke flows like water. Mixing evasive maneuvers with Beli's teachings, Darius is a tornado that cuts through enemies like the wind itself. Weaknesses: Darius can be easily manipulated by gold, so long as he isn't signed with another contract. His magic isn't the best, either. Other 1: He is a drinker, and enjoys the company of harlots. Roleplay Example: The company of the exciting harlot thrills Darius. With mead in one hand (though he much rather prefers a good glass of wine), and a sack of gold in the other, Darius partied like there was no tomorrow. Considering his occupation, there might as well not be. It wasn't long until an Elrian barged through the door of his tavern. The Elrian carried shiny, steel plated armor, a signal for potential gold. Darius noted this, and watched as the Elrians roared with excitement. "Five mugs, lad. I'll be going off on an adventure to Zidain the next morning and I expect to knock myself out before I do." He bellowed, followed by loud, jolly laughter. Darius watched as the tavern keeper serves the drinks. "Zidain is a fine place." Darius smiled at the Elrian, which the Elrian didn't return. "Plenty of people that will hire sellswords like myself. It's a fun city nonetheless." The Elrian grunted with curt agreement. "I bet a man like you can work with another person. Someone to do errands, someone to watch their back while they sleep." Darius continued to try to get the Elrian to pay him. The Elrian only laughs. "Mercenaries? You expect me to trust mercenaries? Next thing I know, I'll find my gold stash half gone and a dagger on my back!" "Darius Meryn is no thief." Darius continues coolly. "Mercenaries have their own code of honor, mine being the importance of loyalty. In my honor, I will have no other person outpay me to abandon my service of you." The Elrian spits on Darius's shoes. "Like you have any honor to begin with. Darius, with a look of disappointment and stored anger, stoked his harlot across the back. It wasn't only moments later, when a shady figure walks in, when a conversation is rekindled between Darius and the Elrian. Darius, unlike everyone else, doesn't seem to notice when the thief stabbed the Elrian in the thigh and held the tavern keeper at knifepoint. At a moment's notice, the thief finds himself out with almost all the money the tavern keepers have. Darius continues to sip his mead. "The hell are you doing, Maonian?" Elrian screamed at him with rageand pain. "Go after him!" Darius looks at his hands with mock confusion. "I'm sorry, I don't see enough gold for me to care." Elrian, pondering whether to pay him or not, finally answers "I'll pay you after you-" "Pay now, not later" Darius interrupted. Red with anger, the Elrian instructed Darius to grab a coin sack from the Elrian's pack. Truthful to his payment, Darius takes one coin sack. With a smile, Darius dismisses himself. "The thief will find himself tied up on the back of the horse within morning." Vote Soviet Bear 2014