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#134815964Thursday, May 22, 2014 1:27 PM GMT

note: if it is WNTS pls ignore the WNTS while the reply. i think roblox should more care about game developing but not money, roblox being money-hungry will just destroy NBC and roblox will become a paid game. roblox should care more about NBC, they should: \1 consider before they update. because of suggesting to remove that stupid update is WNTS, this creates conflict between player and roblox. \2 get opinion before the update was officially published. it is important that to get opinion before updating, if roblox done a hated update, people will dislike roblox. \3 care more about s&i. s&i cannot be ignored by roblox, if they do, roblox is a complete rubbish game! everyone opinion ar important and even WNTS sometimes. you ar trolling me if wanting me to make more, i have ran out of idea. thanks to looking at my post.
#134815987Thursday, May 22, 2014 1:28 PM GMT

Lame, lame and lame.
#134816054Thursday, May 22, 2014 1:30 PM GMT

1) They do consider updates before making them. Can I give evidence? Not really... unless of course a moderator wishes to jump in, but even then I'm sure people will call that person a liar. 2) Sure, they can get an opinion but they don't need to listen to it. The majority of the time, users have a harsh view on an update because they don't understand it and aren't good with changes. This was seen with the body update a few years back, where concept images made everyone shout, non-stop, at ROBLOX to remove them. They didn't and people have come to actually like them. 3) They don't ignore S&I, with quite a few features being added because of this sub-forum. The only reason that people don't see it as such is because people elect to ignore the updates that ROBLOX do add from this sub-forum, simply because they don't conform to THEIR view of what ROBLOX should be.
#135052029Sunday, May 25, 2014 12:37 PM GMT

#135052068Sunday, May 25, 2014 12:38 PM GMT

data, they must listen to it or roblox will be worse than my think.

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