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#134930199Saturday, May 24, 2014 1:27 AM GMT

Storyline - 1957, a land of turmoil and injustice. There was no rest, no peace for the living, nor was there any for the dead. Nuclear warheads launched years ago tattered and corrupted the world with radiation. A once lush land of coursing rivers, godly mountains, and skyline of hope and architecture was demolished, and desolation took it's place. No one knew who launched the first nukes, nor did any one care. Panic spread, and darkness came upon the world. Retaliation caused destruction, more than any nation could have estimated. Billions died as a result of the world's carelessness and lust for battle. Years after the incident, the survivors formed into several factions, each housing the remnants of civilization and humanity. Each differed in perspectives and beliefs, but one thing was clear. Humanity was back from the land of death, and it was hellbent on surviving. Factions - (You can skim through here, you only need to know abotu Durstrova.) Groups that make up the wasteland itself, having it's own beliefs and special interests to gain. There are of course several other squandering groups that inhabit these parts, but these are the ones who are generally known. Remember, you may not immediately join a faction right away, you will be introduced to them, and from there you will choose. All of these factions are based in Texas. The Dread hounds own most of the western part of Texas, but they do not own much land themselves, as they are disorganized. The UCA owns the smack middle of Texas, and own quite a bit of it as well. The New Western Republic control the outskirts of the the southern part of texas, wrapping around the UCA. They are second in the race for land, andthey can defend their borders quite well. Dursrova owns a single outpost that was recently taken over. They're underdogs, but Adam is determined to make the name "Dustrova," known to all. Dread Hounds A group willing to do everything to survive. Mainly made up of vigorous militants, rough mercenaries, and ragged scoundrels. They are very distrustful, extremely poor and disorganized. This is the most populated, and unlikable faciton out of all that inhabit the wasteland. This faction is lead by Margeret Attana, a skillful soldier, a natural survivalist, and a crude leader. During the the 'Spoiled Age', a nickname given to the time before the post-apocalypse, there was a company known as Regent Corporations. It became so robust, being a leader in wolrdwide aerospace, agriculture, consumer goods, electronics etc. it was eventually taking corporate control of the government, and the US became an extremely consumerist nation. During the post-apocalypse, the UCA continued it's journeys as owning the Citadel, the grand city, which is home to citizens of hundreds, luxurious homes and suites for many. This faction's goal is too expand on civilizing the wastelands, and restoring it to it's once beautiful vision. This is lead by President Johnson, an extreme American sterotype, and wide consumer. New Western Republic This is the civilian side of Texas. Farmers, shopkeepers, restraunt cashiers, and anything else of the likes. Together, the everyday civilians joined up and created the "New Western Republic", a faction where citizens have the right to vote, freedom of speech, property rights, and many more rights. Instead of hanging on to The Constitution, they created 'The Seventh Eve', a pact created by their leader Mohave Greer. Though they are not the most powerful faction, they are united, organized, and are a force to be reckoned with because of it. They are commonly targeted by the other factions. But this is the Faction you've been so kindly offered to join. Durstrova - An ominous ground lead by Adam Zorrow. The group you've managed to find your way into, or at least you have the option to be a part of this group. It's new, it has an outpost, and Adam is ready to raise an Army that will crush all the other factions. After prestigiously taking over a Dread Hound base, Adam Zorrow and his seven surviving mercenaries have set out to help Adam make his mark in the wastes of Texas. He's starting by recruiting those who will fight alongside him in his quest for supreme domination. Found by some of his loyal fighters, they are offering food, shelter, and clean water to you if you join their cause. Will you fight alongside this underdog faction? CS: Name: Appearance: (Physical appearance.) Personality: Age: Weapons: (Nothing too high-class.) Morals: Previous Occupation(s): Clothing: Gear: Chips: (Do not fill this out. I fill it out based on your past occupation. This will double as your health.) Bio: Side note - You have to join Z0rr0w's faction. We Begin at the End was an ISRP that has already run it's course and Z0rr0w has come out on top and he's decided to make a faction. Make a CS then I'll introduce you to some of Durstrova members. Current members - Z0rr0w, Markjarkson
#134930769Saturday, May 24, 2014 1:33 AM GMT

Adam - You have a nice snooze. All your chips are restored. You also wonder how Theo and Monroe are doing with recruiting before you doze off. Brett - You are sat inside a small one-story house, sitting in front of a blazing fire, cooking up dinner. Mind you, it's not good dinner. You've run on your last supply of edible food. Dog tins lay beside the fire. You've had worse though, so you push the thought away. You begin to hear a rumble. An engine? It seemed to be so. You heard it get closer and closer till it stopped in the middle of the street. You peeked out the window and saw three men get out. They were armed well, however they didn't seem to be a part of any faction you knew. They began to head toward the house that you are currently. in.
#134930902Saturday, May 24, 2014 1:35 AM GMT

Grab my machete, and just patiently wait it out. Probably new recruits to a new fraction, checking up on their territory, or happy go luck raiders.
#134931334Saturday, May 24, 2014 1:40 AM GMT

Brett - They open the door to the house, coming in through the living room. Luckily, you're currently in the kitchen. "Hello, anyone in there? We're looking for some recruits to a new faction. We're planning on taking some more ground once we have some more recruits to back us up," a man with an gravelly voice called out. A moment passed. "If there's no response and someone is in here, we will shoot on sight."
#134931543Saturday, May 24, 2014 1:42 AM GMT

"With such friendliness like that, how can I refuse?" I yell, letting a bit of annoyance leak into my voice.
#134931785Saturday, May 24, 2014 1:45 AM GMT

"You probably know very well what it's like to be shot at. We can't take any chances," the gravelly voice replies. "You mind coming out to the living room so we can get a good look at you?"
#134931929Saturday, May 24, 2014 1:47 AM GMT

"You can also get a good shot on me in the living room."
#134932578Saturday, May 24, 2014 1:54 AM GMT

Adam I wake up, stretch, then begin heading out of my office to greet the day.
#134933401Saturday, May 24, 2014 2:04 AM GMT

Adam You walk into the Barracks and see Liah treating one of your wounded mercenaries. He had been found when you sent your mercenaries out to collect the bodies. "His fever isn't going down," Liah said once you entered the room. Brett "Well, I'll come into the kitchen then. I've been shot a lot, another bullet wound wouldn't hurt," the gravelly voice replies. The man steps into the kitchen, making eye contact with you. He left his weapon in the previous room. (Read up on Mason - http://piratepad.net/K05AqIekxZ) "Well, you believe us now?" he asks once fully in the kitchen.
#134933574Saturday, May 24, 2014 2:06 AM GMT

"Yes. There's really only one question if you want me to join." He looks at the man, a slightly coy smile. "Do you have food?"
#134933748Saturday, May 24, 2014 2:08 AM GMT

Adam "Let him rest, give him fluids to drink, make him feel special," I say.
#134934020Saturday, May 24, 2014 2:11 AM GMT

Adam - Liah shakes her head. "I've been doing that for the past day. His fever hasn't broken yet. Unfortunately, I can't find any antibiotics for this. Well, I haven't had the time to search. Can you deal with that for me?" she asks, wiping away some sweat from the man's brow. Brett - Another man walks in, shorter than the first one. "Aye, we do. Military-grade rations. We've taken over a Dread Hound base," the man says with his icy voice. "So, are you in?" the larger one asks.
#134934152Saturday, May 24, 2014 2:13 AM GMT

Adam "Now why would I know where to find antibiotics?"
#134934363Saturday, May 24, 2014 2:15 AM GMT

Adam "Just get a soldier to sort through the supplies in the warehouse," Liah suggests, going back to her work.
#134934516Saturday, May 24, 2014 2:17 AM GMT

Adam "Sure," I say, walking out and whistling loudly to get a soldier's attention.
#134934750Saturday, May 24, 2014 2:21 AM GMT

"Why not?" I grin.
#134935120Saturday, May 24, 2014 2:25 AM GMT

Adam A soldier that was watching on the East wall comes down to meet you. "Yeah? What's the issue?" Brett "Good, I like the inspiration! I guess that makes it a full load; we'll be heading back to the outpost," the man with the gravelly voice says to you. "Yeah, it will. I'm Theo, and he's Mason," the man with the icy voice informs you, leaving the kitchen with Mason.
#134935220Saturday, May 24, 2014 2:27 AM GMT

Adam "I need you to spend about five minutes in the warehouse looking for medicine to treat a fever."
#134935227Saturday, May 24, 2014 2:27 AM GMT

"Alright. You got any snacks or something? As you can tell, I certainly haven't been dining on glass pieces filled with steak.' [time pass might be cool]
#134935624Saturday, May 24, 2014 2:31 AM GMT

Adam "Alright. You uh... have any idea what that would be?" he asks. You realize this man is only in his twenties. He has no clue what would break a fever. Liah might. Brett They take you to a truck where a few more recruits are packed in; about four of them. Together, the seven of you travel on. After a while, Theo leans in toward you from the truck-bed. "So, what did you do before everything went to hell?" he asks. (Time skip here in a second.)
#134936070Saturday, May 24, 2014 2:36 AM GMT

#134936150Saturday, May 24, 2014 2:37 AM GMT

(Great. We'll need more significant characters.)
#134936469Saturday, May 24, 2014 2:41 AM GMT

"Worked as a guide through the jungle. Carried out assassinations on the job for side money. Never much liked the job, but I got pretty rich in seven years. Of course, it's pretty meaningless now."
#134936906Saturday, May 24, 2014 2:46 AM GMT

Adam "Anything with acetaminophen will help treat a fever," I say, recalling my experience as a doctor.
#134937047Saturday, May 24, 2014 2:48 AM GMT

Brett "Interesting. It looks like we're arriving here soon," Theo comments, pointing to an outpost that you could barely make out. "I used to work as a-" Theo begins, however he is cut off when a bullet pierces the windshield, nailing one of the new recruits in the head. "Shots! Mason! Get to that torn down building on our left, fifty meters away!" Theo shouts. The truck abruptly turns, making you hold on for dear life. Mason swerves behind the building which provided little cover. More shots fired, however nobody else gets hit. Everyone gets out of the car. "You mate," Theo points to you, "take my sidearm," he says, tossing you his M9. More bullets hail from an unknown source, pelting the torn down building.

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