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#135124345Monday, May 26, 2014 3:13 AM GMT

Can we please, for the love of butt muffins and all other muffins, FIX THE TRADE SYSTEM BACK TO WHAT IT USED TO BE?!?! 10T = 1R 1R = 10T Why is this so hard for RBLX to do? Last month it was 21T for 1R, now it's 17 for 1R. Do you guys care about the new comers at all? It's like you guys want the game to run off of Builder's Club. =/ And regular BC isn't even enough! 15R's a day can't get you anything fancy or good looking. In my opinion I think that NBC should get 1R and 10T's everyday. BC Should get 25R's and 40T's a day. TBC Should get 50R's and 60T's a day. OBC(Considering the "O" in OBC means OUTRAGEOUS)Should get 80 or 100R's and 100T's a day. Of course the price would have to be bumped up a bit though. I'll only do monthly though. BC - Monthly = $9.95 TBC - Monthly = $15.95 OBC - Monthly = $24.95 And the reason I say all this is because not everyone can become a awesome trader/scripter/builder. Plus, some people just want to have fun browsing games with a little bit of style.
#135124485Monday, May 26, 2014 3:14 AM GMT

Nerp. It's so hard because ROBLOX is trying to squeeze money out of the system. Players can only give each-other ROBUX via TC. They can't give admins ROBUX or take ROBUX from admins, no matter how it seems.
#135125016Monday, May 26, 2014 3:21 AM GMT

Well they need to stop trying to take money out of the system... I thought the point of RBLX was to have fun and prosper freely, I feel restricted with this money loss.
#135125165Monday, May 26, 2014 3:22 AM GMT

Having fun doesn't need to involve money.
#135125793Monday, May 26, 2014 3:30 AM GMT

But don't you get it? Haven't you noticed what it's like looking, "Non Fashionable". I was in a Anti-RK sparring game the game a few hours ago (I hadn't gotten my TBC yet, the reason I say that is because people recognize you more or "Respect" you more when you have BC)this guy comes up to me and just starts attacking, fully decked out with some nice clothes and has grammar, just swingin' away at me. I ask him to stop and this is what he says,"Oh, sorry. I didn't realize you could talk. You just look like another noob to kill to me." And all because I didn't have any style? That's just stupid.
#135125839Monday, May 26, 2014 3:31 AM GMT

And half the time you have to pay for game passes to actually do anything in a game, and it's sad too because the game can be so good.
#135125898Monday, May 26, 2014 3:32 AM GMT

Please; Refer to the WNTS...I think. I said "I think", because you nerfed the price up, although it's not worth it, and with that being said: No support!
#135126094Monday, May 26, 2014 3:34 AM GMT

@robloxwarrior89 I boosted the price because it gives you a heck of a lot more, don't you think? With that you can get limiteds and later on sell for a lot of dough.
#135126106Monday, May 26, 2014 3:34 AM GMT

Game passes? Player points are for purchasing dev products, good sir. Also, it's sad that good games make you pay for game passes. But you can always play Survival 303 or Kohltastrophe's realm. Good games don't always charge you, try the ones that don't.
#135126526Monday, May 26, 2014 3:39 AM GMT

@tery Yea but, it's just sad man...All these phenomenal games just going to waste because people get killed or annoyed because the game passes are OP and they can't afford it or something ridiculous like that. Say your in a fighting game, it has martial arts combat. You can train up that combat to get a weapon of your choice. That weapon can get skills but only by obtaining kills, then here comes the guy with the game pass that gives him a move that can wipe out all enemies in a 500 stud radius but has a 5 minute cool down. Like cmon now?
#135126936Monday, May 26, 2014 3:44 AM GMT

@tery(Continued)He starts the game with nothing but combat and all these other people around him with decked out suits of armour and weapons, and here he comes with the move that gives him 1k exp and then he surpasses everyone in a instant.

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