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#135213731Tuesday, May 27, 2014 1:03 AM GMT

The trilogy coming together. The trifecta of wackness. This will was a lil quicker than expected, ya'll drop wack lines faster than Detroit does dead bodies. But let's drop some dishonorable mentions: 8-Ball: Your name make you sound like a lost member of Onyx, mainly just boring as hell doe. Demon: I ain't got the energy to go over what's wrong with you fool. Trying hard as hell to seem Satanic when he's probably about to go a bible study with his homeboys. Enormity:Compared himself to MC Hammer doe, what's next? "I'm so chill call me Vanilla Ice! I'm mad nice! haha!" Now for the nitty grit and what not #10. Legacy AKA What do you mean Middle schoolers don't pack guns? I'm dead after his lyrics. It's like "Don't Be a Menace" in rap form. Like "Malibu's Most Wanted" was for real. I'll just ghost write for you now. "YO I'M LEGACY AND I'M KINDA CRAZY I SPITTIN WITH THIS AK DONT MAKE MY DAY GUNS GUNS GUNS AND BULLETS YO YO YO YO YO YO BLOOD BLOOD! I LOVE BLOOD! CASHING CHECKS AND SPILLIN BLOOD I CALL IT A BLOOD BANK!" #9. Infamou$ AKA 0.2 GPA AKA MC Unemployment AKA Who Reads anymore?! Alright, roblox need a guy dropping club tracks. Thanks man. Thanks a lot. We needed to get "turnt" on weak lyrics apparently. Most young rappers look up to Nas or Jay-Z but nah this dude was like "Yo!!! That Pitbull album is fiiiree! Wish him and Flo Rida would collab more" #8. The remaining fools in Radix Records RCRD was annoying as hell back in the day, but ya'll surpassed them tenfold. I'm tired of seeing this Special Ed class of "MC's." I just imagine ya'll as a bunch of drooling window lickas googling words that rhyme. We need to start holding interventions, like ya'll fiends for wack lines. What's even worse is we ain't met most of yall yet. Half you just waiting to debut your stupidity on us. I feel like an atomic bomb of weak lines are about to drop any second, destroying families and IQs in the process. #7. hiphop10unity GOAT rap name right there, i woulda ranked him higher but he spit like two bars and just left. Infomercials run longer than your lines man, i guess that's a pro and a con. #6. Big Matrix AKA The Keanu Reeves of Hip Hop AKA What's a paragraph? Yo enough of the generic nonsense, just douse this fool in gasoline and light a match. We'll toast marshmallows over him and listen to somebody that ain't awful. The only reason he ain't higher is cause he's always on lion's joints and you might as well be Slick Rick in '91 compared to that Class A clown, but you can't even take advantage of the low standards. #5. Eazy Breezy I had to double check if this dude was for real. Just check this dude's bars. http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=135125674 "because your words can get you clocked, with an alarm clock" O.G. man. Do I even need to joke? #4. Snoop Clu- nah screw that name kingrose. This dude's tear drop rate has lessened so i feel like i can roast him a little harder now. #3. Phantom For the love of Zod please cap this dude. Let a school bus clip him on the sidewalk while he's freestylin'. I ain't even gonna roast you, i'm just gonna drop some of your bars. "Don't worry little man its okay UNTIL I GRAB MY KNIFE AND STAB YOU IN THE LEG CRACK YOU OPEN LIKE AN EGG THEN ASK YOUR MOTHER "HOW WAS YOUR DAY" MAY DAY MAY DAY Your rap career is falling" That's right, emos kids started ghost writin'. Oh and dis classic. "I lay you out in the road to die you see Call it roadkill" Haha..get it...you're gonna die...on THE ROAD....LIKE...ROAD KILL!!! HAHAHAAHA! Send Dave Chappelle that one, wild man. #2. King hurricane AKA "Tornado..." Tornado's a fitting name cause your rhymes blow. But I forgot you existed for a minute, and i kinda wish it stayed like that. Now check this dope line "Get the chainsaw like Jason." Pop quiz: What movie killer uses a chainsaw? Maybe the one in the movie with Chainsaw in the title. Mo' classics doe "Then throw em down the field like I'm Peyton." Cause Peyton's the Quarterback you wanna be this year. Then he had the nerve to say "you're so soft you wish everything I said before was censored." Censor what? Your lack of knowledge over horror movies or that you compared himself to Peyton Manning? Wild dawg. Drum roll..... bum da bum da do..do...do...doo... you already know so this is pointless... #1. Lionhart AKA The Struggle Bar King AKA The Young Money Stan AKA Who's Rakim? AKA Lil Wayne's drawers smell like flowers AKA "Big Daddy Kane? You mean the guy from WWF?" AKA MC Cornball AKA The Septic Tank of Rap Lines You been hittin' a ten on the wackness Richter scale dog. I dont know if you leading The Justice League of wack rappers AKA Radix but you certainly seem to be their gold standard for broke metaphors. Sound like you write your lines while watching Adam Sandler movies. Mattafact... i think we should drop a few of these Sesame Street worthy punches. -Im the next big thing, you can ask Godzilla I'm sure he'll have a well thought reply. -This Rap game turned into a football game, im the only one on the field Cause football's a one man sport doe. -Then finish the rest and make them suffer through decpitation I'm assuming this low vocab having fool is saying decapitation, and he's also unaware that decapitation is a swift process. -I was raised on some real S, a toilet is in my culture "Follow me to the family gallery. Here's out great grandfather Ezekiel, here's our grandmother Kate, here's our Uncle Stew, and here's Stew's toilet." A'ight let me breathe after that Wu-Tang worthy rhyme fest. For real, I congratulate you for managing to keep your IQ at an all time high of 45 while you spit your bars. you inspiration to wack rappers all over and i hope that Soulja Boy rhyme book you're using has at least one dope line in it. 'til next time, peace. Word is bond.
#135213975Tuesday, May 27, 2014 1:06 AM GMT

You'll notice i didn't go at kingrose like i said i would, but roblox doesn't believe in edit buttons so i can't fix that nonsense. Just imagine a verbal beatdown doe.
#135215183Tuesday, May 27, 2014 1:18 AM GMT

Demon is Phantom just like Tornado is King Hurricane. Alter Ego.
#135216211Tuesday, May 27, 2014 1:29 AM GMT

well -10 points for phantom for lack of creativity in his name.
#135219030Tuesday, May 27, 2014 2:01 AM GMT

you forgot all of them because ro-rap is a joke [2WC / ND / JD]
#135219883Tuesday, May 27, 2014 2:10 AM GMT

do juan for cdawg
#135221202Tuesday, May 27, 2014 2:25 AM GMT

k son , I respect your opinion. No hard feelings ;)
#135244202Tuesday, May 27, 2014 11:48 AM GMT

lionhart got told off
#135251731Tuesday, May 27, 2014 2:49 PM GMT

rofl @above
#135256005Tuesday, May 27, 2014 4:17 PM GMT

>#8. The remaining fools in Radix Records woah woah chill i haven't even shown you most of my material yet
#135279709Tuesday, May 27, 2014 9:59 PM GMT

theres always a part IV naruto, you can get your own slot one day.
#135280387Tuesday, May 27, 2014 10:06 PM GMT

lel Meow I'm a cow
#135292014Wednesday, May 28, 2014 12:07 AM GMT

I see sonic didn't respond to my post.
#135292199Wednesday, May 28, 2014 12:08 AM GMT

Watchu want a cookie and a bed time story?
#135292287Wednesday, May 28, 2014 12:09 AM GMT

That would be nice (;
#135292347Wednesday, May 28, 2014 12:10 AM GMT

I'll go warm up the milk.
#135292395Wednesday, May 28, 2014 12:10 AM GMT

K thankchu ;D
#135292732Wednesday, May 28, 2014 12:13 AM GMT

i'll read some of lion's lyrics until someone laughs to exhaustion.
#135293120Wednesday, May 28, 2014 12:17 AM GMT

You go do that.
#135293735Wednesday, May 28, 2014 12:22 AM GMT

Ether Make more these make me crack up
#135295467Wednesday, May 28, 2014 12:39 AM GMT

Quit putting me as number 1 you racist, bias MFer. Just because im mixed and the most relevant rapper doesn't mean target me. We al know u hate me so u put me in 1. Let me help you understand my metaphors, kid. -Im the next big thing, you can ask Godzilla I'm sure he'll have a well thought reply. >Godzilla is big. Did you not know that? -This Rap game turned into a football game, im the only one on the field Cause football's a one man sport doe. >I am saying I am the only good rapper left -Then finish the rest and make them suffer through decpitation I'm assuming this low vocab having fool is saying decapitation, and he's also unaware that decapitation is a swift process. >Decapitation* Come on sonic. You've known me long enough to know that I wouldn't use "Decipitation" smh -I was raised on some real S, a toilet is in my culture "Follow me to the family gallery. Here's out great grandfather Ezekiel, here's our grandmother Kate, here's our Uncle Stew, and here's Stew's toilet." >Not one of my best, but basically I am making a metaphor of "S"
#135295662Wednesday, May 28, 2014 12:41 AM GMT

Good, Lil Weenie didn't make the list
#135295934Wednesday, May 28, 2014 12:43 AM GMT

>Godzilla is big. Did you not know that? You know he don't speak in full sentences? >I am saying I am the only good rapper left You just made that line even worse.
#135296142Wednesday, May 28, 2014 12:45 AM GMT

>Godzilla is big. Did you not know that? You know he don't speak in full sentences? >It's a metaphor. You don't know what that is doe? >I am saying I am the only good rapper left You just made that line even worse. >Explain.
#135296273Wednesday, May 28, 2014 12:46 AM GMT

>It's a metaphor. You don't know what that is doe? Retake English I-III, if you've taken them in the first place. >Explain. For you to be the only good rapper alive, every other dude would have to drop dead at the same time.

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