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#135913421Tuesday, June 03, 2014 9:19 PM GMT

The “TeleportService” has done wonders for place development on ROBLOX, but I find it often falls a bit short on it’s potential to make massive impact on the way ROBLOX games run. I believe a simple addition could create a massively more powerful system that gave place creators more power over their games, as well as an ability to make games more interconnected with one another. As it stands we have a very limited control of the “TeleportService” using “TeleportToSpawnByName,” but it simply lacks the power to transmit a some really cool data. I imagine a system where games could track if you came to them from an ad in another game, could place you in a lobby based off where you came from, could database games connected to it through this service. I suggest that the TeleportService passes into the receiving place the PlaceId of where the teleport originated. This would require an additional event (or modifying of the “PlayerJoined” event to pass it in) that would allow games to check if a user who joined came in through the “TeleportService” and if so the PlaceId of where they came from. I imagine this isn’t a far stretch since they can already pass spawn names, why not a simple integer? But what does this do for us? How is this some “massive” improvement? I image one vastly powerful use being advertisements within other games. Many content creators have already taken advantage of the ability to make in-game ads for other places and content through the “TeleportService” as well as the “MarketplaceService.” Imagine you are playing a game, let’s call it “Digital Runner”, and it displays a small ad for a place you’ve never heard of, and the ad reads, “Play Tankwars to receive an exclusive wireframe tank skin!” You click the ad and it confirms if you want to leave the place and you do, and you go to “Tankwars” and the game rewards you with an exclusive skin only for people who joined through the advertisement at the “Digital Runner” game. This creates win-win-win advertising. The original person who is hosting the ad in “Digital Runner” will receive increased traffic as people who like “Tankwars” want an exclusive item. “Tankwars” gets more visits because it’s ad offers rewards. Users get free content in “Tankwars.” This gives developers one more way to network with eachother to increase productivity, as well as to improve user experiences. What else could we do? Well the possibilities are pretty limitless and as ROBLOX adds more features the ways this could be used will only grow. I can only imagine what people would think to use this for! TL;DR - Allow places to read where people teleported in from. Adds lots of ways developers can network and increase productivity and enhance user experiences. So that’s pretty well the gist of the idea, if anyone has any comments, questions, or suggestions I would love to hear them, and let’s hope we can see some official weigh in on the subject! Thanks for your time ~TecmagDiams
#135976453Wednesday, June 04, 2014 2:50 PM GMT

Simply bumping this post after a day. Really hope I can get some feedback on this post.
#135978103Wednesday, June 04, 2014 3:23 PM GMT

This is an extremely good idea.
#135978178Wednesday, June 04, 2014 3:24 PM GMT

#135978686Wednesday, June 04, 2014 3:33 PM GMT

Thanks TheEllimistOfAwesome! I really think that simple improvements to systems like this can make really big impact. It really just opens up so many possibilities that benefit everyone. Robloxmascot2, thanks for the bump I guess. Please try to stay on topic and make relevant posts. Thanks!
#135978850Wednesday, June 04, 2014 3:36 PM GMT

@roblox LEL @op Yes, i guess
#135978855Wednesday, June 04, 2014 3:36 PM GMT

#135979839Wednesday, June 04, 2014 3:50 PM GMT

Thanks nathan15051! Glad you liked the idea.
#135981469Wednesday, June 04, 2014 4:14 PM GMT

GREAT idea, alternative use is train systems in a universe.
#135982181Wednesday, June 04, 2014 4:24 PM GMT

I didn't mention use inside universes simply because you can currently achieve the same effects by having each player have a mark in a data store that shows when they leave a place via a script, and read it in when they load. However I did also think about that too, having a Game connect multiple places through the TeleportService and having spawn locations, train stations, etc. read from place ID coming in. It's another way to achieve the effect, and probably a more reliable way. Plus a system like this could achieve the effect though places that are not in the same Game. Thanks for the feedback! ^.^
#135996696Wednesday, June 04, 2014 7:33 PM GMT

Just going to give this a mid-day bump.
#136000775Wednesday, June 04, 2014 8:13 PM GMT

Many advantages. Good idea.
#136002294Wednesday, June 04, 2014 8:28 PM GMT

Thanks, I'm glad you like it.
#136063590Thursday, June 05, 2014 1:17 PM GMT

A new day, a new bump.
#136066146Thursday, June 05, 2014 2:20 PM GMT

That wouldn't be a bad idea.....hmm..... ~Phelps in OT~
#136066594Thursday, June 05, 2014 2:29 PM GMT

Support! This is nice! I think we should have the ability to transfer all variables to another game. This would help universes A LOT. -LIV Head Of Technology
#136487757Monday, June 09, 2014 5:31 PM GMT

Thanks for the support. I don't really think user input should be transferable, since as it stands it can be transferred through places in the same game through the DataStore. Allowing other input makes it vulnerable to other games forcing data in. I had given that potential some thought myself and just figured it really wasn't feasible too add a secure way of doing so that differs enough from existing systems.
#136576557Tuesday, June 10, 2014 3:47 PM GMT

Another of my occasional bumps.

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