#141282274Wednesday, July 23, 2014 4:21 PM GMT

(I didn't mention it but I'm a boy :P ) -Kisuke- I unsheath my blades, put them near Azraek's neck and look at Alyssa while asking her: "Who is that boy? Why did he get out of the neck of a titan? Was he trapped inside? Tell me! Is he a titan that can turn Human? Is he a friend or a foe?" Suddenly, I stop talking: I looked at his face and recognized it. He saved me once from a Titan. He seemed friendly and respectful. I always wanted to be like him. I remove my blades with surprise, and tell Alyssa: "Sorry for getting anxious, I'm always scared from Titans, since THAT event. Can you explain to me what happened?"
#141287966Wednesday, July 23, 2014 5:26 PM GMT

( Episode copy. .-. ) ~ Si je donnais 80% de ne pas se soucier, que 20% signifierait temps et gaspillé.
#141289662Wednesday, July 23, 2014 5:43 PM GMT

@Laser It's normal we're afraid of the Shifter, that's how the Garrison reacted.
#141290847Wednesday, July 23, 2014 5:55 PM GMT

( I know, but you could've changed it up, and added a little more detail in it. Not the almost same way but different names. )
#141293546Wednesday, July 23, 2014 6:24 PM GMT

(Sorry about that.) -Alyssa- I sigh and return to my blank gaze. "It depends. Can I trust you enough to tell you? Will you tell the others?" I ask the boy, glaring at him. I put my blades away and put a hand on my hip, waiting for his answer.
#141293898Wednesday, July 23, 2014 6:29 PM GMT

( Even though I might join, I am going to critisize what is happening right now. qq In a minute though. ) ~ Si je donnais 80% de ne pas se soucier, que 20% signifierait temps et gaspillé.
#141294001Wednesday, July 23, 2014 6:30 PM GMT

(I'm just waiting for a reply.)
#141294213Wednesday, July 23, 2014 6:33 PM GMT

( I understand, but this is almost the exact same thing going on in AOT, though I wish you would make your own story instead of changing the names and a little bit of the actions. "Turns into a titan and rips off others arm." A bit powerplay much, no? Ah well, I am the only one thinking this probably though. That's what I get for reading it. Change the story just a little bit, and make sure not to power play and I'd love to take part in this amazing saga. ) ~ Si je donnais 80% de ne pas se soucier, que 20% signifierait temps et gaspillé.
#141297556Wednesday, July 23, 2014 7:10 PM GMT

Laser is right, what do we do?
#141298320Wednesday, July 23, 2014 7:19 PM GMT

( You make your own story, not copy off what they do on the show. Simple, or however I see it is. Should be for everyone. )
#141298895Wednesday, July 23, 2014 7:26 PM GMT

Why the hell is everyone a Titan shifter
#141299553Wednesday, July 23, 2014 7:33 PM GMT

I don't know elf. Personally I hate being a Shifter. I like the 3DMG fighting style more. @Laser I meant, do we start a new story or keep on with the current one
#142192725Thursday, July 31, 2014 5:23 PM GMT

(Trust me, titan shifting is OP. And he means, that we don't follow the anime's story line. Like this.) -Alyssa- I turn my head to the boy and keep a glare on my face. I pull Azraek up to his feet with a slight flicker of concern in my eyes. He'll be fine, that titan did a hard one on him. I look at the other boy. "What's your name, and which squad are you with?" I ask him, my emotionless gaze on. (Like instead of shifting, we say that Azraek almost got eaten by a titan and he was injured. Changed it up so no more titan shifting. Although, Azreak isn't my character.)
#142274231Friday, August 01, 2014 2:07 PM GMT

(So no Trost District?) "I'm Kisuke Kowarami, squad 5, from wall Maria. And you?" I look at the boy, he doesn't seem badly injured. "Do you know anything about the Titans head we find everywhere? It seems something powerful is destroying them" (A shifter is killing some titans)
#142309090Friday, August 01, 2014 9:24 PM GMT

-Alyssa- I look at him, my eyes shifting to the titans heads. "The other boy is fine. I'm Alyssa Marie Carter. I was the top graduate of the 103rd trainees corps and I am from Wall Maria. I am with squad 2, the advanced squad. And no, I don't know why happened there." I look back over to Azraek, my eyes showing slight concern for him.
#142369268Saturday, August 02, 2014 11:39 AM GMT

"Do you have a medikit? I am concerned about that boy, his head is still bleading." I hear some screams coming from a forest near the town and understand someone is in danger. "I should go there, follow me when you're done."
#142376016Saturday, August 02, 2014 2:14 PM GMT

-Alyssa- I nod my head and wrap a bandage around Araeks head. "He'll be fine. Let's go." I say and grapple off quickly, going faster then them. A person is in trouble and I need to get there quickly. I keep grappling from buildings until we get to the forest area. I grapple a hook into a tree and swing around it, letting go and soaring in the air for a second before grappling onto another tree, my green scouting legion cape flowing in the air behind me.
#142416688Saturday, August 02, 2014 10:52 PM GMT

I keep grappling from tree to tree, using as much gas as possible to reach the guy in trouble. A titan appears in front of me, it tries to grab me but I dodge its hand, firing my grapples into his eyes. I turn around it and kill it. "Wow, didn't think I could do it, take that you monster." The screams are getting louder and louder, it seems lots of people and... A Titan? A titan just roared. I look at Alyssa passing near me."Eh she's fast! We should better keep going."
#142428409Sunday, August 03, 2014 1:15 AM GMT

-Alyssa- I nod my head and look up at the direction we're going. I'm at least a few feet ahead of the others. Mainly because I move fast. I can hear the screams and my eyes shift into a glare. What could possibly be going on? What titans are doing this? It doesn't matter, all titans are the same. They eat people and that's it. Fowl creatures.
#142474619Sunday, August 03, 2014 2:10 PM GMT

I find them, people wearing the Survey Corps' uniform, fighting a Titan. It's a 12m tall, brown-haired one. A soldier fires his grapple to its neck but the Titan grabs it and starts spinning him. It suddenly throws him to a wall. Maybe I should refer to it as "he". He's intelligent! He thinks and moves as a human, some Titans even attacks him. He just punches their head and it goes flying. Why is he here? To eradicate all the Survey Corps? I look at Alyssa: "Hey, he looks human: it seems a human is controlling him, but he's an enemy. Pay attention"
#142521646Sunday, August 03, 2014 11:52 PM GMT

-Aylssa- I look at the titan and glare. "It seems it is. But that doesn't make it innocent. It's killing innocent people. Do you really think that it will help us? He seems pretty focused on killing them." I say, glancing at Kisuke. I don't care who it is. I'm angry that it's killing our people. I keep a stone hard glare on my face.
#142560983Monday, August 04, 2014 8:23 AM GMT

"I'll distract it." I grapple to his eyes, turn around him and cut his left ankle. He falls on his knees and puts his hands on his neck. "So he knows he got a weakpoint. Alyssa, I'll slash the muscles around his left hand. Do the same with the others"
#142566227Monday, August 04, 2014 10:27 AM GMT

[Still possible to do the CS?]
#142567646Monday, August 04, 2014 11:04 AM GMT

(Yeah sure)
#142568603Monday, August 04, 2014 11:28 AM GMT

-Alyssa- I nod and grapple around the titan quickly. I grapple around its arm area and go as fast as I can, slashing everywhere I can on its arms. I slash the left arm, then the right arm, and they fall down by its side. I glare as slice down the leg over and over again, until steam is coming out of it. I won't let it regenerate. I go back up to its arms and slice as hard as I can, which is really hard, and slice down its arms. I'm going so fast, the only thing you could see of me is a blur.