#149320973Friday, November 07, 2014 9:12 AM GMT

Germania Soldiers decide to take on the government side to end the war quicker. Germanian transmissions say of a large fleet of 25 Battleships is arriving to destroy the rebels ESE trains are used for Germanian purposes for carrying supplies Germanian tanks eventually arrive patrolling the capital city The rebels saw for the first time Germanian Uber tanks being made of thick Iron and powered by Stratusium engines to make it as fast as a normal car but the disadvantage is that it takes a long reload time. Orbital strikes target possible rebellion camps and rebel patrols are constantly ambushed by the Germanian Special forces.
#149321615Friday, November 07, 2014 10:15 AM GMT

[ Solar Confederate States ] Elite rebels who captured the recently upgraded East Sol battleship (estimately 50 ships) intercepts the Germanian battleships and open fire with a powerful color-red plasma bolt which will damage electricity. Meanwhile, the Confederacy occupied Ganymede and most of the imperial soldiers are dead. =SCENE 2= A rebel raised the flag of the Solar Confederate States in a colony base and he shouted, "LONG LIVE THE CONFEDERACY!" and the rebels cheered. (On which battle Mang? Confederacy will be a decisive victory in the Battle of Ganymede (a moon) as they are a former elite East Solar soldiers, you only intercept the Confederacy in the battle for the trade route..) --- [ Solar Imperial Government ] General Dakkar is making a plan to retake Jupiter's moons before it's too late meanwhile about 5000+ has been volunteered to fight against the traitors and we thanked to Germania for help.
#149322420Friday, November 07, 2014 11:31 AM GMT

(I plan to enter the battle of Ganymede) Germania Germanian scout bots explore Ganymede and spot the rebels and sent the signal to the Germanian control post Germanian ships are headed for Ganymede for recapture Rebels hpwever spotted a large fleet headed towards the moon.
#149323855Friday, November 07, 2014 12:57 PM GMT

Germania The battleships were damaged but guns were still operational and shot down any hostile aircraft and backup power is restored. Germanian ships Ganymede Ships landed and Millions of robotic soldiers marched out and searched for rebels Ships provide overwatch and Ganymede was Radio jammed and Warp blocked.
#149330014Friday, November 07, 2014 5:24 PM GMT

[Solar Confederate States] Estimated 300,000 rebels has been sent to Ganymede for a second battle in that moon. C-D2, a recently finished military project from the East Solar Empire has first deployed to Ganymede about 90+. The C-D2 is flying around and start shooting the Germanian robots Confederacy super battleships chase down the Germanian battleships and ambush them from the rear. We sent Germanian transmission with a translated Human language (as Germania are humans.), it said, "Hey humans. Your literally taking the wrong side. Most of the government are corrupted while us is not. The real ESE is a real imperial confederate republic. If you take their side, the history in the Solar System will be..changed into darkness."
#149350800Saturday, November 08, 2014 12:21 AM GMT

Germania Our politicians veto the Germanian leader to take the rebel's side Germania Germanian soldiers secretly join the rebellion and the Empire's personal guard(ESE's Governor) is said to be assassinated by a silenced bullet to the head by the Germanian secret service.
#149350986Saturday, November 08, 2014 12:24 AM GMT

Germanian forces Ganymede We provide rebels with stronger weapons like Cromiumized Assault rifles able to shoot through walls and Germanian AS-4 Rocket launchers capable of destroying a fighter spacecraft. Has lock on incapable of destruction from flares and can be disarmed remotely.
#149351004Saturday, November 08, 2014 12:24 AM GMT

-Gene- "Well time to make a stand aye?" Gene asked, her arms turning into orange rifles similar to the more lethal syndicate tech.
#149351272Saturday, November 08, 2014 12:27 AM GMT

-Krypka- "Aye" She stated back as a storm of footsteps could be heard down the hall. "Death to the intruders!" A guttural shout roared. "Send me their heads!" The first few men came around the corner, rifles raised and their black armor gleaming. Krypka initially poked over the consol, letting off three rounds from her sidearm. She brought down two soldiers however three more took their place, raining fire down on their position.Krypka yelped, ducking back behind the consol and slamming a fresh clip into her sidearm. "Gene..." She said, trying to grab her attention.
#149355783Saturday, November 08, 2014 1:32 AM GMT

the lack of posts for numous makes me cry
#149369918Saturday, November 08, 2014 5:05 AM GMT

Germania Germania invites Geramond for the first Technology Competition.
#149372443Saturday, November 08, 2014 6:04 AM GMT

(Just gonna repost my earlier post, just in case Rom somehow managed to "miss" it.) -TE- In the first signs of activity in what seems like months, the Tal'ed Empire sends out a beaconed correspondence to various other empires. The message simply says that there have been some "disturbances" along the outer perimeter of the empire, and are asking if any of the other empire have reported similar events. -ANWHAR- Anwhar's ship arrives at the Nafarian planet he first sought refuge on. He immediately sends out a message to the first Nafarian message channel he can find. The message goes as followed: "The Governor is dead. Everyone on his ship is dead. His ship has most likely been destroyed. I am the sole survivor." -???- Somewhere deep within space, a large fleet is being amassed and prepped for war.
#149381674Saturday, November 08, 2014 2:01 PM GMT

Terrain Coalition The Titan project is going as planned. The Gigantis forces arm their weapons, pointing them right at the Germanian home planet.
#149387124Saturday, November 08, 2014 4:02 PM GMT

Chaos and Science Regimes: NEXUS Project has been developed and is being led by Dr. Eon and Dr. Thrax, a top scientist from the Death Regime. Project is currently under planning. Mobile L.E.V. Fortress units are now under mass-production, estimated construction rate: 1 and a third per day. AEGIS Exo-Suits currently being researched and tested by high-ranked Engineering Team Halcyon-H03. Remaining probes complete and launched at other locations (One to the hermit territory, another heading for Germainian territory, others exploring random locations, which means you can say they've gone through your territory if you want). Death Regime: Dr. Thrax is now busy with the NEXUS Project. . . No further news so far. . .
#149395088Saturday, November 08, 2014 6:18 PM GMT

Terrain Coalition The Gigantis forces start to spread around the planet, in doing so, notice the probe approaching Germania. The ship releases a small fighter ship to collect it.
#149412852Saturday, November 08, 2014 11:02 PM GMT

Germania Germanian home defences were activated destroying most of the fighters and damaging the rest. The Germanian titans were released and started to attack any remaining ships.
#149421502Sunday, November 09, 2014 1:26 AM GMT

Terrain Coalition The Gigantis forces activate their shields, and start firing their Tentium cannons, literally tearing apart some of the planet.
#149422808Sunday, November 09, 2014 1:46 AM GMT

Germania Mini Hack bots or MHBs swarm the shields attempting disabling Some sheilds are punctured and the titan doesn't care and eats the ships whole with or without the shield The germanian home planet enables it's Danger proof shield made to deflect projectiles.
#149423094Sunday, November 09, 2014 1:50 AM GMT

The Tentium beams deteriorate the shields. Fighters come out to surround and attack the titan along with the hack bots. Meanwhile, smaller tentium beams scan the titan and tear at it.
#149423576Sunday, November 09, 2014 1:57 AM GMT

Germania Distress call We call The solar empire for assistance as our planet is being sieged Germanian Planetary defenses shoot at the titan damging it The Germanian titan charges at the opposing titan and punches it very hard The enemy is losing ground and more ships is getting destroyed. Germanian reveals it's secret weapon An asteroid gun in Germania fires at the enemy ships blowing them up The titan eats the enemy crew and whatever remains. Germanian Astronauts man their Stratusium Forcefield destroyers and disabled the forcefields of enemy ships and frying their systems making them sitting ducks. Germania offers surrender to them.
#149424116Sunday, November 09, 2014 2:04 AM GMT

The Terrain Coalition The Gigantis forces use a technique that they installed, hibernation mode. An indestructible body is formed from a powerful tentium body. around in the ship, in return they cannot fire. The ships also secretly send out distress calls. They cannot maneuver very well, so they just end up floating around like space junk.
#149424221Sunday, November 09, 2014 2:06 AM GMT

(also, what other titan?)
#149424451Sunday, November 09, 2014 2:09 AM GMT

Germania Peaces of the Hibernated ships are picked up and thrown to an incinerator in Germania Germania rebuilds the planet and Studies the Shield destroying mechanism for their cause. Meanwhile more defenses or placed including 532 Turrents in the capital city and more Asteroid guns and now more EMP Blasts made to fry a ship instanteneously.
#149424712Sunday, November 09, 2014 2:12 AM GMT

-Anwhar- His message was initially met with no response. However three Nafarian razor class interceptors lay looming above the planet's atmosphere. Red lights dotted their hulls, indicating that they were active and likely filled with Nafarian soldiers.
#149424956Sunday, November 09, 2014 2:15 AM GMT

-ANWHAR- Anwhar begins to descend slowly, changes frequencies, and then repeats the message.