#149823004Saturday, November 15, 2014 8:51 PM GMT

-Usurpian Mars- The first wave of Dropships descend through the planets atmosphere backed by a couple of razors. The soldiers take note of the primarily Usurpian forces, expecting it to be filled with Germanian soldiers scans are sent out for any big cannons that could take out the razors while the first Dropships release their payloads of infantry and tanks. (Agil, I'll be sending you a pm regarding universe info once I'm off work.)
#149830661Saturday, November 15, 2014 10:42 PM GMT

-Beta- "No need, I was sent to ensure you and Gene return safely. I will provide an escape route via the path of least resistance." Beta said. (Truthfully I'd just usually let this pass and happen if it was gonna, but this is like, prime badass moment so just...yea ask what the path of least resistance is k?)
#149835963Saturday, November 15, 2014 11:55 PM GMT

Kenterian Kingdom (Iris, Kenterian Invasion) The Kenterian Invasion of Iris is a success after several of the factions controlling the planet surrender when we demonstrated our power through a small, quick bombardment of its capital. Several battalions disperse from the main FOB in the capital to occupy other major cities on the planet. (Kentau) News reaches back that the invasion of Iris was a success. Billions of Kentau's residents celebrate this victory. A small clip of footage is sent back showing the Kenterian flag flying over the former capital of Iris.
#149837075Sunday, November 16, 2014 12:12 AM GMT

-Krypka- She shook her head, smiling. She pressed the data chip against betas palm now. Looking towards the hall. "I don't know what you have as means to an easy way out but I can assure you that unless there's a diversion they'll be on us even after we leave the palace. I was caught extracting the data, and they aren't happy about it. I can trust you to hide that from their sensors can't i?" She asked.
#149839097Sunday, November 16, 2014 12:41 AM GMT

Germania All civillians are taken in neutral refugee ships and germania proposed surrender by raising a white flag.
#149839242Sunday, November 16, 2014 12:44 AM GMT

Germanian workers of Western Mars "Sir there is an unidentified spacecraft heading for the factory." "Nah probabaly some patrol craft."
#149840037Sunday, November 16, 2014 12:57 AM GMT

Germanian emergency beacon A beacon was shot out and was seen by Geramond knowing Germania is in trouble Razor ships all the razor ships saw in Germania's side were large factories and some defense guns.
#149840919Sunday, November 16, 2014 1:11 AM GMT

-Germanian Mars- The Razors take stock of their surroundings, keeping a fair distance away from the defensive guns while they deployed dropships on the ground. Troops are released among the factories, and burly, gruff voices sergeants ordered for civilians to be taken to demilitarized zones. A few tank divisions were also released towards the center of Germanian Mars, anticipating armored resistance.
#149841276Sunday, November 16, 2014 1:16 AM GMT

Rom, up for a PS2 session? #SeparateForums
#149841736Sunday, November 16, 2014 1:23 AM GMT

Germania The alarm was raised as factory workers shut down their work and run away Low defense was placed as the foctiries were neutral Germanian soldiers eventually arrive and start manning defense guns and trying to shoot down the razors.
#149842083Sunday, November 16, 2014 1:28 AM GMT

-Germanian Mars- The few Razors remaining in range of the guns begin to turn and flee to a minimum safe distance, their shields taking heavy damage in the short assault however. Meanwhile, the Nafarian infantry and armored divisions begin heading towards the heavy guns. A few dreadnoughts could be seen in their midst, shouting orders and waving their iconic red wrist blades.
#149844307Sunday, November 16, 2014 2:02 AM GMT

Kenterian Kingdom (Iris, Kenteria) The situation on Iris has improved quite a lot. Houses are being rebuilt, farms and mines are being created and Kenterian technology has been spreading to Iris quite so much. However, crime and poverty is still a big issue to be tackled. Iris has been quiet for quite some time now. Parliament recently passed a law to recolonize Iris' only moon. (Iris Orbit, Kenteria) King Edel ordered 60,000 troops currently on Iris to return to the fleet. The fleet would then wait for another fleet (carrying King Edel) to come and merge with them. The fleet would then be sent out to find other empires and make alliances.
#149846421Sunday, November 16, 2014 2:32 AM GMT

( Rom, Usurpians never discovered the Solar System. Germania owns Western Mars and the Solar Republic (formerly the East Solar Empire) owns Eastern Mars. Usurpians just invaded only the colonies of Germania which is not on the Solar System -.- )
#149848060Sunday, November 16, 2014 2:55 AM GMT

(... Well snap. The way you worded it made it sound like Mars itself was split into half...)
#149849244Sunday, November 16, 2014 3:16 AM GMT

-CS sheet- Faction: The Harassers Species: Human Species lifespan: 0-116 Type of government: Republic Home planet: Earth Number of colonies: 2 Morality: Good History: The Harassers split from the original Earth government and became what some call terrorists, brigands, traitors, Etc. They eventually settled on a planet they called Alatar. Character name: Tophy Age: 21 Weapons: Ripper Items: A plasma grenade and a black/gold backpack with /2eJPtrj on the back-centre. Personality: Tophy is a very social guy. He often drinks after a mission done well but is extremely focused during said mission. Easily he's a very nice guy who likes to play video-games on whichever cruiser he's going to be deployed on. Species: Human Morality: Good #SeparateForums
#149856588Sunday, November 16, 2014 5:16 AM GMT

(Accepted. Huge influx of human characters all of the sudden. I'm glad. They've had such a puny presence in this rp.)
#149865940Sunday, November 16, 2014 10:04 AM GMT

Germania Marsian defense guns try to shoot at the soldiers to defend our Marsium facories
#149866233Sunday, November 16, 2014 10:21 AM GMT

-Mars invasion- The first waves of soldiers charging in fall easily to the guns, their armor, while reliable, still couldn't withstand the heavier weapons. Orders were soon shouted amongst the legions, and ranks reformed, the men and women taking cover inside a few of the factories, disreguarding their neutral nature. Tanks made headway in a few of the streets, using their main weapons to open fire on the defensive guns while batalions of legionaires followed closely behind. A few loud explosions could be heard breaking through the sky as a few of the larger Aktun class frigates broke through the atmosphere.
#149866463Sunday, November 16, 2014 10:34 AM GMT

-Anwhar- Anwhar sees a small cluster of Nafarian legionaires, rifles raised and eyeing him cautiously. He then sees a formal looking man wearing a raven colored trenchcoat. It was adourned with few medals and the man himself looked inexpirienced, complete with cautious, red eyes and tightly cropped pitch black hair. "You mentioned everyone died. No survivors?" He asked.
#149869588Sunday, November 16, 2014 1:23 PM GMT

=ANWHAR= "Indeed I did. The fleet had come under attack, and it had become fairly obvious to both the Governor and I that we were about to die. That's why he told me to leave, go back to the planet, and tell everyone what happened. I did what I was told and left." ~2spoopy2liv, 2creppy2di
#149869755Sunday, November 16, 2014 1:29 PM GMT

Terrani Empire "sir, the germanian empire hasn't responded in 72 hours, permission to invade sir?" A cackle was heard. "permission granted." The battleships, and the gigantis ships move towards the main planet.
#149879509Sunday, November 16, 2014 4:56 PM GMT

[ SOLAR REPUBLIC ] Solar Republic in Eastern Mars has activated their alarm bell from the incoming Nafarian invasion to Mars, we tell the Germania that we will attack this Nafarian invaders to Mars. --- [ USURPIAN ELITE COLONIAL REGIMENT, 9th and 10th ] We captured many Germanian soldiers who surrender after that 8-hour battle, now, the Germanian soldiers has been sent to the ship and prisoned there and meanwhile, the soldiers discovered the Area 63 where the first decent Usurpian colonists held, the Usurpians stormed Area 63 and capture it, the Usurpian prisoners was released. Usurpian prisoner said, "Thank The Lord, finally guys, you arrived here..wait, is this creatures are dead?" and a Usurpian soldier said, "Yes, and we captured the colony, we don't even know where they come from and what nation are they." and the prisoner said, "I don't know, well..this western galaxy (Milky Way Galaxy) supposed to be our 'New World'." and the Usurpian soldier said, " right." and then the conversation stopped and the Germanians in the Area 63 including scientists has been executed. And finally, the Germanian colony planet has been annexed by the hands of the Usurpian Empire. --- [ USURPIAN EMPIRE ] The officials finally know their new enemy, the Germanian Empire BUT they still don't know where they come from. The General said to the king, "My king, we finally know our new enemy." and the king said, "Who?" and the General said, "They are called the Germanian Empire, sir, the scientists traced them well but we still don't know where they come from so we can invade their heartland." and the king said, "A very good point, General. We should find their heartland and let this empire fell into our glorious and mightiest empire!" and the General said, "Yes, my king, long live the Usurpian legacy!" Also, the Usurpian Empire declared Milky Way Galaxy as the "New World" to Usurpians because of new creatures, new empires, and new enemies.
#149881361Sunday, November 16, 2014 5:22 PM GMT

Kenterian Kingdom (Iris, Kenteria) The situation is settling, several towns and cities still have not been occupied by the Kenterian army but order is being restored on this war stricken planet. (Kentau, Kenteria) Kenteria has just finished an orbital ring station (Big halo like ring orbiting around the planet, like a space station which has a force field to protract against meteor showers and space debris) which has a minor force field to portent against meteor showers. Several of Kentau's richest have moved into the orbital ring, it is has the nickname of " The Golden Ring ". (King Edel's fleet) King Edel's fleet has just entered the war zone around mars. They send a transmission to the Nafarian and Germanian Fleets? that they come in peace. Several of the ships charge their weapons incase anything were to happen. (The ships have forcefields, except for the corvettes which carry 12-20)
#149887322Sunday, November 16, 2014 6:40 PM GMT

-GK- Geramond forces demand Terrani forces pull away from Germania or action will be taken to defend their ally.
#149889499Sunday, November 16, 2014 7:04 PM GMT

Terrani coalition "Negative, they deserve this, even you can see that!" growled Monstro.