#150151595Friday, November 21, 2014 6:29 PM GMT

-Arxius- "But they got her." He said with a nod, "Now make yourself useful and open a portal to Raj-Sins ship, we have business to conduct." Arxius ordered.
#150151695Friday, November 21, 2014 6:32 PM GMT

-Arxius- He snarled, disliking being ordered around by a mere mortal, however he did it anyhow. -Krypka- She pushed herself off of Aortis, and approached Arxius. "Your fools insisted on saving me." She said, covered in blood. "However it's no matter now. We best be off."
#150151741Friday, November 21, 2014 6:34 PM GMT

-Arxius- "It was AOrtis, you owe him for your saving, he took off to get you and wouldn't be stopped." Arxius informed her.
#150151846Friday, November 21, 2014 6:38 PM GMT

-Krypka- "I figured that myself." She said, shoooting a glance towards Aortis. "Should've left me behind." She informed Aortis. The creation lord huffed impatiently behind the group. "A cute reunion, really." he sighed. "But we really must be leaving."
#150152191Friday, November 21, 2014 6:50 PM GMT

-Aortis- "Wasn't happening." He told her. Arxius sighed and headed for the portal, "Come on beta." Beta followed without a word.
#150152429Friday, November 21, 2014 6:58 PM GMT

-Krypka- "Of course." She chuckled to herself. She hunched over in pain and winced as she did so, a couple of broken ribs contributing to it. She then moved towards the portal, walking through it as alarms began to sound through the floating city in the distance.
#150153014Friday, November 21, 2014 7:19 PM GMT

She and Aortis were the last through the portal.
#150153314Friday, November 21, 2014 7:28 PM GMT

-Krypka- The portal closed shortly after they entered, preventing any hope of them tracing the group. As the pair entered the portal however, they could quickly see that something had transpired since they had left. The nafarian fleet, visible from the viewports of the ship, had nearly doubled in size, and Krypka stared in awe at it's sudden mass. A collection of Nafarian troops quickly approached their position. "Field Marshal!" One of them announced. "General Velsus wishes to see you imedeatly!" "Velsus, here?" Krypkas asked, astonished. "Indeed ma'am. It's urgent." He said. Krypka threw a quick glance over at Aortis before nodding towards the legionaire. "Alright, take me to him." She said.
#150154040Friday, November 21, 2014 7:53 PM GMT

-Aortis- Aortis moved to follow without thinking of it.
#150154388Friday, November 21, 2014 8:03 PM GMT

(SURPRISE!) [/???\] Aboard Raj-Sin's ship, which was apparently the location of Velsa, several lights throughout the corridors appeared to flicker. For a moment, a small burst of smoke, signalling an odd sort of warp, appeared in one of the hallways, before vanishing as quickly as it had come. A song... sinisterly similar to Toreador, Music Box began to play throughout the transmission coms. An odd rasping faintly accompanied the music, and strangely, it seemed that some sort of odd vapor had become to slowly rise... Something or someone had come onto the ship....
#150154530Friday, November 21, 2014 8:07 PM GMT

-Krypka- Krypka continued to follow the trooper, until they all foundthemselves in a wide conference room. Arguing could be hear down the halls, and several Creation soldiers looked rather annoyed at the rabble the mortals were creating. "Taking the field Marshal now? Outrageous!" Came an outcry from Nuk as they entered. All was silenced however as they stepped into the room, mostly shock from Krypka's poor condition. Velsus could be seen at the far end of the table, clean cut, combed back hair, and a venomous sneer. "Well well, welcome to the party Field Marshal, you're looking dashing today aren't you?" He jested. "What do you need." Krypka retorted, crossing her arms and ignoring Velsus' snide remark. "Oh, the same thing I've been telling your commanders, the council requests your presense on Rofiria. Something big has just happened." He announced. "Something he won't tell us." Velsa interjected. She looked less than pleased than to see Velsus. "You'll all learn shortly, however Krypka, this isn't something that can be rejected, a call from the council is akin to a call from the emperor. I do highly suggest you leave at once." He said. "Can someone fill in for me? If you couldn't tell I'm a little pre occupied here saving the damned universe." She stated. "I will be filling in for you while you are absent Krypka. You needn't worry." He said. "That only gives me more reason to worry." Krypka spat. She chewwed on her gums for a moment, considering his words. All eyes rested on her as she mulled it over. Velsus smiled. "I suppose since the Field Marshal is here I can in fact release the information to you all now." He said at last, which was met with groans from those in the room. "It's the emperor. He's gone." A series of gasps surrounded the room, and Krypka's eyes widened. She looked towaards Velsus. "I must leave at once then." She announced, begining to walk out of the room, towards the hangar. Velsus' smile spread over his face as he saw what he had wrought. "Very well Field Marshal, lovely journey to you, and if I may suggest, clean up a bit before you meet with the council! They expect a royal and not a bloody mess!" He called after her.
#150154785Friday, November 21, 2014 8:14 PM GMT

-Creation ship- Creation guards are sent to the disturbance, their golden pulse rifles were raised, searching for an opponent.
#150156023Friday, November 21, 2014 8:45 PM GMT

-Aortis- Aortis snarled quietly with distrust at Velsus. They wouldn't let him accompany her, not that they needed to let him he decided as he cloaked out of sight and followed, taking to the ceiling. Before he went he issued a signal order to Beta. "Command order, no override. Watch Velsus, if he poses a threat then terminate." He ordered.
#150156169Friday, November 21, 2014 8:48 PM GMT

-Velsa- Velsa watched Aortis cloak, scowling as he did so. "Excuse me general." She said coldly. "I must excuse myself." "As do I." Nuk interjected. "As Krypka's advisor, I only see it fit that I accompany her to the council." "Very well." Velsus said, turning to who remained in the room, only a couple of colonels, and Commander Raze, who looked shocked at hearing that his emperor was gone. At that, Velsus exited the room and cloaked. She then quickly scanned for Aortis' signal, finding him only mere paces ahead of her. She ran after him, and placed a hand on his shoulder. Nuk passed them both effortlessly, unaware of their cloaked presense.
#150157544Friday, November 21, 2014 9:15 PM GMT

Germanian Laboratory "Burn these files hurry we cannot let Nafaria have these!" Scientists are burning their future war machines Germanian Civillians Desperate germanian civillians attempt to climb the wall to cross illegally into the Solar Empire.
#150158449Friday, November 21, 2014 9:29 PM GMT

Germania Germania has officially surrendered to Nafaria Geramond and Solar Empire News Germania Surrenders In 7PM Eastern Galactic Time the Geramanian officials issued a surrender after weeks of heavy fighting Germania has suffered around 600.000.000 Losses and 50000 Vehicles. Germanian civillians protest in front of the Geramond embassy demanding something to be done. Meanwhile, Germanian civillians are climbing the wall desperate to escape from Nafarian rule and crossing illegally into the Solar Empire In other news Germanian refuge craft shot down no surviviors total death toll 400 Civillians.
#150159190Friday, November 21, 2014 9:42 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#150159437Friday, November 21, 2014 9:46 PM GMT

(Fire a beacon but the likelihood is you will be annexxed) Germanian Dimension 17 The dimension is evacuated and left for the people to die as Germania closes the enterance to the Alpha world. Germanian Militaary Base planet Frost Plans are being devised to take back the city.
#150161155Friday, November 21, 2014 10:13 PM GMT

(Dropping a beacon should work, or another thing that's a possibility is finding Raj-Sins's fleet, which would give off a considerable energy signature given that it's a massive collection of Creator and Nafarian ships.) -Mars- The Nafarians quickly begin work tearing down Germanian cities and replacing them with Nafarian architecture. Surprisingly, the Germanian citizens are treated well in most cases as opposed to harshly. The soldiers didn't fair so well however, and were given a choice to serve as lightly armored grunts in an auxilary colonial unit or face execution. If they chose to serve in the unit, they would have no opprotunity to advance through the ranks and would serve as poorly armored grunts until their retirement or death, however they would not be slaves in this instance, and would be payed.
#150162961Friday, November 21, 2014 10:44 PM GMT

Germanian soldiers the soldiers just join the armed forces but rquest using their own guns.
#150163215Friday, November 21, 2014 10:48 PM GMT

-GERAMOND- The Terrani forces meet a large portion of the Geramond Fleets along the way, and a large forcefield surrounds the home planet. The Geramond armada demands that Terrani forces flee from Geramondian territory.
#150164665Friday, November 21, 2014 11:11 PM GMT

Geramond embassy Germania A peaceful protest is set in front of the Geramond embassy demanding action tsken to save Germania.
#150164701Friday, November 21, 2014 11:12 PM GMT

[Mang, Terrani left Germania and are currently invading Geramond]
#150164814Friday, November 21, 2014 11:14 PM GMT

-Aortis- A slight shock pushed her off of his shoulder and he entered a command into his suit that closed off all energy traces. A signal was sent to Velsa that radiated through her radio. 'Don't try to stop me.'
#150164857Friday, November 21, 2014 11:14 PM GMT

-Germania- The request is inherintly denied, and they are supplied with old Nafarian rifles, outdated compared to the equipment supplied to the legionaires.