#136951347Saturday, June 14, 2014 8:47 AM GMT

The Joker After the jailbreak in Arkham Asylum, the Joker has kidnap the mental patients and the Joker sent them to his apartment. After that, the Joker unties all mental patients and Joker said, "Now, you all are one of my henchmen!" and all mental patients became Joker's gang.
#136966356Saturday, June 14, 2014 2:13 PM GMT

(Accepted and admined, tails. Remember, Picka, make the CS for Graviton before using him. Otherwise, your characters are accepted)
#136968229Saturday, June 14, 2014 2:38 PM GMT

Jackson was now watching the news after a stressful search for Joker. Then breaking news popped up and they were reporting how Cameras have picked up Joker freeing and escaping the Asylum. Jackson slammed his hand down to the table quickly. "We've missed him!" "Now now," Said Grim, "if we go there we may be able to catch a trail and find him. A madman should have left one." Agreeing Jackson turned into his Grim form flying out the window hatch to Arkham.
#136969151Saturday, June 14, 2014 2:51 PM GMT

Lex Luthor Lex Luthor said, "I want you to find a Russian man." and the employee said, "Whos that, sir?" and Lex Luthot said, "Its ChoZo. Find him, he is just around the Inner Metropolitan City." and his employee said, "Alright, sir." --------- ChoZo. ChoZo enters the bar and drink some v0dk@.
#136974398Saturday, June 14, 2014 3:56 PM GMT

Arriving at Arkham Grim still saw no heroes around. Something this big should of gotten their attention. Where have they been? He wondered. Grim flew around still seeing people down there. He have been so use to looking down for humans he have not seen a helicopter coming his way. With luck though it flew right under him just a hair length away from Grim. "Gah!" But he has lost control of his own flight from that scare and came tumbling down. to the ground into the trees. "Grim! What the heck!" Yelled Jackson in Grim's head. "What do you think moron! I fell." "Jackson's voice came out this time from Grim's mouth, "You got scared of a helicopter flying under you? How would that scare a boney creature like you?" "Very easily it seems. Now shut up! I think someone is coming." He says as some policemen and a copper were around him. This time he saw no escape without a blood bath. Grim rose his hands into the air. "Gotham police! Raise your hands in the air... that you already have done." One said. "Isn't he the one that robbed a bank?" Said another. In Grim's head Jackson said, "Just take out the helicopter and retreat!" Grim brought out his claws and flew up to the copper and cut right into it much easily then the bank door but what he did not expect was the coming explosion that brought him back to the ground injured. When the police say the dust clear Grim was on the ground trying to get back up. But one of them was fast enough to shock him down. Grim screamed shortly into the air in a inhuman way and fell face first knocked out cold.
#136975923Saturday, June 14, 2014 4:14 PM GMT

Hawkeye II Firing the tracer arrow onto the car, Hawk made a violent swerve before regaining control.
#136984034Saturday, June 14, 2014 5:50 PM GMT

Now in human form, unwillingly, he sat in a room waiting.
#136995589Saturday, June 14, 2014 8:06 PM GMT

~Jeremiah~ I stumble down the road, vision blurred, I felt as if I'd been hit by a truck. But that's what mister Daniels does to your if you take a bit too much of him. I was going to have one HELL of a hangover in the morning. Fess, I'll just have to soldier on tomorrow I have an important meeting with a couple of Brazilian gun-traders, it's going to be by far, my most important trade of this year.
#136998691Saturday, June 14, 2014 8:42 PM GMT

[/Nightwing and The Red Hood\] Still having no idea who the heck was attacking him, Nightwing attempted to track him with the special vision in his mask. He couldn't find anyone... Rather confused, Nightwing looked around for where the person could be just. Just then, a powerful kick sent him straight to the ground. As he was about to react, a pistol was held in front of his face.
#136998934Saturday, June 14, 2014 8:44 PM GMT

(Hey, katt? Can I join the car chase you've gotten yourselves into? I could get in my car crash when I pull out or something.)
#136999580Saturday, June 14, 2014 8:51 PM GMT

Grim and Jackson has created a plan to escape, depending on how the strong the walls are they can claw the way out. Changing into Grim he slashed at the wall with no luck. A voice from the intercom called in. "Those walls are to keep superhuman people in. As strong as Superman. We've tested. You won't be getting out so easy." Grim grunting at that he slashed the intercom in frustration and went back to failing at clawing his way out not even making a scratch. He then tried the door with similar luck. There was no easy way out.
#137000242Saturday, June 14, 2014 8:58 PM GMT

(Forget to respond to Ksee) [/Deathseed Sentry\] Death looked delighted to see Spider-Man, smirking with glee. "Rather wonderful to see you, Spider-Man, its good to see someone who has already evolved," Death spoke, his voice like a whisper, though you'd catch on to every word.
#137001544Saturday, June 14, 2014 9:12 PM GMT

(Well I'm just about to end the cat chose Tails, but you can still follow the car) Hawkeye II "Nightwing, do you copy?!?" She yelled, as the other car picked up speed and smashed through a no go area to the docks. She had the tracer on it but she was torn between duty and a mysterious assassin.
#137002067Saturday, June 14, 2014 9:18 PM GMT

(No, I mean accidently getting sucked into it by crashing into the car with the teens
#137002187Saturday, June 14, 2014 9:19 PM GMT

(Sure, why not)
#137002811Saturday, June 14, 2014 9:27 PM GMT

~Jeremiah~ I stumble towards my car, fumbling with the keys to get it open. I know it's illegal to drive when in this state, but my house was on the other side of the city! I start the ignition, and begin to pull out. I hear a screech behind me, but I continue to pull out.
#137002832Saturday, June 14, 2014 9:27 PM GMT

[/Nightwing and The Red Hood\] At the moment, Nightwing couldn't reply, being held at gunpoint. "Stay still, I don't want to have to make things messy," The vigilante said, backing away, his pistol still pointed at Nightwing. "Who the heck are you..." Nightwing said, suspiciously. "Nothing important," The man replied, before taking a dive straight off the building. Rather conveniently, he landed on a monorail, making for a quick escape. "I've just encountered the assassin... looks like he was only meaning to delay me, he jumped onto the monorail. In other words, hes escaped..." Nightwing said, darkly.
#137003172Saturday, June 14, 2014 9:31 PM GMT

Hawkeye II Hawkeye opened her mouth to reply but was cut short as a car pulled out in front of her, slamming into the drug car. Spinning in a full circle Hawk smashed into a roadblock, thank God that Shield cars were made of strong stuff. "Today's not our day, really"
#137004212Saturday, June 14, 2014 9:42 PM GMT

~Jeremiah~ He felt like the car crash into his rear. The first thing that popped into his head was, 'I'm too tired and drunk for this at this hour', but the more aggressive side was saying 'GO AND BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF THE GUYS THAT WRECKED MY RIDE!' I listened to my more aggressive side, and before I knew it, I had my tricorn on my head, my bandanna up and my cutlass drawn. I stormed out of the vehicle towards the car that crashed into me.
#137004664Saturday, June 14, 2014 9:47 PM GMT

Hawkeye II Hawk loaded her bow as the teens got out of the wrecked car, saw the cutlass and starred to randomly fire at the man. "Code red, I repeat code red"
#137005129Saturday, June 14, 2014 9:53 PM GMT

~Jeremiah~ I quickly duck behind my car, drawing my flintlock. I fire it off at the teenagers, as a warning shot.
#137005638Saturday, June 14, 2014 9:58 PM GMT

Hawkeye II "That'll be enough, gentlemen" Hawk said, stepping out from the car, bow raised.
#137005945Saturday, June 14, 2014 10:02 PM GMT

~Jeremiah~ "Ya think tha' titchy thing scares me, lassie?" I repeat in a gravelly tone. "I dae nae wan' the hurt ye,"
#137007332Saturday, June 14, 2014 10:19 PM GMT

Carnage "Sir, I have found the X-Mansion, location of the sentinel." I hissed to Ultron," Good. Find, subdue, and bring me the sentinel." I shape shifted into a child and entered the mansion. After 3 hours of exploring the mansion, I exited and shifted back," The sentinel is not here." Ultron responded," Don't return until you have found the sentinel." I hung up and hissed lowly as I sniffed the air," Ahh. Found you." I ran into an alleyway and climbed up a building and ran down to an apartment complex. "That's where you are." I crawled through a window and walked around, sniffing the room. "No sentinel. It was her clothing!" I roared and destroyed the room and ran out the window," Where are you freak?!" I roared as I ran back to my pod. "Track... Sentinels in the area, under name of Jean Henderson... New Gotham?! Oh my god. Wait. That's not far from here." I ran through the streets of New York. I reached a large tower and climbed to the top," New Gotham... New smells." I said as I jumped down and ran through alleyways. "Found you." I jumped down and tackled the Sentinel. Jean I walked out of Safeway, drinking a soda, suddenly, a weird red thing tackled me," Agh! What the?!" I yelled as I punched the creature off. The creature said to me," A fighter... This is gonna be hard." It screeched loudly," Agh!" I yelled as the screech pierced my ears and the thing tackled me. "Get off you creep!" I screamed as I hit it with a Photon blast," What are you?!" The creature go up, growling lowly," I am the being of Carnage." I back away," Wha-?" I said as I tackled me again, attempting to turn off my sensors," Oh no!" I took out a plasma knife and stabbed the creature, it screeched and fell to the ground. "That was easy." I walked up to it," I wonder if it's still alive. But don't make the mistake Warren made..." I said, tearing up a little. I floated into the air and flew away. "Well, there goes 3.25 dollars." I said as I was flying. Suddenly, I heard loud screeching," Oh god." I said as the creature tackled me, bringing me down to the streets. I saw a fight going on behind me," What the hell is going on in Gotham?!" I said as the creature bit down my arm," Argh!" I yelled as I got up and punched it. "Run, Jean, time to run." I said as I ran. I ran from the creature and into the other fight. Rocket I turned to Agent Venom and Groot," Alright mates, we gotta find Quill, and I think I might know how. We have to find one of Ultron's henchmen." Agent Venom smirked," Luckily, we don't have to." I turned to him," What the hell do you mean?" He got onto a computer and pulled up a fight going on between an odd cyborg and a something odd," Which one is Ultron's henchman?" Groot pointed outside," I am Groot." I looked up to Groot," What's up, Groot?" Groot pointed to a silhouette at the door. It walked forward, Captain America. He smiled," I want to help you get your friend." I smiled," Alright." Venom turned," Rocket, I've identified the henchman. The odd creature. It's called Carnage, and it's battling an X-Man, Executioner, or, Jean Henderson." I loaded up a rifle," Let's go get Carnage." Groot, Venom, and Captain America walked out the door with me. Venom stopped us," Shouldn't we get the rest of the team? Carnage is extremely powerful." I sighed," Alright." Name: Gamora Alias (If any): Gamora Age: Unknown Gender: F Species: Height (Optional): Weight (Optional): Skin Tone: Green Hair: Black and Red Bodily: Clothing: Biography: Gamora is the last of her species, the Zen Whoberi, who were exterminated by the Badoon . Thanos found the child and decided to use her as a weapon. Thanos showed her little kindness during her childhood, but Gamora was very loyal to the man who promised her the opportunity to avenge the death of her family. Powers/Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, agility, and durability Highly skilled gymnast and assassin Accelerated healing factor Skilled martial artist Alignment: Neutral Good Other (Optional): Inventory (Optional): (Get ready for the most ridiculous Marvel Character of all time, Cosmo.) Name: Cosmo Alias (If any): None Age: Unknown Gender: M Species: Dog Height (Optional): 1'11 ft Weight (Optional): 70 lbs Skin Tone: Brown Hair: Brown Bodily: Fur Clothing: Biography: Cosmo was a former test animal of the Soviet Space Program. He was launched into Earth's orbit as part of an experiment but he drifted off into space at some point during the 1960's, arriving in Knowhere, Land of the Guardians, and at some point being mutated, he eventually came to serve as the station's security chief. Powers/Abilities: Telekinetic, and is capable of amazingly precise use of his telekinesis. Telepathy: He can read and manipulate the minds of others and even higher order animals. He has demonstrated the following specialized uses: Alignment: Neutral Good Other (Optional): See? Ridiculous. And he exists. And is probably gonna be the GotG movie. Inventory (Optional):
#137009081Saturday, June 14, 2014 10:40 PM GMT

Hawkeye II "I would be more worried about you" Hawk smirked before taking the teens out with a gas arrow, rendering them unconscious to lie on the ground.