#137198203Monday, June 16, 2014 10:01 PM GMT

Ah, right. What does PG stand for? -Jerk? I prefer asshoIe.- just came up with that sig right now "Free the blacks!" - KoIbinater, formerly Kolbinater
#137198397Monday, June 16, 2014 10:02 PM GMT

PG? It stands for Pink Gorilla. Doesn't everyone know that? Do yoυ dαre тo eveɴ ɢlιмpѕe?
#137206492Monday, June 16, 2014 11:28 PM GMT

#137275532Tuesday, June 17, 2014 6:42 PM GMT

PG stands for parental guid---- I mean, parental gods that have full control over us until we're eighteen
#137326738Wednesday, June 18, 2014 3:33 AM GMT

I need someone to die, dammit. It'll probably end up being super important. ] Timpookie fanned himself. Damn, it was HOT. He took a moment to wipe sweat off his forehead, keeping it from dribbling into his eyes. Distracted by the overwhelming heat, he didn't feel anything behind him. Didn't hear the footsteps, tiptoeing nearer, nearer.... Tim, panting now, let out a slight as he felt a hot breeze on his neck. What he didn't know was that it wasn't necessarily wind. With hardly a sound, he fell to the ground. The murderer slid away into thin air as his victim's body turned black, outlined with green, then faded away.... Okay, now time to leave for three days. And leave you all hanging. Again. Mwahahaha] ~Do you dare to even glimpse?~
#137350262Wednesday, June 18, 2014 12:58 PM GMT

Okay, that doesn't feel like a real murder, at the moment, it feels like you just killed me off due to not liking me for whatever reason, despite no motivation to hate me whatsoever. ͇A͇͇l͇͇l͇͇ ͇͇h͇͇a͇͇i͇͇l͇͇ ͇͇t͇͇h͇͇e͇͇ ͇͇B͇͇a͇͇n͇͇n͇͇a͇͇n͇͇a͇͇c͇͇h͇͇a͇͇i͇͇r͇͇ ͇͇K͇͇i͇͇n͇͇g͇!
#137356544Wednesday, June 18, 2014 3:15 PM GMT

#137357914Wednesday, June 18, 2014 3:35 PM GMT

(Bao was already murdered.)
#137357981Wednesday, June 18, 2014 3:37 PM GMT

Pretty sure he was only found hallucationating or something.
#137358090Wednesday, June 18, 2014 3:38 PM GMT

(I think when you die in the world that we're all in, you go back to real life.)
#137364163Wednesday, June 18, 2014 5:05 PM GMT

Why do you use () on an OOC thread? q.q
#137364580Wednesday, June 18, 2014 5:11 PM GMT

Force of habit.
#137446695Thursday, June 19, 2014 1:22 PM GMT

Tim, I just eanted to kill someone, and you were a convenient choice for me. For all you know, it could be a vitally important part of the story. Also, I have no reason to hate you, and I do nit even n dislike you. Ivenjoy your presence hereon the forums. Also, shoot, I made s lot of mistajed, whatever, phoj bye
#137458200Thursday, June 19, 2014 4:26 PM GMT

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#137460966Thursday, June 19, 2014 4:56 PM GMT

That would be cool, but I know it's about Anonymous, and the poster probably doesn't even know who the mask is based off of.
#137582327Friday, June 20, 2014 8:50 PM GMT

Okay, so there's a face there. Um. What I meant up there was I was borrowing my friend's phone and made a bunch of typos. ~Do you dare to even glimpse?~
#137845147Sunday, June 22, 2014 11:18 PM GMT

Timpookie woke up with a start, sitting up straight in bed. Huh?! He looked down and closed his fingers slowly around the corner of his rumpled bed sheets. He was in bed. Not ... in that other place. Tim couldn't help but wonder if it had all just been a dream. After a few moments of contemplation, however, he decided against it. No, if it had been a dream, he would've woken up with his head on his laptop's keyboard. Tim glanced t his left. His laptop was lying open on the floor, right where it had last been. The last thing he remembered that he knew was, FOR SURE, real ... was when he was on his computer. And he didn't get off of it until he went to the ... place. Tim grumbled, pressing his hand on his forehead, and got out of bed. What the hell had happened? He stumbled to the bath room and stared at the mirror. He didn't know, maybe he'd find out something? His eyes locked with those of his reflection. And gasped. He leaned closer to the mirror, going over onto the wet sink. Tim barely noticed. His irises had turned to ... red on the bottom, and purple on the top. Almost a perfect reflection of that ... place. Walking back to his room, Tim's memory wandered back to when he'd glanced at his computer. He quickly dashed to it. A-hah. This was something notably important. For sure. II: I scream and shout And let it out When I'm in Marching Band :II
#137849783Monday, June 23, 2014 12:03 AM GMT

-Timpookie's Laptop- Window 1: ROBLOX Forum >> Entertainment >> Role-Playing OoC: Instead of freaking out about asteroids, Timpookie 11:03 PM Let's play Apoc Rising! Who's in? (...) [ERROR: USERNAME WILL NOT LOAD] 11:10 PM [ERROR; USERNAME WILL NOT LOAD] 11:10 PM Y [ERROR: USERNAME WILL NOT LOAD] 11:10 PM O [ERROR: USERNAME WILL NOT LOAD] 11:10 PM U [ERROR: USERNAME WILL NOT LOAD] 11:10 PM [ERROR: USERNAME WILL NOT LOAD] 11:10 PM W [ERROR: USERNAME WILL NOT LOAD] 11:10 PM I [ERROR: USERNAME WILL NOT LOAD] 11:10 PM L [ERROR: USERNAME WILL NOT LOAD] 11:10 PM L [ERROR: USERNAME WILL NOT LOAD] 11:10 PM [ERROR: USERNAME WILL NOT LOAD] 11:10 PM A [ERROR: USERNAME WILL NOT LOAD] 11:10 PM L [ERROR: USERNAME WILL NOT LOAD] 11:10 PM L [ERROR: USERNAME WILL NOT LOAD] 11:10 PM [ERROR: USERNAME WILL NOT LOAD] 11:10 PM D [ERROR: USERNAME WILL NOT LOAD] 11:10 PM I [ERROR: USERNAME WILL NOT LOAD] 11:10 PM E [ERROR: USERNAME WILL NOT LOAD] 11:10 PM [ERROR: USERNAME WILL NOT LOAD] 11:10 PM You have been warned.... Window 2: ROBLOX Player Apocalypse Rising [ERROR: LOST CONNECTION] II: I scream and shout And let it out When I'm in Marching Band :II
#137852930Monday, June 23, 2014 12:32 AM GMT

oshiz dat suspense
#137854199Monday, June 23, 2014 12:44 AM GMT

Oh cool so I managed to survive dying or whatever. But yeah, this is really suspenseful, man... ͇B͇͇a͇͇n͇͇n͇͇a͇͇n͇͇a͇͇c͇͇h͇͇a͇͇i͇͇r͇͇ ͇͇1͇͇5͇͇K͇͇ ͇͇u͇͇n͇͇l͇͇e͇͇a͇͇s͇͇h͇͇e͇͇d͇!
#137854560Monday, June 23, 2014 12:48 AM GMT

"Oh cool so I managed to survive dying or whatever" WHAT, DID YOU REALLY THINK I'D KILL YOU?! II: I scream and shout And let it out When I'm in Marching Band :II
#137856633Monday, June 23, 2014 1:08 AM GMT

First things first. Tim closed the AR window. No use keeping that up. Next, he looked at his thread. Who posted that stuff? It wouldn't load, for some odd reason. Damn this crappy internet! He drew in a sharp breath, then growled it out slowly, frustrated with his sluggishly slow connection. Maybe if he reloaded the page?... Tim's mouse clicked the Reload button. Annnddd.... SH!T. The internet connection was gone completely! He drew another frustrated sigh and stormed downstairs. Huh, no one home. Tim walked outside to cool his nerves. The sky looked more or less normal. Not green, not purple. Just blue, grey, white.... He glanced down at the end of his driveway. Oh, no one brought in the newspaper yet that morning. He picked it up and carried it inside. Tim opened it ... looked at the date ... Say what?! He read the two front-page articles. During that, a car drove into the driveway. A person came out of it and saw that the paper was gone. They tested the house door. It was already unlocked. The person swiped out their cell and dialed 9-1-1. Oh, jeez.... It had been ten days since- A sharp knock sounded at his door, interrupting his thoughts. "We have you surrounded, housebreaker! We know you're in there! Walk out slowly and calmly...." II: I scream and shout And let it out When I'm in Marching Band :II
#137856975Monday, June 23, 2014 1:11 AM GMT

when will u introduce my beautiful liana marymam we're getting married next week
#137857243Monday, June 23, 2014 1:15 AM GMT

"when will u introduce my beautiful liana marymam" Pfft, no promises. I don't know who that even is. Besides, I don't feel like making RPers actually have NAMES besides their usernames. Not like everyone who comes across this story needs to know their names in 'real' life. And I don't want to give a RPer a name that isn't theirs, either. Idk, doesn't seem right. II: I scream and shout And let it out When I'm in Marching Band :II
#137857367Monday, June 23, 2014 1:16 AM GMT

she's thedeaddemon c;