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#136812106Thursday, June 12, 2014 11:01 PM GMT

Here's the official rulebook for the Budweiser Cup Series: Off-Track: You may have debates and arguments on the wall, although if that turns into name calling and bashing, first time offender will receive a one race suspension, if that starts to continue you will receive 3 races suspended and after the third and final time you will be suspended indefinitely. Rules during races: 1. Arguing: Any arguing with an official based on position will result in being put at the tail end of the lead lap, failure to abide by that will result in you being held on pit road for a total of one lap, if you decide to argue that you will be parked for the remainder of the race. 2. Jumping restarts: Jumping a restart once the race resumes will result in a DTP ( Drive Through Penalty ) The officials see what they see, we will review the incident further before we decide to give you a penalty, if we feel that you jumped the restart before the restart box you will be given a drive-through, although if the starter to your inside/outside slowed down and makes it look like you jumped, no call will be given. 3. Speeding: Speeding on pit road will result in another drive through penalty. Simple as that, if you speed a second time while serving that penalty, you will be held in your pit box for a total of 15 seconds regardless if the track is a 2.5 mile or a 0.5 miler. 4. Passing pace car: If you decide to pass the pace car during a caution you will receive a black flag which will put you at the tail-end of the field on the restart. Any arguing will result in a further penalty. 5. Pitting: If you decide to pit, and you do not count the full 10 seconds, you will receive a drive through. So definitely make sure that you get in all 10 seconds, our officials will look very carefully to see whether you do or not. 6. Speed Hacking: Anyone believed to be speed hacking will end up with a expulsion from the race, and possible further penalties like suspension or expulsion from the series for the remainder of the season and possibly more seasons to come. 7. Testing: If you wish to test at a track, Nashville Superspeedway is open for testing whenever you wish, if you wish to test at a current track on the schedule, the limit is 6 times per driver. Organized testing sessions will happen incase more than one driver would like to test at that specific racetrack. 8. Wall Riding: If you wallride during the race you will get only one warning, if you do not slow down and hold the pedal to the metal and keep your foot in it and gain ground, you will receive a drive through penalty. Do not argue the call because you will be put laps down. 9. Chase: After 26 races the standings will reset and be organized by wins, after 3 races 13th through 16th will be eliminated, after 6 races 9th through 12th will be eliminated, after 9 races 5th through 8th will be eliminated. At the final race at Homestead-Miami the final four will be tied up for a run at the Championship. 10. Sliding through pitbox: Like I mentioned before drivers will have a chance to pick their pit stall, that will occur immediately after qualifying, if you slide through the pit box you will have to back up before you begin counting, if you start counting and you are not completely in the pit box, you will end up getting a drive through penalty. Thank you for your cooperation and I hope that you guys will abide by the current rules set up, please give more ideas on what I could add to this.

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