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#136974421Saturday, June 14, 2014 3:56 PM GMT

Try world cup style for playoffs where Group A: 1, 4, 5, and 8 seeds and Group B: 2, 3, 6, and 7 seeds Teams play others twice Top 2 from each group go to bracket where its best of 5 or 7 Just for something new
#136975699Saturday, June 14, 2014 4:11 PM GMT

dont stack up divisions. these divisions make me mad because the fact that LAH line has never won a playoff round. [ᘐ〇ᗪᗩᓮᗪᔕ]
#136979762Saturday, June 14, 2014 4:58 PM GMT

Random divisions with division selection show!!
#136983653Saturday, June 14, 2014 5:45 PM GMT

K the divisions could be easy to do. About the games every other day, doing that makes the season about 2 times as long just to play 18 games it would be like 2 months, and then you wouldn't get to play a game for possibly a week or two. It would be RNHL 2.0 ╭━━╮╭━━━┳━━━┳━━━┳━━━┳━━━┳━━━┳━╮╭━╮╱╭━━━╮ ┃╭╮┃┃╭━╮┃╭━╮┃╭━━┻╮╭╮┃╭━━┫╭━╮┣╮╰╯╭╯╱┃╭━╮┃ ┃╰╯╰┫┃╱┃┃╰━━┫╰━━╮┃┃┃┃╰━━┫┃╱┃┃╰╮╭╯╱╭┫╰━╯┃ ┃╭━╮┃╰━╯┣━━╮┃╭━━╯┃┃┃┃╭━━┫┃╱┃┃╭╯╰╮╱╰┫╭━━╯ ┃╰━╯┃╭━╮┃╰━╯┃╰━━┳╯╰╯┃┃╱╱┃╰━╯┣╯╭╮╰╮╭┫┃ ╰━━━┻╯╱╰┻━━━┻━━━┻━━━┻╯╱╱╰━━━┻━╯╰━╯╰┻╯
#136984672Saturday, June 14, 2014 5:58 PM GMT

I enjoyed the current season schedule thing. Bens, you're going to have to realize that with more teams, it will be more time consuming.
#136985132Saturday, June 14, 2014 6:03 PM GMT

and life consuming how about 3 games for 2 days, a league day off, another 2 days, a day off, and so on ╔╗──╔╦══╦╗╔═╦══╦═╗─╔╦═══╦═══╦═══╦═══╦═╗─╔╦═══╦═══╦═══╗ ║╚╗╔╝╠╣╠╣║║╔╩╣╠╣║╚╗║║╔═╗║╔═╗║╔══╣╔═╗║║╚╗║║╔═╗║╔═╗║╔═╗║ ╚╗║║╔╝║║║╚╝╝─║║║╔╗╚╝║║─╚╣╚══╣╚══╣║─║║╔╗╚╝╠╝╔╝║╚═╝╠╝╔╝║ ─║╚╝║─║║║╔╗║─║║║║╚╗║║║╔═╬══╗║╔══╣╚═╝║║╚╗║╠╗╚╗╠══╗║─║╔╝ ─╚╗╔╝╔╣╠╣║║╚╦╣╠╣║─║║║╚╩═║╚═╝║║──║╔═╗║║─║║║╚═╝╠══╝║─║║ ──╚╝─╚══╩╝╚═╩══╩╝─╚═╩═══╩═══╩╝──╚╝─╚╩╝─╚═╩═══╩═══╝─╚╝
#136985215Saturday, June 14, 2014 6:04 PM GMT

how about. games monday wednesday friday sunday 6 games a day every other day there. "Being a Mets fan is like lending someone a lot of money and you just know that you'll never get paid back." - John Oliver
#136985262Saturday, June 14, 2014 6:05 PM GMT

and all games at 7, so they dont take up multiple time slots "Being a Mets fan is like lending someone a lot of money and you just know that you'll never get paid back." - John Oliver
#136985358Saturday, June 14, 2014 6:06 PM GMT

6 games would consume all teams all at one time, where are you gonna find refs? ╔╗──╔╦══╦╗╔═╦══╦═╗─╔╦═══╦═══╦═══╦═══╦═╗─╔╦═══╦═══╦═══╗ ║╚╗╔╝╠╣╠╣║║╔╩╣╠╣║╚╗║║╔═╗║╔═╗║╔══╣╔═╗║║╚╗║║╔═╗║╔═╗║╔═╗║ ╚╗║║╔╝║║║╚╝╝─║║║╔╗╚╝║║─╚╣╚══╣╚══╣║─║║╔╗╚╝╠╝╔╝║╚═╝╠╝╔╝║ ─║╚╝║─║║║╔╗║─║║║║╚╗║║║╔═╬══╗║╔══╣╚═╝║║╚╗║╠╗╚╗╠══╗║─║╔╝ ─╚╗╔╝╔╣╠╣║║╚╦╣╠╣║─║║║╚╩═║╚═╝║║──║╔═╗║║─║║║╚═╝╠══╝║─║║ ──╚╝─╚══╩╝╚═╩══╩╝─╚═╩═══╩═══╩╝──╚╝─╚╩╝─╚═╩═══╩═══╝─╚╝
#136985418Saturday, June 14, 2014 6:07 PM GMT

find them and train them, recruit refs from other leagues. or some people give up playing for the best of the league "Being a Mets fan is like lending someone a lot of money and you just know that you'll never get paid back." - John Oliver
#136985510Saturday, June 14, 2014 6:08 PM GMT

might as well kill the rhl if you're gonna let random people come in and ref ╔╗──╔╦══╦╗╔═╦══╦═╗─╔╦═══╦═══╦═══╦═══╦═╗─╔╦═══╦═══╦═══╗ ║╚╗╔╝╠╣╠╣║║╔╩╣╠╣║╚╗║║╔═╗║╔═╗║╔══╣╔═╗║║╚╗║║╔═╗║╔═╗║╔═╗║ ╚╗║║╔╝║║║╚╝╝─║║║╔╗╚╝║║─╚╣╚══╣╚══╣║─║║╔╗╚╝╠╝╔╝║╚═╝╠╝╔╝║ ─║╚╝║─║║║╔╗║─║║║║╚╗║║║╔═╬══╗║╔══╣╚═╝║║╚╗║╠╗╚╗╠══╗║─║╔╝ ─╚╗╔╝╔╣╠╣║║╚╦╣╠╣║─║║║╚╩═║╚═╝║║──║╔═╗║║─║║║╚═╝╠══╝║─║║ ──╚╝─╚══╩╝╚═╩══╩╝─╚═╩═══╩═══╩╝──╚╝─╚╩╝─╚═╩═══╩═══╝─╚╝
#136985670Saturday, June 14, 2014 6:10 PM GMT

fine during summer do day games Like 2 or 3 day games and like 3 night games "Being a Mets fan is like lending someone a lot of money and you just know that you'll never get paid back." - John Oliver
#136985710Saturday, June 14, 2014 6:10 PM GMT

I for one am not giving up playing just to ref, nin.
#136985765Saturday, June 14, 2014 6:11 PM GMT

ya i scratched that idea but do day games "Being a Mets fan is like lending someone a lot of money and you just know that you'll never get paid back." - John Oliver
#136985890Saturday, June 14, 2014 6:12 PM GMT

I know it will extend the season, but it will also respect other leagues around that people need to attend. Its not a problem for me, but I know that its a problem for many others. Games every other day. 3 Games a day, 1 game every hour, from 6 to 8 Eastern (to minimize teams playing at same time, to minimize reffing situation). Objections? ╔╗─╔╦═══╦══╗╔═══╦═══╦═══╦═══╦═╗╔═╦═══╦╗─╔╦══╦═══╦═══╦═══╦═══╗ ║║─║║╔═╗║╔╗║║╔═╗║╔══╣╔═╗║╔═╗║║╚╝║║╔═╗║║─║╠╣╠╣╔═╗║╔═╗║╔═╗║╔═╗║ ║╚═╝║║─║║╚╝╚╣║─║║╚══╣╚═╝║║─║║╔╗╔╗║║─╚╣╚═╝║║║║║─╚╣║─║║║─╚╣║─║║ ║╔═╗║║─║║╔═╗║║─║║╔══╣╔╗╔╣║─║║║║║║║║─╔╣╔═╗║║║║║─╔╣╚═╝║║╔═╣║─║║ ║║─║║╚═╝║╚═╝║╚═╝║║──║║║╚╣╚═╝║║║║║║╚═╝║║─║╠╣╠╣╚═╝║╔═╗║╚╩═║╚═╝║ ╚╝─╚╩═══╩═══╩═══╩╝──╚╝╚═╩═══╩╝╚╝╚╩═══╩╝─╚╩══╩═══╩╝─╚╩═══╩═══╝
#136985909Saturday, June 14, 2014 6:12 PM GMT

might as well give ben more stress than ever for having 12 teams bark at him in one day like i said, do 3 games in a day, do it 2 days in a row then have a day off. it gives teams 1-3 days of rest it also gives time for everyone to do other things as well ╔╗──╔╦══╦╗╔═╦══╦═╗─╔╦═══╦═══╦═══╦═══╦═╗─╔╦═══╦═══╦═══╗ ║╚╗╔╝╠╣╠╣║║╔╩╣╠╣║╚╗║║╔═╗║╔═╗║╔══╣╔═╗║║╚╗║║╔═╗║╔═╗║╔═╗║ ╚╗║║╔╝║║║╚╝╝─║║║╔╗╚╝║║─╚╣╚══╣╚══╣║─║║╔╗╚╝╠╝╔╝║╚═╝╠╝╔╝║ ─║╚╝║─║║║╔╗║─║║║║╚╗║║║╔═╬══╗║╔══╣╚═╝║║╚╗║╠╗╚╗╠══╗║─║╔╝ ─╚╗╔╝╔╣╠╣║║╚╦╣╠╣║─║║║╚╩═║╚═╝║║──║╔═╗║║─║║║╚═╝╠══╝║─║║ ──╚╝─╚══╩╝╚═╩══╩╝─╚═╩═══╩═══╩╝──╚╝─╚╩╝─╚═╩═══╩═══╝─╚╝
#136986130Saturday, June 14, 2014 6:14 PM GMT

Well like we did this season, if we are going to do 12 teams, we do 3 games every day basically saying you can only play once every two-day period. It won't guarantee no back-to-back days, but if you DO have a back-to-back, you are giving yourself back-to-back off days as well. We would probably do games at 7, 8, 9 during July and then back to 7 and 8 in August. ╭━━╮╭━━━┳━━━┳━━━┳━━━┳━━━┳━━━┳━╮╭━╮╱╭━━━╮ ┃╭╮┃┃╭━╮┃╭━╮┃╭━━┻╮╭╮┃╭━━┫╭━╮┣╮╰╯╭╯╱┃╭━╮┃ ┃╰╯╰┫┃╱┃┃╰━━┫╰━━╮┃┃┃┃╰━━┫┃╱┃┃╰╮╭╯╱╭┫╰━╯┃ ┃╭━╮┃╰━╯┣━━╮┃╭━━╯┃┃┃┃╭━━┫┃╱┃┃╭╯╰╮╱╰┫╭━━╯ ┃╰━╯┃╭━╮┃╰━╯┃╰━━┳╯╰╯┃┃╱╱┃╰━╯┣╯╭╮╰╮╭┫┃ ╰━━━┻╯╱╰┻━━━┻━━━┻━━━┻╯╱╱╰━━━┻━╯╰━╯╰┻╯
#136986195Saturday, June 14, 2014 6:15 PM GMT

Actually, viks idea is good. ╔╗─╔╦═══╦══╗╔═══╦═══╦═══╦═══╦═╗╔═╦═══╦╗─╔╦══╦═══╦═══╦═══╦═══╗ ║║─║║╔═╗║╔╗║║╔═╗║╔══╣╔═╗║╔═╗║║╚╝║║╔═╗║║─║╠╣╠╣╔═╗║╔═╗║╔═╗║╔═╗║ ║╚═╝║║─║║╚╝╚╣║─║║╚══╣╚═╝║║─║║╔╗╔╗║║─╚╣╚═╝║║║║║─╚╣║─║║║─╚╣║─║║ ║╔═╗║║─║║╔═╗║║─║║╔══╣╔╗╔╣║─║║║║║║║║─╔╣╔═╗║║║║║─╔╣╚═╝║║╔═╣║─║║ ║║─║║╚═╝║╚═╝║╚═╝║║──║║║╚╣╚═╝║║║║║║╚═╝║║─║╠╣╠╣╚═╝║╔═╗║╚╩═║╚═╝║ ╚╝─╚╩═══╩═══╩═══╩╝──╚╝╚═╩═══╩╝╚╝╚╩═══╩╝─╚╩══╩═══╩╝─╚╩═══╩═══╝
#137006923Saturday, June 14, 2014 10:14 PM GMT

who said all 12 teams will even survive the season? rq, ect.
Top 100 Poster
#137008543Saturday, June 14, 2014 10:34 PM GMT

Also don't spread out the times as much. The RHL takes up the entire night to play.
#137014725Saturday, June 14, 2014 11:40 PM GMT

Also. Clear the teams for the draft. and have 1 keeper AND THIS IS CRAZY CAMO DUDE!

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