#137031481Sunday, June 15, 2014 2:50 AM GMT

Probably tomorrow morning. We still need more people to join.
#137031601Sunday, June 15, 2014 2:51 AM GMT

( Alrighty.
#137032925Sunday, June 15, 2014 3:07 AM GMT

Well sorry for not making 4 paragraphs of physical appearance.
#137033243Sunday, June 15, 2014 3:10 AM GMT

You don't have to make four paragraphs. Just add more detail. For example, you didn't describe his hair or skin tone
#137033691Sunday, June 15, 2014 3:16 AM GMT

(Just for saying that he should have to write four paragraphs. Mainly because I want to see how awful four paragraphs of appearance would be.)
#137033854Sunday, June 15, 2014 3:17 AM GMT

Look at my CS if you want to see how 'awful' it is
#137034150Sunday, June 15, 2014 3:20 AM GMT

I never said anything was awful. I was just saying. Plus we wears a flannel, which usually has an undershirt, jeans which covers his skin, and a mask that covers his face. There wouldn't need to be skin tone since you wouldn't be able to tell. Plus if he always wears a hood, how would he show hair? Maybe he doesn't even have hair? And 3 "make him write 4 paragraphs." Lol so apparently, I have to make another CS, I can just leave the thread But I stick around because you guys egg me on.
#137036310Sunday, June 15, 2014 3:46 AM GMT

We're not egging you. You just put a mask because you're too lazy to add detail to your character. ☑ REKT ☐ NOT REKT
#137088350Sunday, June 15, 2014 6:39 PM GMT

I was talking to ninja about the awful thing. If you don't want to put anymore work into your character, just leave the thread.
#137090980Sunday, June 15, 2014 7:08 PM GMT

Name: Ingrid Parket Lockwood Gender: F Age: Can I make her 11? Detailed Appearance: Ingrid has dark, mahogany-like hair, which reaches her shoulders at the maximum. She has a side-swept fringe, brushing her fore-head lightly, it seems to have a lighter brown-colour-like spectrum, mixing into her particular fringe, then brushing back across her whole hair. However, more-or-less you'll see the mahogany colour anyway. You might see Ingrid wearing a messy bun, which she normally does, or a straight-down pony-tail, which she rarely does. You might almost never see her with her hair [just] down. She has pale, caucasian skin, with lightly brushed, natural blush around he nose and perching on her cheeks. When she smiles, she has slight dimples on each cheek, not prominent in any way. She has no freckles, but hardly-visible freckles underneath her eyes, which are usually concealed by her normal blush that's dapped across. Ingrid has green, swampy, stormy eyes, mixed in with a grey colour. Almost the colour of swamp water, or leaves, you may see her wearing artificial lenses that are perfectly green. The outer iris is a lighter swamp colour, which is a dark green on her lenses. Ingrid, has a thin structure, like everyone else, weighing a normal weight like every other person, and a height of four foot ten inches. Though she may class it as tall, it really isn't. Ingrid has normally pink, blushy lips, just like her natural blushing on her face. She usually has a face of smiling, or a calm, collective face. At times, her mood will change quite quickly, as she is quite bipolar, and, will normally see that determined face with furrowed eyebrows alot as she is very persistent in her OCD. Clothing: Ingrid wears a white, creamy shirt, which isn't that transparent. Over that, she wears an "over-sized" brown blazer (over-sized; just reaching underneath her waits, about ten cm). Then, she wears black skirt, reaching abover her knees, and white socks, that reach under her knee-caps. Then she wears brown boots, with light brown laces. Yes, she does realise she's not particularly wearing what's in trend, but she prefers not to be in the crowd. Personality: Introverted--] Introverted means that Ingrid is a thinker, a quite person, one who think before they talk, she has fewer friends than others. She is happy with her own presence instead of others. Intuition--] Intuitition means that the Ingrid is very future looking, or thinks mostly on what could be or how it will be. She is very deep and is very imaginary when it comes to thinking and theoretical. Thinking--] Thinking is pretty simple to understand, Ingrid would rather plan something than jump straight into it without a plan. She is logical and would prefer to do things the logical ways and not often affected by feelings. She wouldn’t want a sweet lie instead of the hard truth. Judging--] Judging means that Ingrid prefers to do tasks fast, is controlled and wants order on everything. She is often responsible for events and almost never regrets a choice made by herself. Well, not saying she is snobby, or "not-likeable". Naive--] Naive means that Ingrid needs to see to believe. Sometimes showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgement. She needs to believe for herself, so at times she can be stubborn and quite naive. Side Traits--] Bipolar; OCD. Narcissistic--] Narcissistic means that Ingrid has an interest in herself, and prefers to believe in herself, and not trust people that easily. To gain her particular trust you will need to show that sense of relationship. In most difficult times, Ingrid can be having or showing an excessive interest in/or admiration of herself and her physical appearance. Bio.: :) Skills: Ingrid "specialises" in gymnastics, and flexbility. She's awesome at climbing, and likes to indulge into general knowledge, which she's good at. She's also great at escaping hard situations, physical or verbal. Other: "Do not feed trolls" Wouldn't they be hungry under a bridge? ;/; (xD) Name: Elixir Callum White, most people call him Elixir, even though his real name is Callum. Gender: M Age: 17 Detailed Appearance: Elixir is roughly five foot thirteen inches, which he classifies as not very tall, and he weighs roundabout the normal weight as the others, he's skinny, and pale all the time. He has blonde, dirty hair which he keeps at normal, and doesn't change it. He has a rounded face, and pale caucasian skin with blue-snowy eyes that don't really contrast his skin in any way. His hair is normally all over the place, sticking up, spiking every which way possible. He normally has a sad, droopy face on, and shivering, nervous stature on. Elixir wears black shaded, circled glasses. Changing to his hair, his bangs fall in the place where it looks like it sculpts his rounded face. (I will adapt on this if you like however, I don't have to say much since Elixir is one of my new OC's). Clothing: Elixir wears a simple blue short sleeved shirt, a black vest jacket and jeans. Nothing to fashionable. He also wears a pair of black sneakers, and that's about it. Personality: Arrogant; unusual; dry sense of humour; quiet; loner; not very social, and surprising. Bio.: :) Skills: Elixir has a definite sense of his surroudings, and fast reflexes. He somehow has excellent hearing, and can sense around him quickly. He's not the best with fighting, but can sort out a quick, definite plan in no time, and is definitely skilled in using a ranged weapon, just..don't make it a gun, as he used to throw random things perfectly (for some odd reason) even with his eyesight. (Read below, if not, then er, leave him with eyesight). Other: I originally made Elixir to be partially blind, if that's not okay, I'll leave him with pure eyesight, just tell me so I know.
#137093185Sunday, June 15, 2014 7:34 PM GMT

(Five foot 13 inches? Wouldn't that be 6'1'?)
#137103027Sunday, June 15, 2014 9:29 PM GMT

Ingrid and Elixir are accepted. Elixir being partially blind will probably hamper him, but it's your choice.
#137106799Sunday, June 15, 2014 10:14 PM GMT

#137108312Sunday, June 15, 2014 10:33 PM GMT

(We should probably start soon.)
#137113183Sunday, June 15, 2014 11:25 PM GMT

( We really should.
#137116891Monday, June 16, 2014 12:08 AM GMT

(Okay.) [Event] You wake up in your cell, and hear a bloodcurdling scream. Something is wrong.
#137117147Monday, June 16, 2014 12:12 AM GMT

~Yoko~ I look out the bars, trying to figure out what's happening from the screaming.
#137117263Monday, June 16, 2014 12:13 AM GMT

(Yay) Barrett I hold my hand to my head. "What a headache! Wonder if I'm dead. Finally." I hear the scream, and hold my head up. "Well, if I am dead, this sure as hell isn't heaven..." I observe my surroundings. No fire, no torture tools, no giant boulders, just a lot of sick looking people. Wonderful. I stand up, and start heading for the door of the cell.
#137117683Monday, June 16, 2014 12:18 AM GMT

(I'll use Claudia later) A person enters the room where your cell is and begins walking down the path between the cells. "I swear there are too many diseased," he mutters. You can see him open a cell. A pale-looking little boy is dragged out by him. As the person drags the little boy towards the door he entered, you see the boy open his mouth and croak out, "Help me."
#137129451Monday, June 16, 2014 2:31 AM GMT

Aaron I glance around the dark cell then stand up. This isn't where I'm supposed to be. I know that for a fact. Honestly though, I don't really care. With only a little bit of hesitation making it's way into my step I walk over to the wall and slide along my back along it until I reach the corner. Once i feel another wall at my arm i slowly sink down into a sitting position with my head resting on my knees. The scream causes me to glance up for a second and look through the window to the hallway.
#137170472Monday, June 16, 2014 4:45 PM GMT

~Yoko~ I notice the little boy being taken out, and look at his mouthed words. "Did he try to say something..?" I say to myself, feeling unsafe in this cell now.
#137178699Monday, June 16, 2014 6:33 PM GMT

Sadly, this is doomed to failure. I may tweak it and repost it though. :/
#137265909Tuesday, June 17, 2014 4:47 PM GMT

( ;-;
#137274902Tuesday, June 17, 2014 6:35 PM GMT

This thread didn't even last a day. Thread Funeral.
#137276401Tuesday, June 17, 2014 6:51 PM GMT

(Let's blame building. 'Cause it was his fault.)