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#137080323Sunday, June 15, 2014 5:10 PM GMT

Been getting this error for weeks. Didn't happen yesterday with two full servers running but Analytics shows that this error has occurred today. It's so unpredictable I can't see any reason for it to be my fault. If anyone is aware of why this is happening I would be incredible grateful if you could give me a reason. Also if anyone has any advice on how I may fix this then it would save the game. Ha pun.. This error only occurs on lines where I'm accessing the datastore service. "GetAsync" for example. Could I possibly PCall it, I've tried "If game:GetService("DataStore") ~= nil then" and that doesn't help.
#137159977Monday, June 16, 2014 1:45 PM GMT

#137160204Monday, June 16, 2014 1:50 PM GMT

"DataStoreService" not "DataStore"
#137339389Wednesday, June 18, 2014 6:48 AM GMT

I know, it was just a quick example.
#137342985Wednesday, June 18, 2014 8:32 AM GMT

Too many requests?
#137343875Wednesday, June 18, 2014 9:15 AM GMT

No, ive tried spamming data store for a test and i didn't receive any errors.
#137348030Wednesday, June 18, 2014 11:57 AM GMT

Well if more then one person is spamming the save button it can cause it if you don't have a wait timer/cool-down for it. (I would put a 1-2 Min wait timer) (Depends on what your saving though)
#137707517Saturday, June 21, 2014 11:32 PM GMT

I'm not being ignorant but I really don't think it's that issue or it would be much more well known. I cannot find any forum posts that are similar to myn.
#137764338Sunday, June 22, 2014 7:40 AM GMT

#137800016Sunday, June 22, 2014 3:58 PM GMT

#137800189Sunday, June 22, 2014 4:01 PM GMT

Datastores are throttled. Do you have a system to prevent spammers?
#137846708Sunday, June 22, 2014 11:34 PM GMT

People can't manually save. It saves everyones data at the end of each round, and a leaderboard slowly updates.
#138425743Friday, June 27, 2014 10:32 PM GMT

On the verge of raging from this project. Bump..
#138430150Friday, June 27, 2014 11:13 PM GMT

can you just stop posting here? it automatically updates my last active threads.
#138431425Friday, June 27, 2014 11:25 PM GMT

I'll do what I want with my thread thanks.
#138431941Friday, June 27, 2014 11:30 PM GMT

noob, you are testing it in studio you buffoon, in order to use it properly, use it online or on the SERVER mode in studio(it won't save there)
#138432116Friday, June 27, 2014 11:31 PM GMT

I would recommend using :UpdateAsync() instead of :SetAsync() if you do to save values. Every other thread with this issue(including mine) has either been that the request limit has been reached or the DataStore is trying to retrieve a nil value.
#138479726Saturday, June 28, 2014 8:32 AM GMT

I'm not using studio to test it you spack head people like you are the virus to this forum, read the first post. Thanks jimmy, ill look into using update.
#138481747Saturday, June 28, 2014 9:16 AM GMT

so you weren't using updateasync? I think you're the virus for not reading the wiki before coming here.
#138494223Saturday, June 28, 2014 1:44 PM GMT

That's why i said GetASync in my example. I'm going to use lots of tables to store data instead. Ive been coding Lua for 5 years, of course i look at Wiki. All you've given me is useless feedback. Thread closed.
#138494342Saturday, June 28, 2014 1:46 PM GMT

You never provided an example idiot, and just because you locked your post doesn't mean the thread is closed. lrn2forum
#138548097Saturday, June 28, 2014 10:42 PM GMT

I clearly did, grow up and stop flaming. This is a scripting forum, which you clearly cannot participate in. Now talk code or exit please. You were the one who wanted the thread to end. Any mature person on this site would stop posting after i end the thread. Owait..
#138551203Saturday, June 28, 2014 11:10 PM GMT

if I can't participate in it, then why am I always receiving thank you's for helping? Also, you did not provide an example. -___- I'll stop here since your logic is obviously flawed.

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