#138044519Tuesday, June 24, 2014 8:04 PM GMT

"See in a couple hours!" Before getting dropped into lava pit
#138044718Tuesday, June 24, 2014 8:06 PM GMT

Suddenly I'm dropped in and I simply think.
#138044823Tuesday, June 24, 2014 8:06 PM GMT

A guard walks up to me. 'Those kids?' 'We took them to the lava pit for a little 'sauna' time. I ask 'Can I go outside to the gym?' and he takes me. I get to the gym area and knock on the glass of the lava pit room to see if they are there. 360 noscope mlg falcon punch | Happy Senpai Sponge Bobble will share his jelly sandwiches with you.
#138045170Tuesday, June 24, 2014 8:09 PM GMT

A while after 001 is placed in the cell, he bangs against the walls of the cell. He then tries ripping open the door before realizing it isn't locked. "Are they kidding?" 001 said. "Well, time for a swim." He takes his towel and goes to the swimming pool. He swims around, grinning.
#138045819Tuesday, June 24, 2014 8:14 PM GMT

As I lay in Cell Block X, I remember how I had a short outburst of my power. It felt good to finnaly have that again.
#138046127Tuesday, June 24, 2014 8:17 PM GMT

As the guard takes me back to my cell, I watch as the others enter theirs after their 'bath'. I think i'll try to plan and meet up with them. I'll tell them my plans that will help us get out sooner or later. Hmm... I say. 'I think I'll be able to mess with physics and glitch up the place, but how?' (also, this was my interpretation of the lava pit time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFXn7a1xBN8&feature=kp 360 noscope mlg falcon punch | Happy Senpai Sponge Bobble will share his jelly sandwiches with you.
#138046601Tuesday, June 24, 2014 8:21 PM GMT

001 heads back to his cell undetected and slept.
#138048620Tuesday, June 24, 2014 8:37 PM GMT

I slept in my cell. While I was asleep I started talking to myself.
#138049161Tuesday, June 24, 2014 8:40 PM GMT

[Jesus, we got 4 pages over night? Man, I gotta catch up.] I do not know why the bloody markings where there. I still did not believe that 1x1x1x1 was in the cell before.
#138049717Tuesday, June 24, 2014 8:45 PM GMT

001 was in his nightmare. He looked around, and he was surrounded by all kinds of monsters. They ran towards him like any Roblox mob and he screamed. They started ripping him apart until only his head was left and it faded under the floor and landed in a cell. His body was reformed but he was chained. A gun was shooting him repeatedly without stopping. Then the chains rolled around him until he was completely covered. When he opened his eyes next, he was in a cage being lifted in the air, outside the jail. He was in the fields of banland, unknown to anyone. He tried to shake the cage so that it could fall over but no use. It kept lifting on and on and on until it reached the limits of the place. Any more and the cage would break and 001 would be flinged out of ban land- in his dream of course. Then the floor of the cage dissapeared and he was simply falling. He landed headfirst into the lava ocean. It had no limits. Or so he thought. After a few hours in dream time, he hit the rocks under the lava and woke up. "Huh, that was an impossibly horrifying dream representing my interior fear of what's going on that I hide by acting as if I'm enjoying it." He scratched his head and looked out. It was still night. He went back to sleep.
#138055565Tuesday, June 24, 2014 9:35 PM GMT

Levian came back from the lava pits a little extra time was added for an 'argument' "well that was toasty"
#138056968Tuesday, June 24, 2014 9:48 PM GMT

When I woke up from a very long night, a guard kicked me and then told me to get up. "Follow me to the lunchroom, scum." he said. "Don't call me a scum." I replied. He punched me in the stomach. I almost threw up. I followed him into the lunchroom. There was disgusting foods and smells there.
#138057228Tuesday, June 24, 2014 9:50 PM GMT

I wondered if any other banned people were here. I know 1x1x1x1 was here somewhere. Can he even hack the place?
#138062693Tuesday, June 24, 2014 10:36 PM GMT

CS: USA; Tennessee Name: Joey Gender: Male Appearance: Super soldier Why were you Banned: I was banned for asking to many question, about what I was fighting for. Cell Number: 77768988888 Other:I found myself in the middle of no where. With no light, I could only hear a faint voice saying "wake up" I have no memory other then that of when I was a soldier. No childhood, nothing.
#138067607Tuesday, June 24, 2014 11:20 PM GMT

I woke up early the next day but it smelled of raw foods and something that came out of the sewer. I looked around once more, but I was pulled by a guard who forced me into the lunchroom. "Eat." He demanded. He was the same guard as before. I grabbed the guards collar as my eyes turned red. "Listen here bub, I don't eat food that I am forced to eat." My eyes turned back to normal as I was slapped across the face. The guard pushed me over to another room. It seemed hotter than usual but I could handle the heat. I wondered where he was taking me.
#138068350Tuesday, June 24, 2014 11:27 PM GMT

"Wow it looks like your going crazy then again who wouldn't here?"
#138068711Tuesday, June 24, 2014 11:30 PM GMT

I was silent.
#138068786Tuesday, June 24, 2014 11:31 PM GMT

I awake as I am forced to eat lunchroom food. It stinks, but im darn hungry. I was slapped across the face for eating like a pig and was returned to my room, as I try to make something to communicate with other prisoners. 360 noscope mlg falcon punch | Happy Senpai Sponge Bobble will share his jelly sandwiches with you.
#138068848Tuesday, June 24, 2014 11:31 PM GMT

"The names levian"
#138069177Tuesday, June 24, 2014 11:35 PM GMT

"Hello levian." I said.
#138069257Tuesday, June 24, 2014 11:36 PM GMT

I request to leave my room and explore' i tell the guard, and he lets me out, butt in cuffs on my legs and neck. I walk up to Levian. 'Hey, sorry if I'm interrupting anything, but have you remembered what happened yesterday? All I remember is Birm going beast mode, injuring a buttload of people and then the guards coming, later I woke up from sleep and didnt remember much, probably from a guard punishing me or something.' 360 noscope mlg falcon punch | Happy Senpai Sponge Bobble will share his jelly sandwiches with you.
#138070130Tuesday, June 24, 2014 11:44 PM GMT

"I just say things happened then exploded"
#138074734Wednesday, June 25, 2014 12:31 AM GMT

A guard grabbed my arm and led me to the lava pits. My eyes turned red again. I shivered "You're going to throw me in there? But I can't swim!" The guard glanced at me, "Well you better learn NOW or else!" He threw me in the lava pits.
#138088490Wednesday, June 25, 2014 2:34 AM GMT

I never come back up after 30 seconds. The guard stares at the lava pit just to make sure.
#138106023Wednesday, June 25, 2014 6:08 AM GMT

Name: xXHiNatXx Gender: Female Appearance: My avatar Why were you Banned: Greifing, Hacking, Spamming, Trolling, ETC Cell Number: 13 Other: Nope