#1921559Monday, July 21, 2008 10:11 PM GMT

dream kirby: are u alright?? that crash must have really packed a punch!! sentrail:yes im mostly alright... dream kirby:dont worry i know wat to do here go to sleep sentrail*sleeping* sentrail:*wakes up* sentrail:were am i? dream kirby:in a dream... dream kirby:in reality i am healing you *continued soon*
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#1921707Monday, July 21, 2008 10:18 PM GMT

???: Cool, it's almo- Announcer: IT'S ALMOASHT SUNDAOWN! GATHUR ALL JOO WADDUL DEEZ!!!112 ???: ? Well, I better do what he says... *Buries Setak in the ground for the moment* ???: *Tags all the Waddle Dees* Announcer: EET'Z A LIEEEEEEEE ???: ...*Digs up Setak and drags him to his base for resting*
#1921812Monday, July 21, 2008 10:23 PM GMT

shiho: O_o Wat da hek?
#1921925Monday, July 21, 2008 10:31 PM GMT

*dream kirby appears with glaxia* galaxia:*smashes ??? with master sword leaving him on the ground unable to move* dream kirby:*summons lighting bolts and pounds them on ???* ???:noooooo......*blacks out* announcer:.... sentail:thanks dream kirby and galaxia!! all:0_0
#1921977Monday, July 21, 2008 10:35 PM GMT

sorry i meant setak =(
#1922133Monday, July 21, 2008 10:43 PM GMT

sentrail:*wakes up into reality* dream kirby:i have alerted your friends they will be here soon. sentrail:um ok dream kirby:lets go into pikachu kirby's dream and scare him!! sentrail:um alright *1 hour later* pikachu kirby:AHHHHH! dream kirby:that was a good one!! the whole gang: hi guys dream kirby: here you are sentrail i know is now in good hands thank you
#1922141Monday, July 21, 2008 10:43 PM GMT

Naran: wat took u guys so long to get here? ive been alone for 2 hours!!!!!!! >:( and could u guys just get me back to normal!!!!!! i cant freakin feel the rest of my body anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:(
#1922235Monday, July 21, 2008 10:49 PM GMT

dream kirby:alright...alright.... dream kirby:*summons the god of fixit* god of fixit:*fixes naran with ancient stuff and everyone else* dream kirby:happy now?!? dream kirby:*summons lighting bolt and slaps naran with it* naran:ouch!! that burt!! dream kirby:u deserve for yelling..u could wake the demon.
#1922506Monday, July 21, 2008 11:05 PM GMT

Naran: O.o ur real weird u know that? and wat demon?
#1922775Monday, July 21, 2008 11:17 PM GMT

a demon lives in my cave of dreams and i like fantasy!! >:(
#1922893Monday, July 21, 2008 11:22 PM GMT

koran: IM A KIRBY AGAIN! YAY! ^_^ shiho: >,<
#1923397Monday, July 21, 2008 11:45 PM GMT

Sentrail:"I can't do this...*Gets on a hover board but sadly falls onto a rock*AGHHHHH,OWWW,OOF,THAT HURT,*Gets KOed*"
#1923442Monday, July 21, 2008 11:47 PM GMT

shiho: woah! koran! get the med kit! koran: gotcha!
#1923664Monday, July 21, 2008 11:58 PM GMT

Sentrail:"*Sleep Talk*Aghh...My Head...Mommy...I see...A rock...
Top 100 Poster
#1923779Tuesday, July 22, 2008 12:04 AM GMT

???: ...*Grunt*...W-where...Am I...? *??? is lieing on the ground next to Setak, and is brutally injured* H-hey...What's...That...? *Looks to the sky, seeing a grey kirby* P-please...Don't...*Grunt*...No...I won't let you...You...Won't...*Gasp* ...Setak...I've...Failed...*Faints*
#1923981Tuesday, July 22, 2008 12:16 AM GMT

dream kirby:*summons gate of god magic* ha ha ha!!! now u will never escape!!
#1924054Tuesday, July 22, 2008 12:20 AM GMT

dream kirby:... great now ??? is hurt!!! *heals* but still i am keeping u here u are to daangerous ???
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#1924300Tuesday, July 22, 2008 12:32 AM GMT

???: ...I know I am to dangerous, but What I tried to do all along is get to a safe place, so I could heal him without any distractions, but you didn't let me go to that metal area where I can heal him... Dream Kirby: But couldn't I heal him in the first place? ???: No, it is too severe, not everybody can heal...This. *Shows Setak to Dream Kirby* Dream Kirby: ...Wow... ???: Do you now know what I must do?
#1924363Tuesday, July 22, 2008 12:35 AM GMT

Sentrail:*Wakes up*"Oh,so no one cares about me,then I'm gonna leave kirby galaxy and go to another one >:("*Sentrail teleports to another galaxy but gets hit by a tranquilizer arrow*"LALALA,I'M SLEEPY"*Falls to sleep*
#1924529Tuesday, July 22, 2008 12:42 AM GMT

shiho: O_O koran: hey shiho.... why are those wierd metal bars appearing around the area were in? shiho: O_O Were trapped!
#1924613Tuesday, July 22, 2008 12:46 AM GMT

* a dark orb with an eye floats down and attacks shiho. * shiho: dark matter! * slashes * dark matter: * dodges and enters shiho's body, then expels a white orb from shiho's body. koran: shiho? are you ok? shiho: yea.. I'm fine.. that white orb must have been dark matter... that was wierd, how it just left... koran: ..... meanwhile... ?????:O_O oh this is not good...
Top 100 Poster
#1924616Tuesday, July 22, 2008 12:46 AM GMT

???: *Somehow teleports out of where Dream Kirby left us, and back to KirbyAlt* Now, where were we...Oh, yes, searching for the area... *Fly's onto the tallest tower where I can look for it* Oh, it's over there... NEXT...TO...THE...BASE... *Faceslap*
Top 100 Poster
#1924783Tuesday, July 22, 2008 12:56 AM GMT

???: *Fly's over to the Metal Area, and enters the door* OK, now it's time to do business... *Places Setak onto the ground* *Gasp* *Places hand...Err...What counts as a hand onto Setak's forehead* *Hand starts glowing more...And more...And more...* *A large flash of light engulfs all of the area* AAAAAAAARGH!! *Beams of light explode out of the ceiling, enough for a kirby on the other side of the world to see* *Setak regains conciousness(Spelling Error?)* Setak: ...Errgh... ???: *Stops the whole process* Setak: Hi...? ???: Err...Hi. Setak: Oh no you don't! *Evacuates the building faster then one of my readers to say "Over-reaction"* ???: Success! :D
#1925086Tuesday, July 22, 2008 1:13 AM GMT

* shiho mako, naran and koran appear back on kirbyalt by the destroyed human machine. * shiho: O_O
#1925438Tuesday, July 22, 2008 1:35 AM GMT

*meteor comes down and smashes whats left of the human machine* Mako: 0.0 *meteor opens up and a magic looking shoots out and lands in my hand and 5 green aliens with tentacle armed and legged, black eyed, and big headed aliens stand up and start to walk out of the meteor and point guns at us* (refer to them as alien 1, alien 2, ect.) the aliens: come with us and we wont destroy you everyone exept Naran: WHAT THE HECK JUST HAPPENED!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!? Naran: i still cant feel my body -_-