#139767839Wednesday, July 09, 2014 4:35 PM GMT

Now, the entire Market is under read alert. The Sargent takes out a bell, and starts to ring it. That only means one thing: Bear units. Bear riders start pouring into the market, along with other Keisatsu forces ordered to kill.
#139768282Wednesday, July 09, 2014 4:40 PM GMT

By now it is noticeable that "Zanko" is not giving any orders. People start to think that he is gone missing or dead, though it isn't true. Zan is pulled by a guard from behind however he grabs him, turns and throws him onto the ground. (By now, I'm using Judo moves I learned in the past two weeks) He stumbles around, then throws a smoke bomb with a 5 second timer and runs. Soon enough, gas fills the people in the market's nostrils. Zan Kokuna stumbles into a bar- coincidentally the one Phantom was at, coughing.
#139768660Wednesday, July 09, 2014 4:44 PM GMT

Jing Jing was fixing up the rest of may's wounds, by burning them shut when he stopped. "Someone is in the entryway." He said. "Grobo, stay here with May and make sure she doesn't do anything stupid." May frowned at what Jing said, but kept quite, as Grobo nodded. Jing then left the kitchen, and looked down at Zan...dressed in that costume (Unless he doesn't have it on anymore...) "..." He was silent at first, smoking his cig. He then took it out of his mouth, and breathed the smoke out. "Can I help you?" He asks awkwardly.
#139768856Wednesday, July 09, 2014 4:46 PM GMT

He still has it on. The Figure nodded. Using small technology in the Plague Doctor mask, he was able to change his voice to a deep, unrecognizable one. "Yes. I'm searching for The Phantom." He coughed multiple times due to the smoke he released.
#139769148Wednesday, July 09, 2014 4:50 PM GMT

Jing Jing begins smoking again. "You shouldn't go around telling people that. You could get in an awful amount of trouble." He let out some more smoke. "I have no idea where the phantom is. You're in the wrong bar if you're looking for the scarlets I'm afraid."
#139769745Wednesday, July 09, 2014 4:56 PM GMT

//congrats on 5000 posts! :D// Zan/Zanko "I don't give a crap about trouble. I can easily get out of it." He kept coughing. "I gotta take this off.." He presses a button which makes the mask fall off. He leans on Jing and keeps breathing for a few minutes.
#139775555Wednesday, July 09, 2014 5:52 PM GMT

Auren sighed as it seems like the Kiesatsu forgot about him. His cybernetic eye is now sorting through various maps of the region, looking for the safest place to be.
#139803007Wednesday, July 09, 2014 10:13 PM GMT

(Thank you!) (By the way, side note. You can control the Keisatsu...I don't control them unless for certain situations or upon request.) Jing "Are you the one the Keisatsu have been blasting their rifles out? Or are you just out of breathe for some other reason." Jing said. May May watched the two of them through a crack in the wall, the kitchen was not in the best of the condition. When the person took their mask off May suddenly gasped, and covered her mouth. That was the fox Kuricha that ordered her shooting. It would be best if she did not leave the kitchen right now. Grobo "What's wrong?" He asks May. "That man...ordered my shooting. He's a huge business mogul...I can't quite get his name but I know it because he showed up when I bombed his stalls." Grobo then trotted around this small kitchen..not much space for a big bear like himself.
#139808113Wednesday, July 09, 2014 11:04 PM GMT

"I have been shooting those asses for the past half hour trying to get the Phantom!" He pounded his fist on a table. "Look, if you're hiding him, her or whatever- tell them the name Zan Kokuna. Not Zanko Kuna, Zan Kokuna. I was actually pretty tight with the Scarlet Phantoms for a while." He hesitated and lied. "-For business reasons."
#139808681Wednesday, July 09, 2014 11:09 PM GMT

Jing "I'm not hiding the phantom if that's what you think. That's a serious accusation there." Jing said. "And why do you want to meet him so badly?"
#139808980Wednesday, July 09, 2014 11:12 PM GMT

"I won't hold crap against you, mate. I deal drugs secretly, for ****'s sake." He paused and ducked as guards passed by. "I want to meet him to settle things. This fight between me and him has gone on for too long."
#139809195Wednesday, July 09, 2014 11:14 PM GMT

Jing Did this Kuricha see a blood trail or something? Why is he so convinced that the phantom is here.... "If I can I will try and pass something along to a few contacts of mine. Okay?"
#139809527Wednesday, July 09, 2014 11:17 PM GMT

"Right. Thank you, now if you can excuse me, gas has infiltrated my Kuricha system and I am choking. Inform anyone that I'm the person who started this red alert and I will hunt you down like an animal and kill you myself." Zan put on the mask then ran out of the bar and shot some officers before running away.
#139810137Wednesday, July 09, 2014 11:24 PM GMT

Jing Jing then entered the kitchen. "Spying, are we?" He asked May. "That's the man who ordered the shooting on me." "I had the feeling that was so. Tell me, are you going to meet him?" Jing asked, as he put down his smoke and continued to patch up her wounds. "Not like this." She replied. "He's a capitalist pig, who would do nothing more than put another bullet in me. Preferably between the eyes."
#139810572Wednesday, July 09, 2014 11:28 PM GMT

//pffffffttt who told you that *loads gun* Zan reached his home, changed clothes and walked in to find Doctors hunching over Kyo, awakening him. He pretended to not know what happened as they told him what they could find out then walked into his living room.
#139818619Thursday, July 10, 2014 12:46 AM GMT

Auren put his sniper in a glass case, then put the case in a suitcase, red, of course, to fit his suit. He heads down a ladder, holding his suitcase meticously. When he reaches the ground, he heads out of the alley, and heads to the nearest (wherever everyone is at, or was, or whatever.)
#139832613Thursday, July 10, 2014 3:06 AM GMT

(Restaurant I assume?) Jing Jing looks at the...cyborg...thing that walks inside. He stares at it for a few seconds...not having seen anything like it before. "Um...can I help you?" He asks. May Grobo was (Terribly) Stitching the rest of her wounds. "Who the hell is here now!" She whispers, looking through the crack again. "Just what the hell is that?" Grobo "Smells like...metal?" He whispers, trying to peer through the crack in the wall as well.
#139832782Thursday, July 10, 2014 3:08 AM GMT

"Get me something to eat. I need it, what I've been through so far today..." Auren mumbles, laying his suitcase on the table.
#139870292Thursday, July 10, 2014 1:38 PM GMT

Jing "We'll fix you up a bowl of rice." He said. Jing then put out his cig, nearly burnt to the end. "May, an order of rice!" He yells int other back. May May gets up off the table and stands on her own two legs. She immediately went down on one knee due to the pain, and had to cover her mouth with her own hand so she would not scream. Trying not to scream, she gripped the side of the counter and pulled herself up, and then navigated across the kitchen, using the counter as a crutch. She then began cooking.. "So....You're quite the interesting thing aren't you?" Jing asks Auren.
#139879331Thursday, July 10, 2014 3:58 PM GMT

"Zanko" stood up and decided it was about time he made some serious decisions. He called for Kyo. "From now on, the whole market and anything else related to it- which is under my power- is on alert. I want patrols in the market district 24/7. If The Phantom or a 'friend' of it is found, they are to be captured and brought to me." He popped open a box of cigs and took one into his mouth. He grabbed a lighter and lit the cig. He smoked for a while while holding Kyo. "Also, request better training for the guards and officers. Those guys are freaking pushovers for criminals like the Phantom." Kyo nodded. "You're dismissed, dog." Zan pushed him away and turned around, lost in thought.
#139879721Thursday, July 10, 2014 4:02 PM GMT

Grobo " actually killed a Keisatsu?" May nodded. "How was it?" "Hard as hell. Shooting them is the easy alternative. Shame, I don't have any guns." May then continued. "So I had to fight them up close and personal with my sword...and when you fight them like that...things suddenly turn." Grobo's ears turned with curiosity. "How?" "That's what their mainly trained for, to fight up close I guess. It's like every swing I made, they were one step ahead of it. I would follow through with my blade, and they would just dodge and then counter it. You can't fight clean when fighting them...otherwise you'll loose. I got a good beating from just three of them...All of them were hard to take down. That's why I have so many bruises on me."
#139880168Thursday, July 10, 2014 4:07 PM GMT

"Bah." Auren says. "I was born as a test subject. I escaped from that Hell, but then I got to this hell....... Auren looks around, then whispers, "I sure hope the resistance will win this. Right now, it's hard to do a mediocre sniping shot. I have to go farther back now."
#139880777Thursday, July 10, 2014 4:14 PM GMT

"Where is the little Phantom?" Zan asked himself as the cig smoke emerged from his nostrils. He laughed slightly.
#139881523Thursday, July 10, 2014 4:22 PM GMT

Jing Jing turns his head, and looks around the room for a second, then leans his head in. "Look, word is something bigs going to go down soon. In the meantime you need to stay the hell out of the market. The stunt the phantom pulled today has put this place under red alert." -Meanwhile, in the Forbidden district inside the Council of Shadows- ??? "James, my drink has gone warm. Fetch me another one." A Hikage says, and there are other Hikage in the background. A servent nods, then takes the drink on runs off. The Hikage then floats over to the window, and watches the setting sun. "I'm sure by now you've all heard what happened in the market today. The Phantom decided to make an appearance, but he was injured badly." The Hikage then snickered, while the rest of them were as silent and mysterious as usual. "And then, afterwords more hell brakes loose, snipers, another thing with knives." "What a head ache." One of the Hikage murmur. "So, I'll tell you why I called you all here. You see, we can't let the people get hopeful that a few men with guns can defeat our Keisatsu force. So, one of the merchant leaders, whom I will remain anonymous calls for more training. I agree with this, and I say we arm our forces with loaded rifles now. Well, at least have some on reserve if things break out." "I second this statement: To arm all Keisatsu in reserve with rifles, and to give them all better training." Another says. All of the Hikage then silently begin to hum, as they are all in agreement.
#139885024Thursday, July 10, 2014 5:00 PM GMT

"Heh...shot a few guards there myself.....Speaking of shooting...I gotta clean my sniper..." Auren mumbles, and then begins unlatching his suitcase.