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#139355029Saturday, July 05, 2014 10:03 PM GMT

All events connected to the alias of the account previous to this one are classified as no one really cares. No one really cares about this biography either. As an aspiring ROBLOXian I dreamt of serving my RO-Nation and so I joined the Close Protection Team guarding the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland who was at the time, Michael Bryan. I became disillusioned and tired of my work, and decided to retire to France. Paris was a beautiful city, full of fine people and I enjoyed partying with Prime Ministers and politicians in the cabaret bars. But then war broke out, and I was forced to fight the German pretenders and rose to the rank of Caporal defending my new homeland. The French forces were some of the finest I have seen. Our President iJoker was one of the greatest leaders one could imagine, though controversial. He would dispose of Prime Ministers daily that he considered to be not good enough to lead his dear country. War broke out once more as the UK, US, France and Cuba decided to invade Italy. The largest offensive in the history of international ROBLOXian conflict was launched. The British, my former comrades crouched in the trenches, planning and organising. The US and Cubans fought immaturely. The French charged in and fought valiantly, though I feel co-operation would have helped. First in were the Special Forces. GIGN, SAS and half of the USM. But I somehow managed to fight alongside iJoker himself, and against CloseEncounter. During a time of public unrest against President iJoker, I spoke out and won the crowd by making them understand how he only fires Prime Ministers because he feels that they are not good enough for the people of France. I was offered a seat in the government, which I declined. With the war over and France to blame for some reason, I parted to becomeF an Israeli lieutenant with my comrade Qball. Leadership has changed Qball. When Israel declared war on France, I could not bear to fight my own. For a while I sat in the shadows doing nothing. Drinking tea, crafting houses and apartments and land to call my own. But I returned to the UK, which was under William Tench at the time, but not for long... I became an intelligence agent once again, but due to my new account and the KO requirement I could not serve officially. Instead my instincts told me to keep watch over the IRA, and so I infiltrated their group becoming distinguished, and reporting to SouthSeaGibbo. I killed and wounded many Britons to keep many more safe. I also witnessed the slaying of the the disgraced Queen Victoria by the IRA. Official reports say she was found dead in her chamber. Later I served as an operative in MI6 and became a senior figure in GCHQ as well as the Metropolitan Police Service. It was during the April elections that I decided to run for Home Secretary, so that I could finally force improvements to be made instead of just complain. As a Liberal Democrat, my party won by one vote. I was disappointed to hear that a rival and bitter opposing debated Geoffrey had been sentenced to a public execution, and I spoke out many times against such an act. "He committed petty crimes and the justice system has chosen to exaggerate his punishment. We've all committed crimes like Geoff has - how long is it before you're on the wrong side of the government and they prosecute you?" As Home Secretary it has been tricky, and as a person who has his policies already written up, I have worked at a faster pace than others. I hope to serve the public still, as best as I can. I have dealt with PMC's spying on Italy, seen the fate of countries discussed like pawns in a chess game, shot the President of the United States, been banned from Edinburgh and witnessed the assassination of a monarch. I have done a great many things in my time, and I hope to do more. ►My Future: Quite a few of you are joining the armed forces. I wish you luck. If you take it half as seriously as you take things on here, you'll succeed - or rage trying. I'm going to make my own way. I don't want to have to climb a mountain because my section commander told me to: I want to climb it because I quite simply feel like it. Because it's my choice. If you've made it this far, Thank You. ~ The Right Honourable Indagator, Home Secretary of the United Kingdom, dubbed 'sur inda' by the Prince Regent, Caporal in the French Army, Lieutenant in the Israeli Defence Force, Senior Analyst of GCHQ, Private Investigator, Director of the CIA, Inefficient Philosopher and Gentleman.

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