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#139402501Sunday, July 06, 2014 7:28 AM GMT

So this works fine the first time, but the second time when I died it didn't do anything. I didn't even get an error.
#139402544Sunday, July 06, 2014 7:29 AM GMT

Please, give us more information such as the script or we won't be able to help you.
#139402779Sunday, July 06, 2014 7:34 AM GMT

you have to apply it every time the character is added
#139402876Sunday, July 06, 2014 7:36 AM GMT

game.Players.kalkara.Character.Died:connect(function() local cl = game.Players.kalkara.PlayerGui.SGI:Clone() repeat wait(1) until game.Players.kalkara.Character.Humanoid.Health > 0; cl.Parent = game.Players.kalkara.PlayerGui end)
#139402906Sunday, July 06, 2014 7:36 AM GMT

so do game.Players.kalkara.CharacterAdded:connect(function()?
#139403002Sunday, July 06, 2014 7:38 AM GMT

if it's in script builder or whatever, yeah.
#139403063Sunday, July 06, 2014 7:39 AM GMT

It's not in script builder, but i'll check if that fixes it.
#139404115Sunday, July 06, 2014 8:01 AM GMT

game.Players.kalkara.CharacterAdded:connect(function(character) character:WaitForChild("Humanoid").Died:connect(function() local SG = game.Players.kalkara.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("Shouts Gui"):Clone() repeat wait() until game.Players.kalkara.Character.Humanoid.Health > 0 SG.Parent = game.Players.kalkara.PlayerGui end) end) Doesn't error, but also doesn't work.
#139404309Sunday, July 06, 2014 8:04 AM GMT

Did you test that in Roblox Studio?.
#139404329Sunday, July 06, 2014 8:04 AM GMT

game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(player) player.CharacterAdded:connect(function(char) char:WaitForChild("Humanoid").Died:connect(function() local SG = player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("Shouts Gui"):Clone() wait(5)--default respawn time SG.Parent = player.PlayerGui end) end) end) You do realise that the GUI does not get reset when a player does, right?
#139404365Sunday, July 06, 2014 8:05 AM GMT

dies* So this script is kinda pointless (unless you made GUIs reset on death).
#139404576Sunday, July 06, 2014 8:09 AM GMT

Well it would be pointless, but the GUI was made in the script so it does reset on death (:
#139404721Sunday, July 06, 2014 8:11 AM GMT

And yes Anony, I tested with clicking run, starting a server, and publishing to roblox and joining.
#139404767Sunday, July 06, 2014 8:12 AM GMT

Also smiley the game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect() is completely irrelevant as the GUI is only given to myself.
#139404921Sunday, July 06, 2014 8:15 AM GMT

while wait() do if game.Players:FindFirstChild("kalkara") and game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("kalkara") then SG = game.Players.kalkara.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("Shouts Gui"):Clone() if game.Players.kalkara.Character.Humanoid.Health <= 0 then SG.Parent = game.Players.kalkara.PlayerGui end end end
#139404933Sunday, July 06, 2014 8:15 AM GMT

That doesn't make it irrelevant-it's needed but you just add a bit. But I don't really like your tone so I'm not doing it for you, kid.
#139404957Sunday, July 06, 2014 8:15 AM GMT

Such inefficiency...
#139405008Sunday, July 06, 2014 8:16 AM GMT

#139405078Sunday, July 06, 2014 8:17 AM GMT

Also, if you started a server in studio then your playername would have been "Player1", not "kalkara".
#139405300Sunday, July 06, 2014 8:21 AM GMT

Anony, I did change it from kalkara to Player1.
#139405421Sunday, July 06, 2014 8:24 AM GMT

Also smiley "kid" is irrelevant (: I am of age to be a teenager, and have been for a few years now. Sorry if you didn't like my tone. Also yes there is inefficiency because I've just gotten back into Lua recently.
#139405506Sunday, July 06, 2014 8:25 AM GMT

I didn't like how you assumed what I wrote was irrelevant. It was completely relevant and if you wanted it for yourself only I could have done that for you.
#139405579Sunday, July 06, 2014 8:27 AM GMT

I only meant the game.Players.PlayerAdded. I mean I guess maybe add a check after it to see if the player is kalkara?
#139405633Sunday, July 06, 2014 8:28 AM GMT

Enough already, he's been given solutions, starting an argument over something as simple as this which has already been solved will only serve to provoke potential future negativity between the scripting helper(s) and the topic creator.
#139405685Sunday, July 06, 2014 8:30 AM GMT

Actually Anony, I still haven't gotten this to work. I have tried all the scripts you guys have provided.

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