#1414825Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:53 PM GMT

(D'oh...I did too much typos... -_-) -Robloxia forest- zeldafan334:Hm..?It seems that the darkness is brewing again...I wonder what it is...
#1414908Thursday, June 19, 2008 3:58 PM GMT

Kill1: and Xal, you daugter is fighting against the AI at this moment*
#1415012Thursday, June 19, 2008 4:06 PM GMT

Xal:...That can't be helped,then.My magic power in my current state isn't strong anymore against Hagee Urashima the 1st...So is Aurora. -Robloxia Forest- The forest started to get a little bit of earthquake,but then stops. zeldafan334:...Oh no.The main enemy returns...But this time,it's not Evil Builderman. ?(a ghost):*appears* It's strange...The forest was never being harmed.In this case...The main enemy of my family and the rest of Robloxians...Escaped from the Realm Of The Banned... zeldafan334:I was tasked to watch after this forest and protect it -_- I missed my friends out there...
#1415109Thursday, June 19, 2008 4:12 PM GMT

Kill1: then should we help her?
Top 100 Poster
#1417654Thursday, June 19, 2008 6:43 PM GMT

Umm... I want to change my character. Name: Flame Age: 17 Gender: Male Clothing: Random Skin/Eyes/Hair: Tan, brown, black Weapons: Fire Magic Status: Healthy STARTING AREA: Robloxia City 2:00 P.M. (or whatever time it is right now) Flame: *is playing Brawl* -_- ok, that was cheap. HOW DOES A LEVEL 1 YOSHI KO ME! Ugghh... BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAH- *window breaks* Flame: Wha!? ???: *slashes at Flame, but misses [I'm not going to let my character die right when he enters the RPG!] Flame: *shoots a bolt of fire at ???* ???: I'm on fire T_T *makes a small explosion and sets the apartment on fire* NOTE: Flame's parents are not home. Flame: Uh oh... *starts running down the stairs and presses the fire alarm*
#1417926Thursday, June 19, 2008 6:54 PM GMT

-SHADOW DIMENSION: Shadow city- Allan: Hmm... *the people in the city are semi-transparent and going about their business as if still in the real world* Allan: Excuse me! Can anyone hear me? T_T ???: RAAAAHHHH!!! *slashes Allan* STATUS: INJURED (Severe) Allan: Gah! *falls on the ground* What the... *??? is nowhere to be found* Allan: Hmm... *stands up* Grrr... ???: *slashes allan's back* STATUS: INJURED (NEAR DEATH)(UNCONCIOUS) Allan: GAH! *falls over, unconcious* Possesion role for ALLAN: FAILED. ALLAN IS NOW POSSESED
#1418378Thursday, June 19, 2008 7:12 PM GMT

(Oh god O_o) Shadow City I heard screams coming from the streets down below. I knew I shouldn't go down, but I couldn't let whoever that was get possessed... I hurried down the stairs and ran outside. It was a strange sight out on the streets, people were transparent, and they didn't seem to even notice my prescence. I ran to the source of the cry and found a possessed man-the one I had tried to save earlier. I gasped. There was a mysterious shadowy figure behind him, holding a large, broad sword, pulsating with shadow energy. I drew my guns and aimed them at the figure. "Are you the one responsible for all this?!" I shouted. The figure said nothing, but waved his hand. The possessed all seemed suddenly alert, as if they heard some silent signal. I tightened my finger on the trigger. The figure clenched his fist, and the possessed once again began their chant-"PURGING OF SOULS IMMINENT." and rushed toward me. I shot all around me, having ill effect on any of the possessed. I lowered my shoulder and plowed into a wall of possessed, I threw many of them aside and plowed others to the ground, while being clawed at and beaten. I emerged from the group of possessed with several injuries and blood all over me. I backed away from the group of possessed and saw the dark figure rise up and vanish in a burst of shadow energy. STATUS: INJURED (Moderate)
#1418616Thursday, June 19, 2008 7:25 PM GMT

Shadow City:Near a dumpster I heard a scream.I was guessing another victim had fallen.I had to go help whoever tried to help the victim.I saw a person shooting Possessed with almost no effect.I wanted to help her,but I was barely useful with an empty pistol with no more MAGS.I needed a stronger weapon,and fast. Status:healthy
#1418625Thursday, June 19, 2008 7:26 PM GMT

princeyoshi: not so fast mr. ??? ...what kind of name is ??? XD ???: go ahead, make my day sandbag: princeyoshi, hold the noob off while i try to free allen from possesion...if thats possible... ???: who are you calling noob?! you dirt bag!!! sandbag: ...no more mr. nice bag o' sand... ???: bring it!!! sandbag: *muliplys into 100 sandbags* *each one fires shoop da woop at ???* princeyoshi stats: sleeping, while protected from enemies by a magic barrior :P sandbag stats: god mode (most attacks wont effect him, all attacks are ohko)
#1418971Thursday, June 19, 2008 7:48 PM GMT

princeyoshi, thats really kinda overpowered..... *teleport leads next to dude* we meet again haha so whats next?
Top 100 Poster
#1419023Thursday, June 19, 2008 7:50 PM GMT

I think Barney The Dinosaur is behind this!
#1420572Thursday, June 19, 2008 9:16 PM GMT

I was stealthily looking for a weapon when I saw a sword on the ground.It looks like the victims sword,but there was no time to think about that now.I took the sword.it was pulsating black.Weird. ~Black,Pulsating Sword~
#1421649Thursday, June 19, 2008 10:27 PM GMT

-Elsewhere (again -_-)- H.AI:....I don't need to tell you how did I get out of the Realm Of The Banned -_-...It's an extremely long story... Aurora:.....>_> I knew that it was your answer... *charges at H.AI*
#1421984Thursday, June 19, 2008 10:43 PM GMT

I was stealthing it everywhere,wondering what to do,when I saw a girl(possibly my age)charging at an unknown man.I didnt want to her to end up like that other person,I went to help her.
#1421994Thursday, June 19, 2008 10:44 PM GMT

Zacaris I still have my sword. Just because I'm possessed doesn't mean I dropped it...
#1422021Thursday, June 19, 2008 10:45 PM GMT

Aww,but it makes that cool pulsating noise when I swing it.Ok.Can I at least use a different sword?
#1422037Thursday, June 19, 2008 10:46 PM GMT

(not a shadow sword, but yeah, You can find some kind of sword)
#1422143Thursday, June 19, 2008 10:52 PM GMT

Ok. I'll use a sword that I always used since my first RPG:DemonLight!
#1422232Thursday, June 19, 2008 10:56 PM GMT

I had to help her,whoever she was.I wasn't about to let her die.Or worse.
#1422336Thursday, June 19, 2008 11:02 PM GMT

well dude, lets keep in touch *hands a phone over* ok see ya! *shoom* (on plane aurora is on) woah... i think i should help but.... AH! *jumps in closet while they rush by* Oooo... I dont thing this dingy old baseball bat will keep up with those high class swords.... oh? whats this? *bat is glowing because of the special powers ness holds* well now that should be good... *jumps out of closet* HYAAAAAAAAAA!!!! *charges for AI but narrowly misses falling out the window* (holding onto wing) AAAAAAAAAAAAH HEEEEEEEEELP *gets up and sees feet are magneted to the wing* oh well thats interesting....
#1423021Thursday, June 19, 2008 11:40 PM GMT

Name: Rocco Age: 20 Gender: Male Clothing: army camo Skin/Eyes/Hair: white/blue/blonde Weapons: knife and a pistol with low ammo. Status: Healthy STARTING ZONE: Robloxian city. 4:00. "ughh" i tell myself as i fall into my chair. exausted from work i turn on the T.V. to the preview news. "earlier today a.. wait.. WHAT'S THAT?!" i sat up, they looked.. i can't really decribe them. but they were learching toward the news crew. "we seem to have a mob coming." they didn't look like a mob, they looked like zombies. "they are running now and... wait. AH ah AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" i saw them slam against the news crew and land on the ground. i grabbed a survival knife and a pistol. and walking outside i saw them. the news crew which was K.Oed by the blow now rose to their feet. their eyes glowed white. the color of the monsters eyes. they saw me and ran at me. i was a semi expert in weaponry and i threw the knife at them. WHISHH right past them. my pistol was my pride and joy when i'm working on duty with the police. but i never actually had ammo for it. 1 clip in a 12 shot pistol. was my only choice. *BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG* one of them fell to the ground, motionless. i could see the rest of the horde running at me, they had a baseball bat... i turned into the alley and ran through, them still chasing me. i managed to leap over a fence it stopped them, but i cut my leg on the top. (Status change: injured (mild) holding my leg in pain i lurched back into a building where i ran to the roof and lay down on the side to rest.
#1423446Friday, June 20, 2008 12:05 AM GMT

*gets back in plane* (in the room kill1 and xal are in) *kill1 and xal are talking* *sneaks behind a chair*
#1427291Friday, June 20, 2008 4:41 AM GMT

bump O_o
#1427490Friday, June 20, 2008 5:28 AM GMT

Kill1: *pulls out Shotgun* there's someone here.....
#1427664Friday, June 20, 2008 6:16 AM GMT

-Kill1's airship- Xal:Where? Kill1:maybe under a chair...Find for him. -Meanwhile- H.AI:Heh. *uses force push at Aurora* Aurora:*gets slammed against a wall* Ow...! H.AI:You're don't have enough strength to be a strong warrior. Aurora:Someone's wisdom is as same as another person's energy... *wakes up and takes out Bradford Magic Book* H.AI:Is it? *dashes towards Aurora and tries to grip her* Aurora:!!! *runs away from getting gripped* o_O So close to be choked... H.AI:...I'll have to use the same attack then.DARK BEAM! *shoots the pitch black beam at Aurora again* Aurora:(In thoughts:Oh no,I'm dead!But-) *instantly teleports away behind H.AI* H.AI:Heh... Aurora:Weak point! >:D *punches H.AI* H.AI:AGH! *falls down behind a pile of boxes* Grr....You twit. *gets headache* I'll let you go today,lil' brat...Even I do this...That's just because of my pasts... *falls asleep* ZzzzzzAaaarghZzzzz....... Aurora:O_o.Was my punch too strong or I'm just lucky to beat him?But anyways....PWNED! >XD Long Range Teleport! *teleports back to Kill1's airship*