#1442683Saturday, June 21, 2008 11:03 AM GMT

Aurora:O_O...INTRUDER ON THE LOOSE! Xal:-_- He's not an intruder...
#1442742Saturday, June 21, 2008 11:14 AM GMT

Nate: *takes out magic book and makes Aurora smack into a wall* why do i even bother.
#1442792Saturday, June 21, 2008 11:21 AM GMT

Aurora:...This guy is so self-centered! >:O Nate:Dare calling me self-centered,lil' girl?I'll blox you out if you say that again. Aurora:Shut up... Both of them stare to each other. Xal:STOP QUARRELING! Aurora,Nate:*stares at Xal* Silence!We'll kill you! Xal:T_T I guess you won't hear me.
Top 100 Poster
#1444375Saturday, June 21, 2008 2:14 PM GMT

Flame: So now the guy attacking me ran away into some portal, closed it, AND 2 random noobs are fighting. *Nate and Aurora hear Flame*
#1444411Saturday, June 21, 2008 2:17 PM GMT

Nate:Who's there? Aurora:*spots Flame* Eh...?Did I hear 2 Noobs are fighting...?We're NOT Noobs -_- Xal:...Who are you? Everyone else stares at Flame. ~Silence~......
Top 100 Poster
#1444447Saturday, June 21, 2008 2:19 PM GMT

Flame: O_O uhh... I'm Flame. Who are you?
#1444497Saturday, June 21, 2008 2:23 PM GMT

Aurora:I'm Aurora Neon,the princess of Robloxia. Nate:Nate Darkdeth is my name.Call me Nate. Xal:Well...I shold keep this a secret,but oh well...I'm the king Of Robloxia,Xal Neon...>_> And Aurora is my daughter...
#1444569Saturday, June 21, 2008 2:27 PM GMT

Nate: BORED!
#1444632Saturday, June 21, 2008 2:31 PM GMT

Aurora:Ah.....Anyway,many buildings of Robloxia City is destroyed...And most of the residents turned into "Possessed". *gets a headache* T_T Why am I always getting this?I never had any abnormal headaches before...
#1444654Saturday, June 21, 2008 2:33 PM GMT

Nate: the same disease as your mother, Vixen Noobis
#1444703Saturday, June 21, 2008 2:36 PM GMT

Aurora:How did you know that...? *the headache is gone* That's strange...I didn't faint after all.
#1444720Saturday, June 21, 2008 2:37 PM GMT

Nate: none of your concern *snaps fingers and disappears*
#1444809Saturday, June 21, 2008 2:45 PM GMT

Aurora:.......Hmph...Bean sprout. Xal:Don't bad mouth about him!He's a deadly mage....If you mess with him,he'll pwn you! Aurora:*stares at Xal with an evil stare* I don't care,dad...I just hated that guy...REALLY. Xal:.........Fine.If Nate finds out about this,you are dead meat,Aurora...
Top 100 Poster
#1445735Saturday, June 21, 2008 4:00 PM GMT

Flame: Uhhh.... can I travel wiith you guys? I mean, there's really nothing to do, and I want to stop the possessed things... Aurora: Sure, you can come.
#1445850Saturday, June 21, 2008 4:10 PM GMT

-Shadow Dimension:Shadow City- Allan(Possessed):*slashes ZF* zeldafan334:Ahh! *gets injured a bit* (in thoughts:Compared to the power level of a normal Robloxian,a Possessed Robloxian's power is greater than before he or she is possessed...) Status:Injured(mild) Allan(Possessed):PURGING OF SOUL IMINENT... *continues slashing ZF* zeldafan334:*blocks with lightning sword* Can't you just stop chanting that stupid word?! *slashes Allan back* Allan(Possessed):*blocks ZF's slash* zeldafan334:Grr...(in thoughts:He's stronger than I thought...I have to be careful or I'll end up being a Possessed like him)
#1445919Saturday, June 21, 2008 4:16 PM GMT

Kill1: *stands on a building* *begins Sniping Allan(Possessed)*
#1445960Saturday, June 21, 2008 4:20 PM GMT

-Shadow Dimension:Shadow City- Allan(Possessed):*dodges with no effort and continues attacking ZF* zeldafan334:! *slashes Allan(Possessed)* Allan(Possessed): blocks and uses push force to fling ZF away against a wall* zeldafan334:AHH! *gets flung against a wall* That hurts.... Allan:(Possessed):PURGING OF SOUL IMINENT... *is about to give a death blow at ZF* zeldafan334:(in thoughts:Grr...I have to retreat!) *teleports away*
#1446133Saturday, June 21, 2008 4:44 PM GMT

Kill1: he avoided my attack? *teleports away*
#1447135Saturday, June 21, 2008 6:03 PM GMT

Sewer Line I was in the sewer,sneaking around.I thought I heard Possessed chanting,so I took cover behind an openiong in the wall.They passed by me without even looking around.They were probably going somewhere,and I didnt want to follow them.I saw some light,so I went there.BIG mistake.Posessed were everywhere.Not to mention the victim I saw earlier.He looked couragous,but with a still expression on his face.They saw me,and charged.I ran like I never ran before.I was yelling,"OH SNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP!!!!!"
Top 100 Poster
#1447951Saturday, June 21, 2008 7:05 PM GMT

IN ROBLOXIA CITY... ???: Heheheh... I've already trapped two of the heroes that were supposed to kill me in the future... they cannot even defeat one possessed. This will be easier than I thought. But I'll still be cautious. *adds some very purple liquid into a vial and makes a random person drink it* One more possessed for me...
Top 100 Poster
#1447961Saturday, June 21, 2008 7:06 PM GMT

Woops, I meant IN SHADOW PALACE...
#1448016Saturday, June 21, 2008 7:10 PM GMT

meanwhile on kill1's airship... princeyoshi: wait...werent we just fighting the guy that had the name"???"...? sandbag: yes...but howed we get here on kill1's airship...? princeyoshi: this is kill1's airship? sandbag uhh...how many times have you been here..and you dont remember??? XD princeyoshi: i was just kidding XD sandbag: anyways...we shou--- princeyoshi: buttons!!! sandbag: dont touch those!!! princeyoshi: *presses big yellow button* everything aorund them changes... princeyoshi: this isnt kill1's airship!!! hagee AI: die!!! sandbag: trap!!! *fires shoop da woop* H.AI: *reflects* sandbag: *dodges makeing the blast hit main control panels on airship* aha!!!! princeyoshi: *throws magic-boomerang-halberd* die! H.AI: grr!!!! *dodges* aha!! you mis---*gets hit in the back by magic-boomerang-halberd* *falls down to ground, face 1st* princeyoshi: i win :P ...oooo more buttons!!! sandbag: press the red one :P princeyoshi: *press red button* speakers system start alerting that the self-destruct sequence has been activated... princeyoshi: *grabs magic-boomerang halberd* *teleports everyone away to kill1's airship* the airship explodes... princeyoshi: that was close... sandbag: kill1, i suggest you put this in a high level security cell.... everyone: o.0 !!! kill1: when and how did you defeat hagee???!!! princeyoshi: 10 seconds ago :P sandbag: it realy wasnt that epic of a battle, you didnt miss anything...
#1448094Saturday, June 21, 2008 7:15 PM GMT

oh yea i almost forgot... princeyoshi stats: healthy sandbag stats: healthy
#1449312Saturday, June 21, 2008 8:28 PM GMT

*attacks princeyoshi* *knocks him and sandbag out* YOU DUMB OVERPOWERED STUPID IDIOTS!! YOU RUINED THE STORY!! *teles to dudes location but in front on the other side of forcefeild* hi!!! (if i triple posted its because it keeps getting moderated)
#1454058Sunday, June 22, 2008 1:47 AM GMT

(T_T princeyoshi...The main enemy can't die too quick...What if Clonegamma sees what you typed?) -Shadow Dimension:Shadow City- zeldafan334:*appears behind a house* Phew...That was close...Heal! *heals herself* Status:Healthy A resident from Shadow Dimension tapped ZF's shoulder. ?:Mind telling me why are you here? zeldafan334:*gets startled* AHH! *takes out her lightning sword* ?:...I see...You're not from this world.Calm down.I'm not going to harm you,but not many Shadow Dimension citizens are kind. zeldafan334:Fine. *keeps her lightning sword* I thought all residents here are corrupt.Oh,by the way,I'm zeldafan334 from Robloxia.It seems my country has been attacked by random shadows and turn many of its citizens to "Possessed". ?:I understand your situation...Once,this land is attacked by a traitor of this land... zeldafan334:Is that so?Err...You forgot to introduce yourself. ?:Oh,I'm sorry!I was brought away by my story ;-D My name is Shadow Moon.Call me Moon. zeldafan334:Well,I need some help here. Name:Shadow Moon Age:18 Gender:Female Clothing:Casual (a long-sleeved blue shirt with orange skirt,pink knee-high socks and a pair sports shoes) Skin/Eyes/Hair (IN THIS ORDER):Caucasian/Grey/Dirty blond Weapons:AK-47(her main weapon,but only used when she fights with a Possessed),Star Sword,Moon Shield Status:Healthy