#139458592Sunday, July 06, 2014 9:37 PM GMT

YOU CAN'T GET RID OF MY THAT EASILY! But this time, a Lich who wasn't faced with such a problem! (Character Sheet] Name: Fascol Lich Age: 37 Class: Runnsicin[ Was in the original. A rare Primarily magic user class who are masters of illusions and magic based on emotions, feelings and senses.] Personality: A friendly, but wise man, Fascol has no worries about what others feel. He really only wants the honest truth, and will give only that. Appearance: A tall figure with a thinnish body, Fascol's hair is a sort of weird mix of both natural gray and natural black. A small scar runs down his nose, but not much other damage. His eyes are a odd color of light purple, but still full of life. Asset: A particularly powerful Runnisicin, Fascol can easily cast spells without wasting much energy. Flaw: Always too honest, meaning he would tell the truth even if no one wants to hear it. Bio: A aspiring explorer, Fascol was well liked by his companions for often making sure they all had a large amount of gold before they departed the labyrinth. He once led a expedition up to 10th floor, but found it was completely barricaded. As the huge beast came around, Fascol quickly led his party of 7 to actually kill the beast. With it, Fascol secured the respect of other explorers and kept at it. Inventory[Optional]: Silver covered book, Two long knifes and a map. Other[Optional]: Etria (A Lich who didn't lose his party on the 10th floor...)
#139459341Sunday, July 06, 2014 9:44 PM GMT

umm... i'm going for a week... i'm not sure if this'll still be up and running when i get back. keep it alive
#139459904Sunday, July 06, 2014 9:50 PM GMT

You aren't accepted , why bother? This is not a siggy; it is a tribute.
#139479814Monday, July 07, 2014 1:20 AM GMT

Ha! Glad to see you Jona! Your accepted
#139483030Monday, July 07, 2014 1:49 AM GMT

Name: Jenna Tamour Age: 16 Class: Medic Personality: Kind, carring, compassionate, over all, exudes an aura of innocence Appearance: She has chestnut brown hair that reaches to her shoulders. Sky blue eyes. She wears the garb of a medical student and a small tan medical bag Asset: She is an exemplary medic Flaw: She tends to be a bit ditzy Bio: TBA Inventory[Optional]: A staff, medicas Other[Optional]: Some people beleave she hides a secret, though, they have no legitimate proof (Bringing her back, but with a differant story)
#139502409Monday, July 07, 2014 4:56 AM GMT

Bump for no apperant reason
#139523791Monday, July 07, 2014 12:26 PM GMT

Morning bump
#139534961Monday, July 07, 2014 3:35 PM GMT

I'll start when one of the people who gave a CS gets on
#139536581Monday, July 07, 2014 3:57 PM GMT

Definitely Marked.
#139536735Monday, July 07, 2014 3:59 PM GMT

#139537073Monday, July 07, 2014 4:04 PM GMT

I've been on for like the past two hours. This is not a siggy; it is a tribute.
#139539880Monday, July 07, 2014 4:37 PM GMT

Anyone who has been accepted may start
#139545883Monday, July 07, 2014 5:44 PM GMT

William is praying at the chapel, his helmet off and his sword on the ground in-front of him.
#139546871Monday, July 07, 2014 5:55 PM GMT

Jenna entered Etria "Its so pretty here" she stands in awe at the city
#139548637Monday, July 07, 2014 6:12 PM GMT

(Fascol might remember things from the previous story, and then I'll just blame time magic... Then things will really get interesting!) Fascol Lich- "Ah, such a world... Such a expansive world!" Fascol seems to tell himself, walking through floor 13. With him, of course, is another expedition... With him is his old party, now made up of 14 members and is a official and highly respected guild. "Fascol! There's another monster group up ahead!" Fascol turns, spotting his best friend and most trusted Survivalist he knows... Curois. "Aye, Curois... Lead the others ahead. I'll take anyone with magic to the flank."
#139556125Monday, July 07, 2014 7:20 PM GMT

(Hmmm, interesting) (I might do something similar with Jenna) [Talia and Tac] "Saki! Come look at this!" Tac yelled from somewhere else on floor 20 "Damnit Tac! Stop calling me Saki, and what is it lt?" Talia replied "Look at this technology, its so... Weird" He stares at some pipes and other metal objects "I'm a bit busy right now!" She finishes off a few golden boars
#139557687Monday, July 07, 2014 7:35 PM GMT

Fascol Lich- The flanking maneuver works as brilliant as ever, with the only injuries due to a unfortunate trip. However, Fascol seems to just... One of the Landsknects cuts through the beasts like nothing, but... "Fascol, you a'right?" One of the Troubadour asks, and Fascol just shakes it off. "Yes, I'm perfectly alright... Minus the fact we all are getting a good time and enough money!" Fascol chuckles, the other laughing with him. (In this reality, Fascol never knew Hasclin. He also has a sense of humour and actually does drink. 'Where's Hasclin?' you might ask... Well, he's permanently stuck as a drunkard in the Golden Deer Pub, still complaining about the guilds and making luid jokes.)
#139559160Monday, July 07, 2014 7:52 PM GMT

(If we're going alternate universe) (You-know-who killed the entire family) (And you-know-who is a bit more ruthless) [Jenna] "Wooooow, so much stuff to do here!" She ran around town, in awe of everything there was to see
#139559544Monday, July 07, 2014 7:56 PM GMT

(How would robots be classified?)
#139559601Monday, July 07, 2014 7:57 PM GMT

(Character Sheet] Name: Anton Akthuri Age: 29 Class: Hexer Personality: A quit type of person, he doesn't speak much. Generally clever and good at magic. Appearance:He has grey skin and white hair. His cloak is blood red. Anton is tall and a bit muscular. Asset: Anton is good at magic, and in general he is a hard worker. Flaw: He overthinks things, leading to making slow decisions. Bio: Anton was part of a family once. ONCE. When he was a child, he was abandoned by his parents. Soon enough he discovered his powers and started using them. Now, Akthuri wanders around, not really having a place to stay. He recently discovered Etria and plans on staying for a while, to explore The Labyrinth. Inventory[Optional]: A buttload of potions, a carrot. Other[Optional]: Etria!
#139559876Monday, July 07, 2014 7:59 PM GMT

(Robots...?) (Also, your auto accepted bow)
#139560017Monday, July 07, 2014 8:00 PM GMT

(lel forgot) Anton walked around Etria. He was exceptionally bored.
#139561266Monday, July 07, 2014 8:12 PM GMT

Jenna stopped in dead heat as she sees a neat staff in a shop window "woooooooooah!"
#139562213Monday, July 07, 2014 8:21 PM GMT

Anton looked at her in disgust. "Over-excited chipmunk."
#139568200Monday, July 07, 2014 9:11 PM GMT

Name:david langston Age: 23 Class:survivalist Personality:he's quiet and very freindly Apearence:dark brown hair red eyes pale. Asset: good with bows Flaw: not very good with swords or close range. Bio:His parents died when he was 9 and was raised in a orphanage where he was always bulied and casted out. Inventory: water bottle,energy bars. Other:etria.