#143290026Monday, August 11, 2014 4:52 PM GMT

"Calm down. She won't die on me, I can make sure of that. But its a really a matter of if I can get her walking again" Dillon said. He turned Ilsa over and inspected her back. He pulled an odd looking devices from the bag Sierra brought him and lightly pressed it against her back "If your wondering, this is a device built around the design of a pre-Yggdrasil era device we found on the twenty-second floor. I believe it was called an 'X-ray machine'. Of course we don't have the technological advances people back then had, so this is a much more primative version" Dillon explained "It'll allow me to see how damaged her spine is, and intern, help me decide the best course of action" He continued "I'll ask again, what did this to her?" Sierra pips up once more "And can it be killed, hurt, or tourtered!?" Jeser questions further
#143366799Tuesday, August 12, 2014 9:33 AM GMT

Leondo "A dream demon, that's all I know."
#143382870Tuesday, August 12, 2014 3:40 PM GMT

"A dream demon? That sounds a bit far fetched" Sierra says
#143385915Tuesday, August 12, 2014 4:24 PM GMT

(I honestly have no idea if I'm passed out or not..) Ilsa stared at the ceiling throbbing in pain, "A dream creature," she blinked slowly. "It's hard to believe, but It's true..." she said while wincing, she closed her eyes again.
#143386626Tuesday, August 12, 2014 4:34 PM GMT

"Hm. So your awake, if barely" Dillon says upon hearing her speak "Still, that's a bit hard to believe" He continues "Believe it" Jenna says as she enters " I say it with my own eyes. A beautiful creature, with wings that glistened in the sun" She said "Oh, Jenna, your here too... I suppose your word is as good as any" Dillon says
#143404873Tuesday, August 12, 2014 8:22 PM GMT

(I might quit soon.. sorry guys.)
#143405418Tuesday, August 12, 2014 8:28 PM GMT

(Aw, why?)
#143409086Tuesday, August 12, 2014 9:11 PM GMT

(Er, we'll all my friends kinda quit so I don't have anything to do here but get on forums. But I won't quit until sometime in a few months..)
#143409627Tuesday, August 12, 2014 9:17 PM GMT

(Who needs freinds when you have RP!) (:P) (But in all seriousness) (What ever you decide to do is fine) (But if your still active in one of my threads) (I'd ask that you say something to me via PM) (Just so I know)
#143425722Tuesday, August 12, 2014 11:58 PM GMT

#143437304Wednesday, August 13, 2014 2:03 AM GMT

"How are you feeling Ilsa?" Dillon asked "I've used a couple numbing agents to help dull the pain" He continues
#143439299Wednesday, August 13, 2014 2:27 AM GMT

"Fine.." she winced but felt slightly better.
#143440251Wednesday, August 13, 2014 2:40 AM GMT

"Good. It seems to damage isn't to horrible, hell, your wrist is more damaged then your spine. It'll be a simple precedure to adjust it. You'll be walking again in about a week. Your wrist is a differant matter. Its been crushed severely" He explains
#143476564Wednesday, August 13, 2014 3:42 PM GMT

"Yeah I could have done without her crushing it..." she sighed wearily.
#143478119Wednesday, August 13, 2014 4:06 PM GMT

"Her? The dream demon I take it" He says before looking at her wrist a bit more "The bone itself was snapped nearly in two, and the muscles around it were flattened. Honestly, I'm a bit surprissed any of you were able to live with something like that attacking you" He says
#143479099Wednesday, August 13, 2014 4:21 PM GMT

Ilsa sighed again, "I should have explained to her who I was... none of this would have happened. You see... my mother died a long time ago and since then Iv'e had strange dreams of her visiting me as if she was calling me." Ilsa explained while pausing for a moment. "I guess the "dream demon" was searching for that person, me." Ilsa said.
#143479862Wednesday, August 13, 2014 4:32 PM GMT

"Hmmmm. Interesting" Dillon stood for a moment, seemingly dissecting the story Ilsa told him "I think I've heard stories similar to this. They're from a couple hundred years ago. Two people, male and female, were severely injured, almost to the point of death, by unknown things. In both cases, they're freinds reporting them having strange dreams about late family members. When questioned about it, they were to scared to say anything beyond 'demon'. It was a very odd story at the time, and even to this day, but hearing you explain puts it all into perspective" He says
#143504151Wednesday, August 13, 2014 9:17 PM GMT

Ilsa wanted to nod but strained even moving a muscle.
#143506130Wednesday, August 13, 2014 9:38 PM GMT

"Don't try moving to much, it'll just makes things worse" He says. Jeser speaks up once more "Dillon! Can I go kill the dream demon?" He asked "Damnit Jeser, you know I'm not the one to ask" Dillon responds "But Kat wont be back for hours! She appointed you second in charge!" He says impatiently "Yes, but I can only make decisions with her, not alone. You should know that by now" He responds "Fine, whatever..." He said in a passive aggressive sort of tone "Its for the best Jeser" Sierra says in her calming tone "We could only defeat something like that with all of us together" She continues "Yeah, I guess you right" Jeser responds
#143676300Friday, August 15, 2014 6:37 PM GMT

"No... she's to powerful." Ilsa blinked slowly with fear.
#143677876Friday, August 15, 2014 6:59 PM GMT

"The hell she is!" Jeser says "No way am I going to miss out on a chance to kill something so weird!" He continues. Dillon sighs "When he gets like this, there's no stopping him. Anyway, with all of together we may stand a chance" Dillon says "Yeah, I mean you guys took out Fenrir. You can handle this!" Sierra speaks up once again
#143726979Saturday, August 16, 2014 4:45 AM GMT

Ilsa sighed while agreeing somewhat feeling slight strength come back to her.
#143727617Saturday, August 16, 2014 4:56 AM GMT

Meanwhile... "What was that...?" Talia, hearing a rustling in the bushes "Someone there?" She asks. A girls pops up from the bushes. She looks young, but her actions and manor of speach say otherwise. She stand tall, at about 5'8, and has a lean athletic build. She has long, dirty blond hair, that doesn't to have been combed or manged at all. Her eyes, or eye, is a brown color. She wears the hate of a survivalist, with a blue jay feather stuck in it. She has a black cloth over her left eye, insinuating that it was hurt, and a bandanna over her mouth. She wore a light leather survivalist outfit, with the bottom cut off, revealing her belly button, a short tan Jean dress, and thin black pants, and brown boots "Mist!" Talia yelled in surprise "No time, move..." She says. She walks south, and motions for Talia to follow her, which she quickly does
#143731189Saturday, August 16, 2014 5:58 AM GMT

Leondo I wonder "If dream creatures are real, then the dream king can be real too!".
#143732698Saturday, August 16, 2014 6:30 AM GMT

"What are you on about?" Dillon says, turning to Leondo