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#139455973Sunday, July 06, 2014 9:10 PM GMT

When the script runs it runs fine.. but when it does teleporting it only teleports one person (the first person that joined) Help?? SCRIPT : while wait(10) do function StartGame() for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do local Info = v.PlayerGui.Information local BeepSoundId = 161164363 local getplayers = game.Players:GetChildren() local Beep = Instance.new("Sound", v.PlayerGui) Beep.Volume = 1 Beep.SoundId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset?id="..BeepSoundId.."" local ZombiesAlive = game.Workspace.ZombiesAlive local Round = 0 local BattleMusicId = 151514610 local BattleMusic = Instance.new("Sound", v.PlayerGui) BattleMusic.Name = "BattleMusic" Beep.Name = "Beep" BattleMusic.Volume = 1 BattleMusic.SoundId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset?id="..BattleMusicId.."" local InfoText = Info.Frame.TextLabel game.Workspace.PlayersAlive.Value = #getplayers local script = script.Check script:Clone().Parent = v.Character v.Character.Check.Disabled = false game.Workspace.Teleport.Disabled = false wait(1) game.Workspace.Teleport.Disabled = true Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "Oh, look another survivor!" wait(3) Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "Look, I am glad you are alive!" wait(3) Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "But I seriously need help right now!" wait(3) Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "But, right now I am trapped in Jeff The Killer's Prison!" wait(3) Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "I need your help to get me out of here!" wait(3) Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "You better watch out because he has some minions!" wait(3) Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "That's all the information I can give you, he's coming to my cell!" wait(3) InfoText.Text = "" BattleMusic:Play() wait() Round = 1 local round1zombies = game.Lighting.Round1:GetChildren() for i,v in pairs(game.Lighting.Round1:GetChildren()) do v:Clone().Parent = game.Workspace end ZombiesAlive.Value = #round1zombies repeat print("waiting..") wait(1) until game.Workspace.ZombiesAlive.Value == 0 BattleMusic:Stop() Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "Defeated the minions? Great!" wait(3) Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "You may now proceed on into the caves!" wait(3) InfoText.Text = "" game.Workspace.Blockers.Round2.CanCollide = false Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "Alright, caves are a little more dangerous.." wait(3) Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "There is a high chance that a ton of zombies can spawn..." wait(3) Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "But from what I remembered there was not many." InfoText.Text = "" wait(3) BattleMusic:Play() local round2zombies = game.Lighting.Round2:GetChildren() for i,v in pairs(game.Lighting.Round2:GetChildren()) do v:Clone().Parent = game.Workspace end ZombiesAlive.Value = #round2zombies repeat print("waiting..") wait(1) until game.Workspace.ZombiesAlive.Value == 0 wait(1) BattleMusic:Stop() Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "Great job!" wait(3) Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "Everything is going well so far" wait(3) Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "But still no where close to saving me..." wait(3) Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "Proceed on to exit the caves" wait(3) InfoText.Text = "" wait(10) Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "Hmm.. I am detecting some minions on my radar.." wait(3) Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "Stay alert." wait(2.8) InfoText.Text = "" game.Workspace.Blockers.Round3Start.CanCollide = false wait(5) wait(3) Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "Yep, I was correct... MINIONS!!" wait(3) InfoText.Text = "" BattleMusic:Play() local round3zombies = game.Lighting.Round3:GetChildren() for i,v in pairs(game.Lighting.Round3:GetChildren()) do v:Clone().Parent = game.Workspace end ZombiesAlive.Value = #round3zombies repeat print("waiting..") wait(1) until game.Workspace.ZombiesAlive.Value == 0 wait(1) BattleMusic:Stop() Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "Oh, and I forgot to say.." wait(3) Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "Blue leave bushes can heal you gradually." wait(3) Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "If you need healing you can touch the middle of it to heal" wait(3) Beep:Play() InfoText.Text = "When your done healing or don't need healing proceed on into the field." wait(3) end end StartGame() end
#139456125Sunday, July 06, 2014 9:12 PM GMT

#139463218Sunday, July 06, 2014 10:23 PM GMT

No one knows??
#139463634Sunday, July 06, 2014 10:27 PM GMT

#139464040Sunday, July 06, 2014 10:32 PM GMT

#139464191Sunday, July 06, 2014 10:33 PM GMT

I think the problem is that your script is too big and nobody feels like looking for the problem. That's the problem with me anyways :>
#139466077Sunday, July 06, 2014 10:52 PM GMT

#139466298Sunday, July 06, 2014 10:55 PM GMT

tl;dr Too Long;Didn't Read Shorten or get to the point.
#139466979Sunday, July 06, 2014 11:02 PM GMT

but that was the point... and i always make errors when i make big scripts
#139521892Monday, July 07, 2014 11:33 AM GMT

Use prints with different messages in them to see where the script breaks. Or activate script debugger if you already havent and look for errors that way.
#139522425Monday, July 07, 2014 11:48 AM GMT

Ok i got it, the problem is that you have a loop right at the very start, since you have waits inside your giant loop it is running all that code for the 1st player, then when it is finished it is running all that code for the next player and so on.. what you really want to do is fire the loop for all players simultaneously instead of 1 after the other
#139522530Monday, July 07, 2014 11:51 AM GMT

Your script has this layout: loop code wait code wait end To fire all players simultaneously we do: loop code end wait loop code end wait
#139538518Monday, July 07, 2014 4:21 PM GMT

What i see is: while loop for loop code end end that shuld work being that the for loop is in while loop for loop runs dent he while loop runs den the while loop runs when the for loop dun
#139755529Wednesday, July 09, 2014 1:43 PM GMT

Thanks I understand now

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