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#139633273Tuesday, July 08, 2014 11:20 AM GMT

Alright, I'll explain to help you, Let's pretend that I have a bunch of Strings ranging from "One to "Five" and I want to arrange these in order and store them together, I would of course, create a table, NumTab = {"One","Two","Three","Four","Five"} However, what if I decide I want to find a specific string by searching directly through the table, well in this case, I will use a generic for loop to do that, I also want to find "Two". for i,v in pairs(NumTab) do if v == "Two" then print("Two has been discovered") end end To help you understand, "i" would be the numerical value or numerical order value of the "Child" in the table, while "v" would be the actual "Child" in the table. I just simply used an if statement to check and make sure that "v" was "Two" and not any of the other children. "Players" is really just a table and the "Player" is the child within the table, that's why it's possible to iterate through the "Players" table. You can read more about loops here,
#139747764Wednesday, July 09, 2014 10:24 AM GMT

I still don't know what to do with PlayerGui and stuff. Honestly, it's working. I can see it in properties text changing and everything, yet it's still not working. I'm actually getting frustrated right now since there are codes harder than this, yet I can't figure out this simple one. I really do need help. Like seriously, I don't understand all this PlayerGui and i and whatever. I just need help and I'll learn from it in the future, just help me right now. please. like seriously. You just got Quarter-Term'd

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