Top 100 Poster
#139696813Tuesday, July 08, 2014 11:26 PM GMT

Uh sorry Sorry. I just read that post as "Accept the flaws or you can GET THE **** OUT OF MY RP RIGHT GODDAM NOW! ...That might not have been the tone of voice you were going for.
#139697053Tuesday, July 08, 2014 11:28 PM GMT

"That might not have been the tone of voice you were going for." oh heck no more like "Hey I understand this RPs has flaws and if you can't put up with them okay no point in staying" but since you'e still here hi welcome looks like you don't mind my mistakes] xANARCHYmeowANARCHYmeowANARCHYx
#139697493Tuesday, July 08, 2014 11:33 PM GMT

Marked. This sounds both hilarious and epic.
#139700824Wednesday, July 09, 2014 12:07 AM GMT

bump cmon, all CSes are accepted so far] ~The ever-changing siggy~
#139706677Wednesday, July 09, 2014 12:59 AM GMT

Name: Mohamad "Ghost" Sayid Age: 28 Gender: Male Appearance: Sunglasses, Black hair, White and black camo uniform, Ghost necklace(COD Ghost type). Personality: Doesn't really listen to orders. He also has a great memory. Social Status: (None) Biography(optional): (I would wright it longer but it would take to long so I will make it shorter)He's a former Ghost(COD type) But lost his team, But he's always up for a adventure. Inventory:Food, Water,Radio, Backpack (Of course). Weapon: Double Katanas, Double Uzis, C4's, IPhone (He can hack with it), Smoke grenade. Other: (Great hearing and seeing)
#139706905Wednesday, July 09, 2014 1:01 AM GMT

#139718027Wednesday, July 09, 2014 2:49 AM GMT

mizo, accepted] ~What I Šay Gơeš!~
#139719182Wednesday, July 09, 2014 3:00 AM GMT

"Where the hell am I?" Marla asked, confused to where she was. (eh... ehhhh?)
#139723304Wednesday, July 09, 2014 3:38 AM GMT

Name: Ivy Greene Age: 14 Gender: Female Appearance: Personality: Although young, Ivy is quite a troublemaker. She is very quiet, but not shy and she likes blood. This is a very odd thing to add, but she was always quite fond of blood. Ivy thinks it is a gift. She is also mysterious. Social Status: Dangerous, Very Dangerous Biography(optional): Inventory: Two Chocolate Bars, Samsung S4, Scissors Weapon: Inside of her vest, are 6 Kunai Knives and a Standard Pistol. Other: fiddlesticks
#139753970Wednesday, July 09, 2014 1:09 PM GMT

@ran accepted]
#139754520Wednesday, July 09, 2014 1:22 PM GMT

Name: Daniel Yuen Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: Daniel is a slim, light skinned Asian weighing 136 lbs. He stands at 5'10" so he can be classified as slender. Most of his height is his legs, which are noticeably long and skinny. He also has nimble fingers, and a very fox-like face, with sharp features and piercing eyes. He has dark brown, dashing eyes and hair that naturally spikes to what can be described as a faux hawk. Daniel is wearing a dark red t-shirt with black skinny jeans and all-white canvas shoes. Personality: Daniel is best known for his manipulative skills. Charming, calculating and very clever, Daniel is a dangerous opponent in his own hays. He can, however, be very stubborn as he is full of himself. Social Status: WHAT IS THIS SUPPOSED TO BE? Biography(optional): Eh... Inventory: Coins. Many, many coins. A phone, and his wallet. Weapon: HAHAHAHA Other: Hm
#139754560Wednesday, July 09, 2014 1:23 PM GMT

#139754720Wednesday, July 09, 2014 1:27 PM GMT

"Social Status: WHAT IS THIS SUPPOSED TO BE?" (I didn't put that) Uh, popular, nerd, or whateverblah "Weapon: HAHAHAH" (I didn't put that either) wifi accepted] =The ever=changing siggy=
#139754923Wednesday, July 09, 2014 1:31 PM GMT

(Can you do a starting post please?)
#139754951Wednesday, July 09, 2014 1:31 PM GMT

Social Status: Every Girl's Best Friend, :(
#139755420Wednesday, July 09, 2014 1:42 PM GMT

Starting post? All right.] You all wake up to find yourselves in a strange world with black clouds spreading across green skies, and you're lying on blue grass. The weather of this place is fair, but still. The wind is nonexistent here, and the temperature is comfortable. There are various people scattered about the place, but not extremely far from one another. One of the crowd asks, "Where are we?" =THe eVeR=CHaNGiNG SiGGy=
#139755724Wednesday, July 09, 2014 1:47 PM GMT

Ivy was staring intently at the sky. She slowly stood up, and looked at the many people around her. This was a dream, or it was a mind trick. She pulled out a knife and made a small cut on her finger: no it was real. "What is this? Does anybody know?!" She said to herself. Not many people could hear her.
#139755865Wednesday, July 09, 2014 1:50 PM GMT

"I think people would be more comfortable talking if you put away that knife." I said cautiously, but charmingly.
#139756079Wednesday, July 09, 2014 1:53 PM GMT

She looked up. She wasn't very fond of people judging her or critisizing her or hurting her. She looked up the boy who talked to her. She held the knife in her knife but didn't use it or physically offend him in anyway. "And why is that? I like knives. Shouldn't the rest of the world?" She said with a smile. She had a liking to this boy, he was different and not as ignorant as the rest of the world. She could only tell from one sentence.
#139757051Wednesday, July 09, 2014 2:11 PM GMT

Name: Samuel Jäger Age: 15 Gender: Male Appearance: Samuel stands at 5"11, he has dark brown hair. It is usually neatly done. He has some stubble on his face as a result of puberty. He also has freckles scattered across his face and arms. He is Caucasian but his skin is tanned. His usual attire includes a beige t-shirt, cargo pants, and red running shoes. He weighs 140 lb. He possesses a slightly athletic build, with muscle build up in select areas of his body. Personality: Samuel is cocky and taunting, although he is not intentionally mean, he can come off as uncaring to people who don't know him very well. He is also very patriotic Social Status: Middle class Biography(optional): Samuel knew a long time ago that he wanted to be able to serve his country and join some sort of Military effort or division. He wasn't much into learning how the weaponry works or the ranks, he was much more naive and interested in fighting the danger that threatened his country. After stumbling around on the internet he found a home in a site called "Roblox", unaware of the imminent danger that he has found himself in. Inventory: Weapon: A Katana Other: Fiddlesticks. [I have cut my own path. You followed your wrath]
#139758003Wednesday, July 09, 2014 2:27 PM GMT

#139765644Wednesday, July 09, 2014 4:13 PM GMT

@aprite acceptediddlydoodah (because I'm bored of just saying 'accepted' all the time)] =Tha avar=changang saggy=
#139765906Wednesday, July 09, 2014 4:15 PM GMT

Marla sighed, looking around the odd place, noticing the strange sky, unlike anything she had ever seen before. "How the hell am I supposed to know?" she asked in reply to the mysterious person asking the question everyone was thinking.
#139765918Wednesday, July 09, 2014 4:15 PM GMT

"@aprite" *sprite] =The ever=chengeng seggy=
#139766061Wednesday, July 09, 2014 4:17 PM GMT

"You aren't the rest of the world." I say almost accusingly. To the world, of course. I knew how she operated before we met.