#141201807Tuesday, July 22, 2014 9:40 PM GMT

Rein watched as Seth killed the two zombies. As the third one ran off she looked at Seth. This is the first living person she has seen for a while.
#141205489Tuesday, July 22, 2014 10:15 PM GMT

Discord Discord runs out of fuel about halfway to the gas station and decides to go on foot to get food. He thinks he sees 3 zombies in the distance fighting two survivors. Discord finally reaches the gas station and shoots one zombie straight in the head. He aims at another and tries to shoot, but the gun is jammed. Discord starts stumbling back.
#141205721Tuesday, July 22, 2014 10:17 PM GMT

Ah derp, didn't read that last post. sorry, heres an edit. Discord Discord sees that one zombie is remaining and going away from the survivors. "Do those things fear?" Discord thought. Discord comes out from his hiding spot and blows a hole right between the zombie's eyes with the pistol.
#141206965Tuesday, July 22, 2014 10:31 PM GMT

Johnny They all turn as a man's voice speaks up. "We are supposed to fear, so that makes me a rebel, doesn't it?" The bloodied clothing of Johnny Welles greets their eyes first, and then the man's appearance. He laughs, and walks to them.
#141207094Tuesday, July 22, 2014 10:32 PM GMT

(Dang mother... Sorry, didn't see what you said was a thought, Discord. Just erase what I said from your minds.)
#141207186Tuesday, July 22, 2014 10:33 PM GMT

(I mean, erase what my character said.)
#141223035Wednesday, July 23, 2014 1:17 AM GMT

lol k.
#141244286Wednesday, July 23, 2014 4:55 AM GMT

Seth then left confused. "I thought I was the only human alive" he thought
#141248574Wednesday, July 23, 2014 5:41 AM GMT

James "Alright, kid I'm going to load up the fuel at the gas tank?" I said. I then trotted outside of the gas station. "Remember, anything happens just call me!" I shouted at him. Russel It's been quite nice ever since the start. I know this may seem silly but...the day seems bright. Even though, you know an apocalypse is happening. Our beds are basically just a pillow case filled with candy bars, pretty comfortable. "AH," I jumped back. "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT! Oh, hey...that's my dog!" James I quickly came running back in here to see a strange dog with Russel. I quickly reach for my gun and clumsily, I dropped it and tripped. "Russel stay away!" I commanded. Russel "Don't worry it's my dog. He won't bite." I comforted James. James "Your dog looks like a zombie from the way I'm seeing it." I examine. The dog was very thin and it's ribs were visible, almost like a skeleton it looked like.
#141278649Wednesday, July 23, 2014 3:33 PM GMT

Seth walked to a car, got in, and started to drive of until the engine broke down. He walked into an auto repair center. At the front desk, he saw a zombie eating. He reacted fast, and grabbed a car battery, and poured the battery on it, then threw the empty battery at it.
#141280002Wednesday, July 23, 2014 3:52 PM GMT

i woke up in my bed and took my dog for a walk like in the good ol days. I went to check the chicken coop when I saw a zombie. The zombie look like the zombie i first saw. It reminded me too much of how this have grown so terrible for the first day. 2 of my cow died of sickness and a pig is dieing. I took a hoe and shoved the hilt up its mouth. I finally got to the chicken coop and brought eggs to cook and eat. My scared the chickens the same as always. I went to sleep even thought it was the evening. when i woke up i figured out that my dog was try to claw at the dieing pig. Thats when I realized I had to put him down. I took him to a shed with a bowie knife i looted from a hunting store. I covered him with a towel so I wouldnt have to see him suffer and i stab him. I walked out, sat down and thought... just thought.
#141298570Wednesday, July 23, 2014 7:22 PM GMT

"...Drove past dozens of non-biters...Clover here doesn't know how bad it is." "Goodness gracious, your family's been through a lot, or what's left of it." Gerald said. "These fine people deserve some rest, Gerald, you and your family can stay here while the authorities get this settled, young man." "Hah, I doubt that anything will stop this. From what I've seen, I doubt any researchers or doctors are alive to stop this, and even then, there's no place to make more vaccines. Our best hope if the military," Byron spoke. He looked over at Will, now asleep again. "Well, we keep faith in any situation, and I expect this to get sorted out within the next few months. For now, you all can stay here, as long as you take part in some chores. Whenever you're at that, Will can stay with Rosanne. She's great with kids, and loves reading to them." Gerald said. "Wonderful, let's get started then. Anything you need help with?" "The shed's roof has been a bit wobbly, it could use replacement nails. After all, the place was built ourselves, so of course thing will look a bit shabby. Then we also need some more firewood, after all, with fall coming up. If you could help with that, then I doubt that we'll need any repairs through the cold times." Gerald explained. He went to another room and brought back a rusty toolbox. "Better get started." The pair went outside, Clover not sure if he wanted to follow or not. He decided to stay with Will. Byron brought his rifle in case of another encounter. When they arrived, he poked his rifle at the roof, and it moved about 3 inches off its nails. "Well, you're right about the roof needing replacement." Byron opened the toolbox and took out a small box of nails. Gerald got two hammers. "I'll get the left, you get the right, Byron." He picked up a stool and brought it over to his side. "There's a pile of wood you could use as a step stool, Byron. Careful, now." They got to work.
#141311572Wednesday, July 23, 2014 9:40 PM GMT

#141311675Wednesday, July 23, 2014 9:41 PM GMT

Discord Discord walked away from the two survivors. Discord then entered a hardware store and looked at the shelves. The only thing on any of the shelves were nails and screwdrivers. Discord walked up to the storage room door and quietly pushed it open. Suddenly, Discord heard something bumping against the wall at the far corner of the room. Discord looked around for a light switch but couldn't find anything. Discord lit a match and proceeded cautiously. Suddenly, someone jumped onto Discord, tumbling Discord over. The zombie ferociously gnawed at Discord, And Discord fired 3 rounds at the zombie's chest before the zombie bit deeply into Discord's throat and continued to devour Discord.
#141311898Wednesday, July 23, 2014 9:44 PM GMT

Johnny I look at the girl. "What's your name?" I ask her, raising my pistol to the store, knowing we must leave quickly.
#141313464Wednesday, July 23, 2014 9:59 PM GMT

New character time. :3 (2 actually :D) Name:Troy Age:21 Gender:Male Family: Dead Clothes: Camo Jacket and Camo Pants Appearance: Brown hair, Red Eyes, 5'11 Pet(s): none Description: Troy is one of two remaining members of a group called The Hunters Story: Shortly after the outbreak began, Troy realized what was going on, and grabbed his shotgun and an axe, along with his binoculars. He went to a local hotel to get his sister, but when he got there the building was on fire, and a military man was firing a machine gun into a line of zombies. The zombies overwhelmed the man, giving Troy time to get into the hotel. A man came sprinting down the hallway with a Moss-berg shotgun and a Beretta m9 shooting at zombies. The man told Troy his name was Carver and told him they would talk later. Troy saw his sister as a zombie and shot her. 2nd guy below Name: Carver Age: 39 Gender: Male Family: Dead Clothes: A jacket like Rick's from season 4 of the walking dead, and jeans Appearance: Grayish-Brownish hair, blue eyes, 6'12 Pet(s): none Description: Leader of The Hunters. One of two remaining members. Story: Was staying in a hotel when the outbreak began. His smoke detector went off and he panicked. Something was pounding on his door so he opened it and was surprised when a zombie jumped on him. Carver punched it in the face and kicked it off, then grabbed his pocket knife from his pocket (duh) and stabbed the zombie in the face. A police officer was firing at zombies with a shotgun and pistol, so Carver ran up and wrestled the pistol out of the officers hands. He shot the officer and grabbed his shotgun. Then he pushed the officer into the zombies and ran. He met up with Troy and they started a camp with 6 others. Eventually the camp was overrun and only Troy and Carver were left.
#141313573Wednesday, July 23, 2014 10:00 PM GMT

[Is it still possible to join?]
#141313820Wednesday, July 23, 2014 10:03 PM GMT

#141315540Wednesday, July 23, 2014 10:20 PM GMT

Name: Mary Age:19 Gender:Female Family: Her younger brother, Samuel Clothes: Wearing comfortable black jeans and a rather "fancy look" with a button up short sleeved shirt and a stripped ash vest. Has a pinkish-red headband keeping her hair out of her eyes [use avatar for example]. Appearance: She stands at 5'7", weighing 103lbs. Her hair is black and her eyes are an icy blue, taking from her father's side. She doesn't have much distinctive features to her face or body other than the mentioned above. Pet(s): The family dog was the first to become infected, biting her father before being put down. Description: She is a leveled headed girl, not really caring much for other people other than her last living family, her brother. She is the last one to panic, and if she is panicking, then it is a rather good reason to panic. She is rather cold hearted, and if the need arises, she will sacrifice others for her or her brother's survival. She will give you the cold shoulder half of the time, only accepting only those who are friends with her brother. Story: Her family were out on a small walk down their block when their dog ran ahead, heading towards an unusual noise. After a loud yelp, the dog limped back to the family, his hind leg bleeding heavily. the family raced back home to treat the wounded animal, being carried by the father. Suddenly, the dog bit down on her fathers neck, making the father drop the dog. He then grabbed a nearby 2x4 and beat the crazy animal to death. This led to the father turning, which then leaded to the mother dying also. barely escaping with their lives, the two sibling ran in horror as the world around them fell apart as people began biting and eating each other. Name: Samuel Smith Age:18 Gender:Male Family: His sister, Mary Clothes: Wearing a grey hoodie and some dark blue jeans at the start of the infection; nothing special really. Appearance: His hair is a dark brown, along with his eyes, taking more from his mothers side. He stands at 6'1" and weighs at 145lbs. Pet(s): [See Mary's] Description: Sam was a free going kid before the infection hit. Being a bit light headed and hard to think under pressure, he relied heavily on his sister to get him out of the large amount of trouble he usually got in. Non the less, his bond with his sister is still strong, and is very loyal to those he trusts, mainly his sister. Even though he is slightly dumber and less organized of the two, he still has bravery to defend himself and his sister, from whatever threat's, living or dead. Story: [See Mary's]Smith
#141317761Wednesday, July 23, 2014 10:44 PM GMT

(DSR is gone, though she'd accept you, Gerr. So, accepted.)
#141322247Wednesday, July 23, 2014 11:33 PM GMT

(Jes indeed, internet problems so its kinda hard keepin' up but oh well) Rein looked at the man and then finally said, "My name is Rein, What is yours?" She looked towards the road and saw a zombie far behind, she ignored it and turned back to the man.
#141322631Wednesday, July 23, 2014 11:38 PM GMT

"Johnny Welles. We need to leave, Rein." He said grabbing her arm. He looks at her. "Rein, follo me." He says as he bolts to an apartment complex.
#141323668Wednesday, July 23, 2014 11:49 PM GMT

Inside this apartment complex, the two siblings were camping out in one of the apartments. Mary was looking out of a window, staring blankly at the horrors of the undead outside. She moved the curtain back and turned to her brother. He was staring at the floor, his usual go happy personality was replaced with sadness and depression. witnessing his parent's death was rather traumatizing.
#141323766Wednesday, July 23, 2014 11:50 PM GMT

Carver and Troy Troy: WHAT THE HELL!? ARE THOSE RUNNING ZOMBIES? Carver: WHAT? Lemme see! Troy: Are those people or zeds? Carver: I DON'T KNOW! LET'S GO SEE! Troy: I don't think that's a very good idea but... okay... Carver: Come on, sissy. Grab your guns and let's go. Troy: Fine... (Troy picks up the Moss-Berg and loads it) (Carver and Troy walk outside) Carver: Human. Kill 'em. Troy: WHAT!? KILL THEM? WHY? Carver: Because it looks like they got supplies, now shoot idiot! Troy: Y-y-yes sir... (fires 2 shells aimed near the peoples legs) Carver: (fires all 15 of his shots from his Beretta aimed at the person on the left)
#141324419Wednesday, July 23, 2014 11:57 PM GMT

Johnny and Rein have made it into the apartment complex. (For several reasons you didn't hit either.)