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#139776258Wednesday, July 09, 2014 5:59 PM GMT

@Cap I don't know if they rest of Ontario has these levels but. Accentual: Very Easy(Actually learn things for jobs) Applied: Easy(Just normal work) Academic: Hard(For those that want to go to University or College) Enriched: Very Hard(For Tryhards) This all goes until Grade 11 where courses are switched to University/College/University and College.
#139776401Wednesday, July 09, 2014 6:00 PM GMT

"I don't know if they rest of Ontario has these levels but." ASDF I meant the.
#139802221Wednesday, July 09, 2014 10:05 PM GMT

I think that is Canadian grade scale, because they use that in BC too. ᗩᘉᓰᗰᗩ☂ᕮↁᗪᗩᘉᘉϒ〇

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