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#139870970Thursday, July 10, 2014 1:52 PM GMT

To start off, ROBLOX's appeal system as we all know is not always responded too legitimately or relevantly, and most of the time it's just: "Hello, Thank you for writing in about the moderation on your account. Your ban has been reviewed and will not be lifted. You can review the Community Guidelines and Rules here: http://www.roblox.com/Help/Builderman.aspx?id=221897. Please remember that some offenses are are so serious that our moderators may take a more strict action sooner, and some offenses can result in a permanent ban. Also, if you have a history of moderation actions, this may result in your account receiving a longer suspension since you have been told before that you need to follow the rules." Considering that there is a lot of incident's where moderation isn't fair, or isn't thoroughly investigated before a ban is issued; I think that it's reasonable for us (the community) to be able to get through to a real ROBLOX support agent who can then decide whether or not the account is appealed, or if the moderation remains. However most of the time we get responses such as the one above, this is extremely unfair especially to the people that actually didn't deserve their ban or were there was more to the story than the Mods care to look into. Most of the time, emails are not responded to by real people (or they got some irrelevant message like above), and it's a bit of an insult for ROBLOX to create an appeals system but then not have the courtesy to actually correctly respond to those who deserve their service (so why have it in the first place?). tl;dr - ROBLOX's current appeals system is unfair, they need real people to respond to us. Thank you for any and all support, Razghul
#139871402Thursday, July 10, 2014 2:01 PM GMT

Support! -// I am a poor first class citizen. / Hail Lord B1TSH1FT.
#139871671Thursday, July 10, 2014 2:05 PM GMT

#139871913Thursday, July 10, 2014 2:09 PM GMT

I have to support this.
#139871984Thursday, July 10, 2014 2:10 PM GMT

#139872014Thursday, July 10, 2014 2:11 PM GMT

Support. Still not over the time I got a 14 day ban for a typo.
#139872319Thursday, July 10, 2014 2:17 PM GMT

Support. Every time I've been warned or banned it's been obvious it was done by a bot. Siggies are for the weak.
#139872397Thursday, July 10, 2014 2:18 PM GMT

I would also like it if they told us what we had actually done wrong.
#139872430Thursday, July 10, 2014 2:19 PM GMT

Yes, this is something we need. Support. L33ch4Lyfe
#139872485Thursday, July 10, 2014 2:20 PM GMT

#139872525Thursday, July 10, 2014 2:20 PM GMT

"I would also like it if they told us what we had actually done wrong." Same here, I think that their short responses and short warnings/ban reasons are another thing that should be addressed by ROBLOX. Considering that anyone with a ROBLOX account has probably put a lot of time and money into it, and should therefor at least know what they did wrong, if anything.
#139872721Thursday, July 10, 2014 2:24 PM GMT

Exactly, I had BC (not saying it makes a difference just wastes the money that I used) at the time and was told nothing about why I was banned apart from a basic explanation which just said spam(not done by me, I just happened to post on a thread with spam on it). I sent another appeal to this and was straight up ignored which just tells me that I had been replied to by a bot.
#139873279Thursday, July 10, 2014 2:34 PM GMT

#139873306Thursday, July 10, 2014 2:34 PM GMT

#139873512Thursday, July 10, 2014 2:38 PM GMT

#139873521Thursday, July 10, 2014 2:38 PM GMT

I'm probably agree to this suggestion. <-- The only time that I said something that isn't says "support".
#139873705Thursday, July 10, 2014 2:41 PM GMT

They don't go into specifics because the bots look for certain words and phrases which it associates with certain offences. I got a warn for stating the volcano in EH2013 was smoking because it found "smoking" and said "Don't talk about inappropriate topics on ROBLOX!". I was warned for a post on S&I about a BC trade system because apparently I was scamming. People have been banned for saying "Hello" because it finds "Hell" in it. The moderation system is screwed up, big time. At the very least, we need the appeals system to work. Siggies are for the weak.
#139874075Thursday, July 10, 2014 2:47 PM GMT

"They don't go into specifics because the bots look for certain words and phrases which it associates with certain offences. I got a warn for stating the volcano in EH2013 was smoking because it found "smoking" and said "Don't talk about inappropriate topics on ROBLOX!". I was warned for a post on S&I about a BC trade system because apparently I was scamming. People have been banned for saying "Hello" because it finds "Hell" in it. The moderation system is screwed up, big time. At the very least, we need the appeals system to work." Exactly, and the thing about this is that since the appeals system doesn't work we can't do anything when we get falsely moderated.
#139875113Thursday, July 10, 2014 3:03 PM GMT

#139875258Thursday, July 10, 2014 3:05 PM GMT

I support you VYRUK! MODERATION IS HORRIBLE WE NEED A NEW SYSTEMS! -Sometimes I Think About Thinking While I Think Your Not Thinking, But Really I'm Not Thinking...
#139875522Thursday, July 10, 2014 3:09 PM GMT

I'd be fine with having our horrible moderation if the appeals system even worked, but considering both of them are handled by bots..
#139875725Thursday, July 10, 2014 3:12 PM GMT

Well... true.. Again I got a warning for 'scamming'....im just trying to make money by trading ._.
#139876073Thursday, July 10, 2014 3:16 PM GMT

#139876139Thursday, July 10, 2014 3:17 PM GMT

#139876836Thursday, July 10, 2014 3:26 PM GMT


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