#140390375Tuesday, July 15, 2014 6:35 AM GMT

The general pulled up at another house. Lidia 'Please be a girl! Please be a girl! Please be an actual girl!' Lidia said.
#140390461Tuesday, July 15, 2014 6:36 AM GMT

Clyde Surely I don't know what this woman's problem is. i think its time for me to do something. "Hi my name is Clyde! How about you?" I asked the queen bee in a very awkward way, not used to making intros.
#140390612Tuesday, July 15, 2014 6:39 AM GMT

Mira She looked at him with an unpleasant face, "Don't talk to me, peasant."
#140390633Tuesday, July 15, 2014 6:39 AM GMT

Scott looked at Queen Bee with an expression he rarely had; distaste. Nevertheless, he went for it. "Hey, I'm Scott! I have miniguns in my hat!" He pointed to one that had issued from the brim, just above his right ear.
#140390637Tuesday, July 15, 2014 6:39 AM GMT

Clyde "O.....kay....."
#140390679Tuesday, July 15, 2014 6:40 AM GMT

Martin I looked out the window, seeing the limo. I panicked a little, running over to my pet cat (whom I had made arrangements for to be watched while I was away by my neighbor, Sally.) "See ya, Mister Whiskers," I said, scratching his chin. I quickly left the house, suitcase in hand. I made my way down a quick flight of steps, and then took a seat in the limo. A little out of breath, I said "H-howdy," before realizing how tacky the word 'Howdy' is. "Ahoy!.."
#140390721Tuesday, July 15, 2014 6:41 AM GMT

Mira Mira looked at the other man, and then sent a bunch of bees towards him. "Shut up, all of you."
#140390798Tuesday, July 15, 2014 6:42 AM GMT

Lidia Lidia was shocked at what the diva did. Then she noticed this other guy come in the limo. "Hi there."
#140390879Tuesday, July 15, 2014 6:44 AM GMT

Scott pressed a button, activating all of his miniguns. They targeted the bees, wisps of smoke issuing from the barrels as they stopped turning, their targets eliminated. The miniguns pressed back in, and Scott sat back, satisfied.
#140390949Tuesday, July 15, 2014 6:45 AM GMT

● Name: Daniel Yuen, The Inventor ● Age: 22 ● Magic type? Well, it's rather unique. He has no "magic", but his ability to craft magical items is phenomenal. ● Backstory? Daniel worked as a toymaker's apprentice, because of his quick and clever mind, and his nimble fingers, Daniel easily impressed his master many times over. He slowly realizes his gifts, and began accepting that innovation is his career. He began creating all sorts of things from shields that transform into a pocketwatch, to staves that can sprout wings. He only needed to be given a deadlier touch to be one of the most deadliest inventors ever. ● Personality: Daniel is best described as the Trickster. He uses his inability to use magic as a decoy, along with the many accessories he carries. With the appearance of an innocent human, Daniel uses the art of trickery and surprise to take out his opponents. His sarcasm is everywhere, sprouted by his clever tongue and mind, though he never dares lies to those he deems a friend. ● Appearance: Daniel is a very slim figure. His lack of need for physical activity makes him almost muscleless, and only has enough to prevent him from looking like a skeleton. His limbs are also extraordinarily long, especially his fingers, which is one reason he is precise with his work. Daniel has a light yellow-golden skin, piercing brown eyes, and a fox-like face; sharp nose, sharp chin and a dishonest smirk. His hair is a short fauxhawk, colored black with a golden streak going through the right slide of his "slope". ● Zodiac: Scorpio "Do you like hurting other people?"
#140390955Tuesday, July 15, 2014 6:45 AM GMT

Clyde I don't mind the bees as long as I wore this T.V. Helmet of mine. "Wow, bug magic. Clever, but how about this." As I said it, I put my hand on her shoulder and I quickly let go. This is how trump magic works, once I've touch the wizard, I sent a bunch of dragonflies towards the bees, fighting them.
#140391357Tuesday, July 15, 2014 6:52 AM GMT

One of Scott's goggle lenses turned ultra-red, sending a concentrated beam of energy at the remaining bees and dragonflies, frying them.
#140391374Tuesday, July 15, 2014 6:52 AM GMT

(Accepto, wifi) Mira Mira looked at Clyde and Scott in disgust. " I would send a pack of yellow jackets coming towards all of you, but I'm tired. Someone, give me a pillow." Lidia Lidia sighed. She decided to have a little fun with the girl. "Hey, you don't need a pillow. You need a fan. You do look a little warm." With the click of her fingers, a pair of red-scaley wings appeared on her back, whacking a couple of the boys, but then she started gusting the girl till her hair was all messed up . Mira Mira screamed bloody murder, "YOU DO NOT DO THAT TO YOUR QUEEN!" She started to panic and scrummage for her mirror in her luggage.
#140391438Tuesday, July 15, 2014 6:53 AM GMT

Clyde "Well...that is...awkward?" I began to rotate my hand that touched the queen bee, erasing the magic I got from her.
#140391485Tuesday, July 15, 2014 6:54 AM GMT

Martin I felt sick to my stomach. Everybody was already fighting. This was no good. "BleeeeeeeeurK!" I groaned.
#140391597Tuesday, July 15, 2014 6:57 AM GMT

Scott was now prepared to send another energy beam at her mirror, but decided he'd do something else. He pressed something on his gauntlet, and a claw arm extended from the top of his top hat, grabbing the purse/luggage thing and holding it just above her head, to where she couldn't reach it.
#140391672Tuesday, July 15, 2014 6:58 AM GMT

Lidia Her wings disappeared after seeing the boy puke. She was shocked. "What the hell dude?" Mira She screamed bloody murder again, after having some puke flow onto her feet. The general all the sudden yelled, "KNOCK IT OFF." The general then pulled into another house's driveway.
#140391742Tuesday, July 15, 2014 6:59 AM GMT

Mira Mira was too bothered by the puke on her feet then the luggage floating above her head.
#140391863Tuesday, July 15, 2014 7:01 AM GMT

(So I'm assuming you guys are in a neighborhood?) "Do you like hurting other people?"
#140391872Tuesday, July 15, 2014 7:01 AM GMT

Martin "S-sorry, I get nerv- n-.. I get c-claustrophobic some.. uh, oh god.." I wiped my face.
#140391946Tuesday, July 15, 2014 7:02 AM GMT

Scott dropped the luggage on Mira, and he pressed yet another button; the amazing, great cleanup feature. A broom, vacuum, and a trashbag came from the top of Scott's hat, sweeping the puke into the trashbag, and the excess being vacuumed up, only to be spit back into the trashbag. After it was done, Scott concentrated and fired a beam of explosive at it, vaporizing the bag on the spot. "Ta-da!" He said.
#140392034Tuesday, July 15, 2014 7:04 AM GMT

(Wifi, we just arrived at your house. :3) Lidia "Its fine, but next time, puke out of the goddarn window." While the general was parked in the driveway, waiting for the wizard, he cleaned out the puke from the limo. He was disgusted. (Gotta go, be on tomorrow. I don't care if you continue or not.)
#140393057Tuesday, July 15, 2014 7:22 AM GMT

Martin I sniffed, then coughed a little. "S-sorry, guys..." I hung my head.
#140396487Tuesday, July 15, 2014 8:29 AM GMT

Clyde "AH THAT'S OKAY PAL!" I said to him in an optimistic tone. I got my feet having the most puke, but didn't mind.
#140409745Tuesday, July 15, 2014 2:14 PM GMT

● Name: Alacaster Treo ● Age: 24 ● Magic type? Universe magic, or, as most people call it "Magicians magic" which is basically the ability to conjure anything from his hat ● Backstory? (Optional) maaaaaybe later • Personality: Friendly, intelligent, wears a fake smile ● Appearance: He wears a very large top hat which is basically the source of his power. He has medium length, violet color hair. Purple eyes. He's rarely without a smile on his face. He wears purple jacket with a black t-shirt underneath, and black jeans ● Zodiac: Cancer