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#140856102Saturday, July 19, 2014 5:16 PM GMT

Trying to make a count down to a for a zombie boss wave. Its not doing anything nor is it given me any output. Could some one take a look please? function dah() local msg = Instance.new("Hint") msg.Parent = game.Workspace for m = 300,1,-1 do wait(1) msg.Text = "The Zombie Swarm is coming in :".. m .." seconds!" msg:Destroy() end end function zombieinsert() zombies = game.Lighting.Zombies:Clone() zombies.Parent = game.Workspace zombies:makejoints() local hint = Instance.new('Hint', Workspace) hint.Text = "Destory the zombie swarm for possibly 100's of Cash you have 1.5 mintues to survive and get the most cash!" wait(90) hint:Destroy() zombies:Destroy() end while true do dah() zombieinsert() end
#140860443Saturday, July 19, 2014 6:04 PM GMT

function dah() local msg = Instance.new("Hint") msg.Parent = game.Workspace for m = 300,1,-1 do wait(1) msg.Text = "The Zombie Swarm is coming in :".. m .." seconds!" msg:Destroy() end end In this you have the msg:Destroy() in the loop, therefore each time it loops your deleting the message. Move it to after the loop like so function dah() local msg = Instance.new("Hint") msg.Parent = game.Workspace for m = 300,1,-1 do wait(1) msg.Text = "The Zombie Swarm is coming in :".. m .." seconds!" end msg:Destroy() end That will cause the message to be removed after the loop has finished. function zombieinsert() zombies = game.Lighting.Zombies:Clone() zombies.Parent = game.Workspace zombies:makejoints() local hint = Instance.new('Hint', Workspace) hint.Text = "Destory the zombie swarm for possibly 100's of Cash you have 1.5 mintues to survive and get the most cash!" wait(90) hint:Destroy() zombies:Destroy() end In this section, zombies:makejoints() should be zombies:MakeJoints(), capitals do matter on a lot. When creating the hint in this section, you are using a ' instead of ". Also the variable zombies should be local unless you are planning on using it later on if a different section of the script. Try something like this. function zombieinsert() local zombies = game.Lighting.Zombies:Clone() zombies.Parent = game.Workspace zombies:MakeJoints() local hint = Instance.new("Hint") hint.Parent = game.Workspace hint.Text = "Destory the zombie swarm for possibly 100's of Cash you have 1.5 mintues to survive and get the most cash!" wait(90) hint:Destroy() zombies:Destroy() end

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