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#140863159Saturday, July 19, 2014 6:37 PM GMT

Can someone help me find the problem in the last line? The last line is the only one thats a problem... FYI this is a garage door and I have a button that I want to open the door. Thanks! Script: local Door = script.Parent.DoorParts:GetChildren() local Open = false local Closed = true local Locked = true local Door1 = script.Parent.DoorParts.Door1:GetChildren() local Door2 = script.Parent.DoorParts.Door2:GetChildren() local Door3 = script.Parent.DoorParts.Door3:GetChildren() function DoOpen() if Closed and not Open then Open = true for i=1, 132 do for D1=1, #Door1 do if script.Parent.DoorParts.Door1:FindFirstChild("Pos").Value > i then if Door1[D1]:IsA("Part") then Door1[D1].CFrame = Door1[D1].CFrame * CFrame.new(0, 0.1, 0) end end end for D2=1, #Door2 do if script.Parent.DoorParts.Door2:FindFirstChild("Pos").Value > i then if Door2[D2]:IsA("Part") then Door2[D2].CFrame = Door2[D2].CFrame * CFrame.new(0, 0.1, 0) end end end for D3=1, #Door3 do if script.Parent.DoorParts.Door3:FindFirstChild("Pos").Value > i then if Door3[D3]:IsA("Part") then Door3[D3].CFrame = Door3[D3].CFrame * CFrame.new(0, 0.1, 0) end end end wait() end Open = true Closed = false game.Workspace.TVVV1234.Light.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Bright green") end end function DoClose() if Open and not Closed then Closed = true for i=1, 132 do for D3=1, #Door3 do if script.Parent.DoorParts.Door3:FindFirstChild("Pos").Value > i then if Door3[D3]:IsA("Part") then Door3[D3].CFrame = Door3[D3].CFrame * CFrame.new(0, -0.1, 0) end end end for D2=1, #Door2 do if script.Parent.DoorParts.Door2:FindFirstChild("Pos").Value > i then if Door2[D2]:IsA("Part") then Door2[D2].CFrame = Door2[D2].CFrame * CFrame.new(0, -0.1, 0) end end end for D1=1, #Door1 do if script.Parent.DoorParts.Door1:FindFirstChild("Pos").Value > i then if Door1[D1]:IsA("Part") then Door1[D1].CFrame = Door1[D1].CFrame * CFrame.new(0, -0.1, 0) end end end wait() end Open = false Closed = true game.Workspace.TVVV1234.Light.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Really red") end end script.Parent.RFID.Changed:connect(function() if script.Parent.RFID.Value == true then if Closed then DoOpen() end if Open then DoClose() end script.Parent.RFID.Value = false end end) script.Parent.RFIDUnlock.Changed:connect(function() Locked = script.Parent.RFIDUnlock.Value end) script.Parent.ButtonOpen.ClickDetector.MouseClick:connect(function() if not Locked then DoOpen() end end) script.Parent.ButtonClose.ClickDetector.MouseClick:connect(function() if not Locked then DoClose() end end) script.Parent.Parent.Bump.Touched:connect(function() DoOpen() wait (5) DoClose() end) game.StarterGui.Door.FirstFloor.Exit.onClicked:connect(function() DoOpen() wait (5) DoClose() end) a penny saved is a penny earned but the government will take it anyways.
#140864716Saturday, July 19, 2014 6:54 PM GMT

Don't use the button in the StarterGui, use the button in the player's PlayerGui -[::ƧѡÎḾḠΰῩ::]-[::Helper of Scripting and Writer of Wikis::]

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