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#140939146Sunday, July 20, 2014 10:06 AM GMT

The title might sound misleading, but this story is really, a piece of art.. And with that being said, let's get started. Have you ever played a skateboard simulator that reminded you of The Legend of Zelda? You may think something like that doesn't even exist, but my copy of Skate3 is unlike any copy anyone has ever played.. Even though it's pre-owned. However, nobody has ever played this copy. Nobody.. And with that we begin with our story.. Welcome to Skate Town, where the sun is always shining, and everybody is always skating. Skate Town is comprised of three segments.. The University district, a safe environment to practice, and master your craft. The Industrial area, where rust and concrete collide to make terrifying heights, and unfitting skating conditions. I also saw a man, once murder this woman on the street. And finally, Skate Town's birthplace of greed, power, and corruption, Skyscraper Bullivard.. It was a prosperous land filled with ledges to grind, stairs to gap, and fame, to obtain. Cue our story. I had this friend named Parker, who was the founder and publisher of Thrasher magazine. See, at the time, Thrasher mag didn't have any recognition to it's name. In fact, I think the only people subscribed to it at the time was like, Parker, That lady who died, and me. And I know what you're thinking, "Too soon", but you guys, she littered, like, all the time. See everything at the beginning was going JUST fine until I got this call.. Parker: Hey man, you know we're filming today for Stayin' On The Grind volume one, right? Did you sleep in and forget to meet me at the school?, Yeah, you did. Alright man, you better get here quick before I have to call Vincentte, and we know good and well the world isn't ready for him.. See ya. Stayin' On the Grind Volume one was a mix tape. It was a marketing idea, to help raise awareness for his stupid magazine. And Vincentte was his Mexican cousin. Who at the time, had only been skateboarding for 2 months, and only knew one trick. The Ollie. He's terrible! Knowing that Vincentte was going to stand in for me if I didn't show up was enticing.. So that's why I didn't do the mix tape. Oh, by the way, this is an open world skating game, you can do whatever you want. One in-game month later, Stayin' On the Grind volume one was released to the public, and all the NPC's (Non playable characters) were going CRAZY about it. It featured local talents such as Blake, The Death Skater. DidYouKnowSkating, Vincentte, the Ollie King. And Terry Tarantula, one of the most DOPE skaters I have ever, seen. Though he was extremely talented, he was a jerk. Shortly after the video release, he straight up called me, and kicked me off the team. Terry: Hey, It's Terry. Look man, Parker no longer needs you to skate for Thrasher. He has us, and when you have us, nobody needs you. I called Terry straight up, and told him what was going down. Me: Look here, Terry? I didn't buy Skate3 to be disrespected by a bunch of polygons posing as a human being. Now why don't you go tell Parker, and tell him to put me back on the team. Or else- Terry: Or what? You're going to skate me to death! Hahah! Me: That's exactly what I'm going to do Terry. I'm going to hunt you down, and kill you, like a tiger. At that point I knew, Terry had to die. I just didn't have the proper equipment yet.. You see, the people of Skate Town have always spoken about a sacred skateboard. A board, nobody evil, can touch. You see in order to obtain the board, there are THREE tests of virtues of which you must pass.. The test of courage.. Drop in from at least 50 feet.. and then fly like a bird.. to the sea. The test of power.. Find and kill one of Skyscraper Bullivard's most powerful men.. Nathan Harbour. The test of wisdom.. construct a skate park as a symbol of what is to be told.. Only the chosen one, who has passed all three tests may gain access to the temple of grind.. to find the sacred weapon.. The Master Board. But when I left the temple, the world around me, changed.. Everyone.. was gone.. Parker Voicemail: Sorry man, but this line is tapped, so I gotta be brief. It may be hard to believe, but that last time you and I spoke was seven years ago.. When you retrieved the legendary board, the temple for some reason, locked you away for, whatever reason. And in your absence, Thrasher Magazine has grown more popular then I could have ever imagined. In fact, it became so popular that I eventually lost control of the company. By none other then.. Vincentte: Holla amigo.. I've been waiting for you for quite some time.. After Stayin' On The Grind volume one was released all those years ago, I was made fun of relentlessly.. People called me, Stupid Poser, Vincentte, the Ollie Clown, a-and overweight.. This angered me, and drove me to become the best skater in the world. I should also thank you for killing Nathan Harbour. Because after he was dead I climbed the corporate ladder and became RULER, OF ALL OF SKATE TOWN! I then made everyone skate, as I, overlord Vincentte criticized and made fun of them, just as they did to me. And now, it is your turn amigo.. Because I never shown up to that stupid tape, I inadvertently threw Parker's cousin under the bus, and now I have to answer for it, seven years later.. It was a classic stand off. It took place at the Industrial District, the platform bridge, with a drop of over 100 feet. It composed of ONE trick.. The skater to pull of the most difficult trick would be crowned winner. I stood there for ten minutes, not knowing what to do.. then it came to me.. I knew what it was, I had to do.. An ollie.. He didn't make it.. he grinded too loosely, and fell of the ledge.. With the Master Board, I could have done any trick in the known universe, but that Ollie, was my way of apologizing to you.. So, dear viewer.. let me tell you what I never got to tell Vincentte, that the most simple of tricks, from a pure intentioned heart is a beautiful one. And that.. is Skate3. Credit goes to Yungtown.
#140939431Sunday, July 20, 2014 10:15 AM GMT

egoraptor thoguth skyward soerd was crap so now ur fanfic is crap gg no re
#140939495Sunday, July 20, 2014 10:17 AM GMT

nah boi, blame roblox.. gg, no re
#140939588Sunday, July 20, 2014 10:21 AM GMT

k u win

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