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#14093946Friday, September 11, 2009 7:52 PM GMT

im reposting because of noobs stretching the page.. get a life page-stretchers Chapter 1: The Email. As Ronald was navigating the internet he came across an advertisment, he saw it all the time. Just advertising some boring old game made of bricks. Ronald was 15 years of age and is all he did was play the computer. But for once Ron clicked the advertisment which navigated him to http://roblox.com, he looked at it for a while and clicked Games. He saw a variety of games like Green obstacle course and Purple brick tycoon. He wondered what a Tycoon was on roblox. So he clicked on it. There was a big green button with the word 'Play' written on it. He clicked it and then chose to play as a guest. He found an empty 'Tycoon' and eventually finished the game a few minutes later. Very bored. But just as he was clicking Exit a player name Telamon entered. He found the name Telamon very.. strange, and the other guest started shouting 'Z0mg H4x!!!!' So he stayed for a while. He soon realised this must be an important player. since everyone was chasing him. So he clicked on the People tab and typed in Telamon. He, was an admin, probably why everyone was chasing him. So he Phoned his friend, who was named Owen. Owen was an expert hacker. Chapter 2: Owen Owen got straight to doing what Ron has asked him to do. He went onto roblox. found Telamon and opened the encrypted files and de-encrypted them and te.xted Ron. the tex.t said a mixture of random numbers and letters Later Ron made an account and logged onto Telamon using the pas.sword Owen sent him in the tex.t. He moved almost all of telamons Tickets onto his account and used the handy moderator auto reply and replied 'Noob' to all messages in the inbox. He found it awesome doing this, and funny too. But what Ron soon discovered was Roblox HQ was based in California. He also, from clockworks messages that clockwork had sent telamon a list of the main administrators, and their ema.il adr.esses and passw.ords. Ron changed Telamons pass.word and set his Verifica.tion adr.ess to Rons email adress. Now it was time for the waiting game. Chapter 3: Telamon logs off At roblox hq as telamon was finishing deleting some spam of the mushroom hat asking why they dont sell it anymore a message came up saying 'Sorry, you're pass.word is not correct' and logged him off. Since they encrypted everything. He could not get back Telamon until he got past encryption which was hard for him because it blocks all admin IP's from even touching the web page for encryption, the admins decided to do that the week after they formed, incase one got greedy and stole ac.counts. Meanwhile Ron was having fun inserting something called a 'Script' from free models. It was Person299's admin commands. Inside the script there was complex things and a line saying Permission = {IRockz, Daniel383} He guessed this was for who could use the 'Commands' so he erased their names and put 'Telamon' then read the text stating what he could say in a game. Chapter 4: The Perpatrator. Clockwork came over to telamons desk, he saw the message, telamon haden't yet closed it. he only murmered 'uh oh' Reese came over, she was wondering why clockwork stopped making the mesh for the green fish hat he had been working on. But she saw the error message. 'oh my god.. could.. we be next? I have all my details on my account' She said 'So do I' Said John grimly Chapter 5: details insecure. Ron was still messing about utnil he decided to go on the game he added admin commands on: Sword Fight on The Heights. He started of by turning on a script to auto kill them when they spawned and then left. he found the Shutdown button and Shutdown all the servers. but then he found the forums and went around making posts say [Content Deleted] but then by accdient clicked his name. Which brought up his forum profile. and since he was logged on all his details where displayed. Adress, everything. Ron knew telamon would go to the law about what he and owen had done. Now he knew Telamons adress he could stop that happening. Chapter 6: The visit Ron grabbed his laptop and went on his computer and found a cheep flight to america - California to be exact, he booked it for 3 hours time at the airport a few miles from him. He started driving. But the p.hone rang: It was Owen. The moderators of roblox where onto him! He needed an IP change, fast. So Ron said to change it to telamons home IP. Owen agreed and then Ron asked for exact details on Telamons ad.ress, he lived a block away form the air-port. Perfect. Chapter 7: A Crash Passing over a plain of land the plane span out of control, Turbulence the driver said through the microphone. But it wasen't turbulence. The left engine had broken. As it span only the seatbelts kept Ron in his seat, but soon enough the plane attendant threw in parachutes and the drive turned on the door open mechanism and requested everyone to parachute out the nearest exit. They where 29 miles away from California, but, after the plane came tumbling down Nick realised he still had his laptop, he searched for a cab company on the internet and told them where he was, using go.ogle maps. Chapter 8: taxi to telamon As ron got in the taxi he realised that telamon probably knew he would be paying telamon a visit so he would probably stay in roblox HQ. 'Can you take me to a Roblox headquatres please.' Said Ron 'Oh, I know that place, it costs 15$ from here to there, sorry' Said the Driver 'Fine, i'll pay' Said Ron a few minutes later they arrived at roblox hq. Chapter 9: The exploiter Owen registered to Roblox under the name: Spiderpig2398, he then registered another account called Irockz, he begun to hack into the system. just a basic one to see how effective their place defence was. Ron jumped out of the cab, gave the driver 20$ note and walked to roblox HQ. He looked in through a window and saw all the computers and desks. But he also saw John Shedletsky. he drew his Pistol out of his pocket and walked in. Owen finished his hack and realised the defences on Places weren't very good. He hacked into trappingnoobs' Shop tycoon and put it as his place. Replacing trappingnoobs' place with a big white brick with a decal saying Thanks for the place, Owen Chapter 10: The dead one Ron slipped open the door of Roblox hq and tiptoed in, pointed a gun at the assistant and told her to be quiet. He told also her to open the door to the main room. She did. Owen was having lots of luck. on Irockz he had already hacked into a service called isplaybuildersclub? and made himself have 25 places. He stole all of trappingnoobs places then looked for more. He stole of cuckooclock, and cheeseegg2, he then asked around for admin names and ended up stealing Bloxopoly from stealth pilot. But clockwork was onto him. Chapter 10: Part 2: the dead one Ron jumped in. It was empty. The lady at the desk who had opened the door was gone aswell. all the computers where turned off. She must have pressed an alarm. When clockwork arrived home he quickly logged onto roblox and finished what he was in the middle of - IP banning Irockz and spiderpig. But it wasen't that easy. His IP was changing to all the people who where playing his places, he had 500 people online already, clockwork didnt know this and chose: Ban all IP's. Suddenly the email got hundreds of messages about false IP bans. Ron had an idea: He knew telamons adress. It was only a few streets away! Within 2 minutes Ron was outside telamons door. He ran into the door with all his strength and it smashed open. Chapter 11: Complaints. Clockwork had finished his main job but what about the complaints, there where more every second. roblotim and robloshorty and reesemcblox where having a hard time telling the emailers they would have their account back soon. As john was making the finshing touches to the new Gears script, the atomic fart machine, like a fly tool that shoots green bricks out of the bottom. The door smashed in. John slammed his laptop shut and ran out of the back door. He thought this would happen. Ron looked around, before realising the back door was open. Telamon had gone out using it. He had left behind his laptop charger. Owen was surprise to find that a mod shut down all 500 accounts he was using the IP of... but after checking their recent bans he realised it was a mass account ban. they obviously didnt know he had 500 different IP's. chapter 12: Deadly silence (Part 1 of 4) John ran into his shed. But accidentaly slammed the door. Ron pulled out his gun again and aimed towards the latch which John had locked from the inside, he fired, the door blast wide open, but yet again, telamon had tricked him, the window in the shed was up and Johns car was gone. John arrived at clockworks house, he hid his car in the garage that clockwork never used. Clockwork saw telamon and let him in. 'The exp.loiter is after me' He said, 'He wants to kill me' he added. 'Well you are safe here' 'Wait. My laptop. Its online.' 'So?' Said clockwork 'SO they can find where I am if they hack into the internet provider' John said 'Well turn it offline' 'It might be too late' It was. The door fell over on its hindges, clockwork and telamon ran, telamon left his laptop but pulled out the portable memory usb stick. Chapter 13: End game. Ron was tired after chasing the signal. He knew where they where going. Reese's house. He stopped to reload his gun and told Owen to locate Reesemcblox. A few seconds later Owen told him an adress. He shot the lock on the wooden door, but realised they wheren't there. Reese received an email of Clockwork. He was being chased by a crazy teenager with a gun. and John was. Reese pho.ned 911. The police where driving to Clockworks house, until they saw, down the end of the road, a gun wielding teenager. They aimed at him and told him to drop the gun. He did. They arrested Ron and then asked him where the hacker was (Owen) he woulden't tell them. But they found out by contacting the airport asking them where the plane was from, then contacting british police to find where there was a laptop or computer signal under the name of Owen. Later the police arrived at Owens house. Just in time to stop him wiping all data of roblox. The day was saved!
#14093991Friday, September 11, 2009 7:53 PM GMT

What's wrong with stretching this particular page?
#14094083Friday, September 11, 2009 7:55 PM GMT

its got a story on it.. people dont like to read stretched stuff
#14094118Friday, September 11, 2009 7:55 PM GMT

OK, fine.
#14094232Friday, September 11, 2009 7:57 PM GMT

I could ask what 'Page-stretching' is, but I'm sure it will only get me slapped.
#14095576Friday, September 11, 2009 8:24 PM GMT

somehow people can make a huge word that makes the forum post realy wi.de and it makes the page 'Stre.tch' and all the sentences go rea.ly long and you need to use the scroll.bar to read them
#14095655Friday, September 11, 2009 8:25 PM GMT


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