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#141076259Monday, July 21, 2014 6:30 PM GMT

--------------------------------THE RULES OF WAR----------------------------------- There are different ways to ending a war, there is winning, losing, and peace treaty. Those are your options, but which one will you receive is the real question? -WAYS OF WAR- To win a war you must go through 3 raids and win at least 2/3 of the raids to win a full war. Another way to end a war through victory is to assassinate the 3 commanding officers. Meaning 1ic,2ic,3ic. This will then end war in a faster form by the simple fact that you eliminate their form of command. War happens most of the time from greed, anger, land, and etc. But once a team wins all these rules must apply. -Rules- 1.Which ever Military wins, they must receive the benefits fought for. 2.Running from a battle will be an auto lose for the ones running. 3.Before battling there must be a set schedule and place. 4.If the opposing team agrees to fight at their enemies base then there will be no excuses. Such as OP guns, SKing, and corner shooting. The only one that will be tolerated is AA. 5.In war you must have the appropriate uniform from which ever millitary you come from. ----------------This is a legal form stating the laws of war.-------------------- ----------This form can be added on to but rules listed must remain.----------------
#141076393Monday, July 21, 2014 6:32 PM GMT

How does this end up in the RP forum at all?
#141081572Monday, July 21, 2014 7:19 PM GMT

i... i really dont know

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