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#141205641Tuesday, July 22, 2014 10:16 PM GMT

[ This is an experiment, anyone may join. ] Rumor has it that a great treasure lies in the depths of the towns catacombs. You and your group of misfit adventures approach the broken down entrance. Your feet kick up an entire. Your adventure begins. [ Notes ] This is a fantasy roleplay. Fantasy weapons within the medieval time period are allowed, as well as armor. I decide all outcomes using a custom system. Do not cry if your character dies. Put x[]x in 'Anything else I might wish to know?' [ Character Sheet ] What is your name? How old are you, adventurer? What do you look like? My sight is poor. What armor do you bear, and weapon you draw? Anything else I might wish to know?
Top 100 Poster
#141206263Tuesday, July 22, 2014 10:23 PM GMT

I...Am in awe. Tolkien? GRRRM? BAH! THEY ARE MERE CHILDREN PRANCING AROUND WITH A PEN IN HAND. THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE ART OF LITERATURE AS OP DOES! The plot, riveting. I was on the edge of my seat. Where does it go from here? Who lives? Who dies? Genius. The characters? Lifelike. The blind man for example, I winced in pain, grasping my chest as my heart nearly burst from my body, crying in agony over the loss of this fellows eyesight. The setting? It is masterfully done. It is familiar, but at the same time new. The way the OP weaves the tale, it feels as though I am stalking through the catacombs myself. Each wor..No. Each character in this story is so descriptive it immerses the reader much more then even a blockbuster film! I think it is safe to saw, that The catacombs is not only a masterpiece, but it is a work of art that will be celebrated for the ages. When our species finally dies we shall make a shrine to this roleplay, which shall hold a copy high for all to see! And when a new race takes our place they shall look over what we have left behind, and neither we nor this Roelplay shall ever be forgotten.
#141206272Tuesday, July 22, 2014 10:23 PM GMT

( Note that in the third sentence I meant to say 'Your feet kick up an entire duststorm.' My apologies. )
#141206338Tuesday, July 22, 2014 10:23 PM GMT

( Damnit mage. )
#141206569Tuesday, July 22, 2014 10:26 PM GMT

(standing ovation for mage, and this truly unforgettable role-play. it gripped me at my very core, and shook my beliefs. this role-play is truly a work of earth-shattering art.
#141206813Tuesday, July 22, 2014 10:29 PM GMT

I'd love to know why you didn't work on this cliff - hanger RP. ~ Si je donnais 80% de ne pas se soucier, que 20% signifierait temps et gaspillé.
#141207306Tuesday, July 22, 2014 10:34 PM GMT


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