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#141238513Wednesday, July 23, 2014 3:56 AM GMT

The game: http://www.roblox.com/The-Colony-V2-place?id=95246075 So I have updated and fixed some tools for the revamp of this game I'm working on but for a reason, I cannot find, the guis with the tools work on studio(solo play) and build mode but will stay stuck on the screen ineffective in multiplayer. any ideas? If I can help yall help me just tell me how.
#141238583Wednesday, July 23, 2014 3:56 AM GMT

Dude just post the script
#141238755Wednesday, July 23, 2014 3:58 AM GMT

heres one of them: ZSP = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Name wait(1) local tool = script.Parent local frame = tool.Frame local label = frame.Label local list = frame.List local createTool = frame.CreateTool local createItem = frame.CreateItem local processItem = frame.Process local clear = frame.Clear local ingTable = {} function getDist(a, b) return (a - b).magnitude end function checkIngTable(part) for index, child in pairs(ingTable) do if part == child then return true end end return false end function ing(index) local ing = ingTable[index] if ing ~= nil then return ing.Name else return "" end end function ingReal(index) local ing = ingTable[index] if ing ~= nil then return ing end end function saveIng(index) local ing = ingReal(index) if ing ~= nil then table.remove(ingTable, index) end end function setListName() for index, child in pairs(ingTable) do if index == 1 then list.Text = child.Name else list.Text = list.Text..", "..child.Name end end end function alert(text) delay(0, function() for num = 1, 20 do label.Text = text wait() end end) end function clearTable() ingTable = {} list.Text = "" end function deleteTable() for index, child in pairs(ingTable) do child:remove() end clearTable() end function choices(choiceTab) local buttons = tool.Parent.Parent.PlayerGui.ScreenGui:GetChildren() for index, child in pairs(buttons) do if child.Name == "ChoiceButton" then child:remove() end end local clicked = nil local buttonText = "" local buttonTab = {} for index, child in pairs(choiceTab) do local button = Instance.new("TextButton") button.Position = UDim2.new(0.5, 0, index * 0.05 - 0.05) button.Size = UDim2.new(0.1, 0, 0.05, 0) button.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1) button.Name = "ChoiceButton" button.Text = child button.MouseButton1Down:connect(function() clicked = button print("Picked a choice") end) button.Parent = tool.Parent.Parent.PlayerGui.ScreenGui table.insert(buttonTab, button) end while clicked == nil do wait() print("Looped") end buttonText = clicked.Text for index, child in pairs(buttonTab) do child:remove() end return buttonText end function makeTool() local made = "" if ing(1) == "Burning Metal" and ing(2) == "" then made = "Metal Bar" end if ing(1) == "Scrap Metal" then made = "Rusty Metal Bar" end if ing(1) == "Pistol" then made = "Pistol" end if ing(1) == "Rifle" then made = "Rifle" end if ing(1) == "Hammer" then made = "Hammer" end if ing(1) == "Fishing Pole" then made = "Fishing Pole" end if ing(1) == "Burining Metal" and ing(2) == "Rope" then made = "Metal Bucket" end if ing(1) == "Stock Wood" and ing(2) == "Nail" then made = "Nailed Wood" end if ing(1) == "Discarded Plastic" and ing(2) == "Gasoline" then made = "Faulty Lighter" end if ing(1) == "Battery" and ing(2) == "Wire" then made = "FlashLight" end if ing(1) == "Wire" and ing(2) == "Wire" and ing(3) == "Battery" then made = "Tazer" end if ing(1) == "Battery" and ing(2) == "Wire" and ing(3) == "Wire" then made = "CellPhone" end if ing(1) == "Tied Metal Bar" and ing(2) == "Tied Metal Bar" and ing(3) == "Wooden Barricade" then made = "Small Shelter" end if ing(1) == "Wooden Barricade" and ing(2) == "Tied Metal Bar" and ing(3) == "Glass Pane" then made = "Garage" end if ing(1) == "Tied Metal Bar" and ing(2) == "Tied Metal Bar" and ing(3) == "Gasoline" then made = "Rusty Car" end if ing(1) == "Gasoline" and ing(2) == "Tied Metal Bar" and ing(3) == "Tied Metal Bar" then made = "Rusty Truck" end if ing(1) == "Bonded Metal Bar" and ing(2) == "Scrap Metal" and ing(3) == "Wooden Barricade" then made = "Large House" end if ing(1) == "Bonded Metal Bar" and ing(2) == "Tied Metal Bar" and ing(3) == "Wooden Barricade" then made = "Armored Wall" end if ing(1) == "Tied Metal Bar" and ing(2) == "Scrap Metal" and ing(3) == "Wooden Barricade" then made = "Small Home" end if ing(1) == "Bonded Metal Bar" and ing(2) == "Bonded Metal Bar" and ing(3) == "Scrap Metal" and ing(4) == "Wooden Barricade" and ing(5) == "Glass Pane" then made = "Hotel" end if ing(1) == "Tied Metal Bar" and ing(2) == "Tied Metal Bar" and ing(3) == "Tied Metal Bar" and ing(4) == "Wooden Barricade" and ing(5) == "Glass Pane" then made = "Med. Shelter" end if ing(1) == "Pure Plastic" and ing(2) == "Gasoline" then made = "Plastic Lighter" end if ing(1) == "Pure Plastic" and ing(2) == "Gasoline" and ing(3) == "Stock Wood" then made = "Lighter Kit" end if ing(1) == "Pure Plastic" and ing(2) == "Pure Plastic" and ing(3) == "Gasoline" then made = "Gas Container" end if ing(1) == "Wooden Barricade" and ing(2) == "Wooden Barricade" and ing(3) == "Scrap Metal" then made = "Self Storage" end if ing(1) == "Wooden Barricade" and ing(2) == "Wooden Barricade" and ing(3) == "Metal Bar" then made = "Gun Storage" end if ing(1) == "Tied Metal Bar" and ing(2) == "Tied Metal Bar" and ing(3) == "Scrap Metal" and ing(4) == "Wooden Barricade" then made = "Warehouse" end if ing(1) == "Battery" and ing(2) == "Wire" and ing(3) == "Brick Barricade" and ing(4) == "Tied Metal Bar" then made = "Electric Brick Gate" end if ing(1) == "Wire" and ing(2) == "Battery" and ing(3) == "Brick Barricade" and ing(4) == "Tied Metal Bar" then made = "Electric Brick Wall" end if ing(1) == "Wire" and ing(2) == "Battery" and ing(3) == "Stock Wood" and ing(4) == "Stock Wood" then made = "Electric Fence" end if ing(1) == "Wire" and ing(2) == "Battery" and ing(3) == "Brick Barricade" and ing(4) == "Tied Metal Bar" and ing(5) == "Glass Pane" then made = "Electric Brick Shelter" end if ing(1) == "Tied Metal Bar" and ing(2) == "Tied Metal Bar" and ing(3) == "Wooden Barricade" and ing(4) == "Stock Wood" then made = choices({"Makeshift Gate", "Dock"}) end if ing(1) == "Tied Metal Bar" and ing(2) == "Wooden Barricade" and ing(3) == "Wooden Barricade" and ing(4) == "Wooden Barricade" then made = "Makeshift Wall" end if ing(1) == "Tied Metal Bar" and ing(2) == "Stock Wood" and ing(3) == "Stock Wood" then made = "Ladder" end if ing(1) == "Tied Metal Bar" and ing(2) == "Wooden Barricade" and ing(3) == "Stock Wood" then made = "Makeshift Mill" end if ing(1) == "Stock Wood" and ing(2) == "Stock Wood" then made = "Makeshift Raft" end if ing(1) == "Bonded Metal Bar" and ing(2) == "Bonded Metal Bar" and ing(3) == "Bonded Metal Bar" and ing(4) == "Wooden Barricade" then made = "Stable Tower" end if ing(1) == "Tied Metal Bar" and ing(2) == "Tied Metal Bar" and ing(3) == "Tied Metal Bar" and ing(4) == "Wooden Barricade" then made = "Makeshift Tower" end if ing(1) == "Bonded Metal Bar" and ing(2) == "Bonded Metal Bar" and ing(3) == "Wooden Barricade" and ing(4) == "Wooden Barricade" and ing(5) == "Stock Wood" and ing(6) == "Glass Pane" then made = "Large Shelter" end if ing(1) == "Tied Metal Bar" and ing(2) == "Tied Metal Bar" and ing(3) == "Wooden Barricade" and ing(4) == "Wooden Barricade" and ing(5) == "Stock Wood" and ing(6) == "Glass Pane" then made = "Mansion" end if ing(1) == "Bonded Metal Bar" and ing(2) == "Pile of Bricks" and ing(3) == "Pile of Bricks" and ing(4) == "Pile of Bricks" and ing(5) == "Glass Pane" then made = "Brick Fort" end if ing(1) == "Wooden Barricade" and ing(2) == "Pile of Bricks" and ing(3) == "Pile of Bricks" and ing(4) == "Pile of Bricks" and ing(5) == "Glass Pane" then made = "Brick Wall" end if ing(1) == "Tied Metal Bar" and ing(2) == "Tied Metal Bar" and ing(3) == "Scrap Metal" and ing(4) == "Wooden Barricade" and ing(5) == "Stock Wood" then made = "Large Warehouse" end if ing(1) == "Tied Metal Bar" and ing(2) == "Scrap Metal" and ing(3) == "Pile of Sand" then made = "Sand Water Filter" end if ing(1) == "Pile of Bricks" and ing(2) == "Pile of Bricks" and ing(3) == "Scrap Metal" and ing(4) == "Stock Wood" and ing(5) == "Stock Wood" then made = "Forge" end if ing(1) == "Tied Metal Bar" and ing(2) == "Glass Pane" and ing(3) == "Glass Pane" then made = "Green House" end if ing(1) == "Bonded Metal Bar" and ing(2) == "Bonded Metal Bar" and ing(3) == "Wooden Barricade" and ing(4) == "Stock Wood" then made = "Stable Gate" end if ing(1) == "Bonded Metal Bar" and ing(2) == "Wooden Barricade" and ing(3) == "Wooden Barricade" and ing(4) == "Wooden Barricade" then made = "Stable Wall" end if ing(1) == "Bonded Metal Bar" and ing(2) == "Wooden Barricade" and ing(3) == "Stock Wood" then made = "Stable Mill" end if ing(1) == "Wooden Barricade" and ing(2) == "Wooden Barricade" and ing(3) == "Wooden Barricade" then made = "Big Raft" end if ing(1) == "Pistol" and ing(2) == "Pistol" and ing(3) == "Pistol" then made = "Rifle" end if ing(1) == "Pistol" and ing(2) == "Ammo Pack" and ing(3) == "Stock Wood" then made = "Gun Kit" end if ing(1) == "Fertile Soil" and ing(2) == "Stock Wood" and ing(3) == "Stock Wood" then made = "Farming Kit" end if ing(1) == "Pistol" and ing(2) == "Pistol" and ing(3) == "Scrap Metal" then made = "870 Combat" end if ing(1) == "Pistol" and ing(2) == "Scrap Metal" then made = "GOL-SM" end local real = game.Lighting.Tools:findFirstChild(made) if real ~= nil then local player = tool.Parent.Parent local given = real:clone() given.Parent = player.Backpack alert(given.Name.." created!") deleteTable() else alert("Nothing created...") end clearTable() end function makeItem() local made = "" if ing(1) == "Stock Wood" and ing(2) == "Stock Wood" then made = "Wooden Barricade" end if ing(1) == "Pile of Bricks" and ing(2) == "Pile of Bricks" then made = "Brick Barricade" end if ing(1) == "Scrap Metal" and ing(2) == "Scrap Metal" then made = "Tied Metal Bar" end if ing(1) == "Burning Metal" and ing(2) == "Burning Metal" then made = "Bonded Metal Bar" end if ing(1) == "Glass" and ing(2) == "Glass" then made = "Glass Pane" end if ing(1) == "Wheat" and ing(2) == "Wheat" then made = "Wheat Bundle" end if ing(1) == "Stalk" then made = "Rope" end if ing(1) == "Dough" and ing(2) == nil then made = "Uncooked Bread" end if ing(1) == "Dough" and ing(2) == "Corn" then made = "Uncooked Corn Bread" end if ing(1) == "Dough" and ing(2) == "Pumpkin" then made = "Uncooked Pumpkin Pie" end local real = game.Lighting.Items:findFirstChild(made) if real ~= nil then local player = tool.Parent.Parent if player.Inventory.One.Value == nil then local given = real:clone() given.Parent = player.Inventory player.Inventory.One.Value = given alert(given.Name.." created!") deleteTable() elseif player.Inventory.Two.Value == nil then local given = real:clone() given.Parent = player.Inventory player.Inventory.Two.Value = given alert(given.Name.." created!") deleteTable() elseif player.Inventory.Three.Value == nil then local given = real:clone() given.Parent = player.Inventory player.Inventory.Three.Value = given alert(given.Name.." created!") deleteTable() elseif player.Inventory.Four.Value == nil then local given = real:clone() given.Parent = player.Inventory player.Inventory.Four.Value = given alert(given.Name.." created!") deleteTable() elseif player.Inventory.Five.Value == nil then local given = real:clone() given.Parent = player.Inventory player.Inventory.Five.Value = given alert(given.Name.." created!") deleteTable() elseif player.Inventory.Six.Value == nil then local given = real:clone() given.Parent = player.Inventory player.Inventory.Six.Value = given alert(given.Name.." created!") deleteTable() elseif player.Inventory.Seven.Value == nil then local given = real:clone() given.Parent = player.Inventory player.Inventory.Seven.Value = given alert(given.Name.." created!") deleteTable() elseif player.Inventory.Eight.Value == nil then local given = real:clone() given.Parent = player.Inventory player.Inventory.Eight.Value = given alert(given.Name.." created!") deleteTable() elseif player.Inventory.Nine.Value == nil then local given = real:clone() given.Parent = player.Inventory player.Inventory.Nine.Value = given alert(given.Name.." created!") deleteTable() elseif player.Inventory.Ten.Value == nil then local given = real:clone() given.Parent = player.Inventory player.Inventory.Ten.Value = given alert(given.Name.." created!") deleteTable() elseif player.Inventory.Ten.Value ~= nil then alert("Not Enough Space!!") wait(1.5) end else alert("Nothing created...") end clearTable() end function process() local hasCreated = false if ing(1) == "Small Leaves" and ing(2) == "" then addToService("Composting", ingReal(1)) alert("Began Composting!") hasCreated = true end if ing(1) == "Large Leaves" and ing(2) == "" then addToService("Composting", ingReal(1)) alert("Began Composting!") hasCreated = true end if ing(1) == "Fertile Soil" and ing(2) == "Beef Jerky Seed" then plant(ingReal(1), ingReal(2)) addToService("Farming", ingReal(2)) alert("Planted Beef Jerky Seed!") hasCreated = true end if ing(1) == "Fertile Soil" and ing(2) == "Wheat Seed" then plant(ingReal(1), ingReal(2)) addToService("Farming", ingReal(2)) alert("Planted Wheat!") hasCreated = true end if ing(1) == "Fertile Soil" and ing(2) == "Corn" then plant(ingReal(1), ingReal(2)) addToService("Farming", ingReal(2)) alert("Planted Corn!") hasCreated = true end if ing(1) == "Fertile Soil" and ing(2) == "Grape" then plant(ingReal(1), ingReal(2)) addToService("Farming", ingReal(2)) alert("Planted Grape!") hasCreated = true end if ing(1) == "Fertile Soil" and ing(2) == "Pumpkin Seed" then plant(ingReal(1), ingReal(2)) addToService("Farming", ingReal(2)) alert("Planted Pumpkin!") hasCreated = true end if ing(1) == "Fertile Soil" and ing(2) == "Pumpkin Seed Pack" then plant(ingReal(1), ingReal(2)) addToService("Farming", ingReal(2)) alert("Planted Pumpkin!") hasCreated = true end if ing(1) == "Fertile Soil" and ing(2) == "Corn Seed Pack" then plant(ingReal(1), ingReal(2)) addToService("Farming", ingReal(2)) alert("Planted Corn!") hasCreated = true end if ing(1) == "Fertile Soil" and ing(2) == "Carrot Seed Pack" then plant(ingReal(1), ingReal(2)) addToService("Farming", ingReal(2)) alert("Planted Carrot!") hasCreated = true end if ing(1) == "Fertile Soil" and ing(2) == "Grape Seed Pack" then plant(ingReal(1), ingReal(2)) addToService("Farming", ingReal(2)) alert("Planted Grape!") hasCreated = true end if ing(1) == "Fertile Soil" and ing(2) == "Wheat Seed Pack" then plant(ingReal(1), ingReal(2)) addToService("Farming", ingReal(2)) alert("Planted Wheat!") hasCreated = true end if ing(1) == "Fertile Soil" and ing(2) == "Carrot Flower" then plant(ingReal(1), ingReal(2)) addToService("Farming", ingReal(2)) alert("Planted Carrot!") hasCreated = true end if ing(1) == "Fertile Soil" and ing(2) == "Apple" then plant(ingReal(1), ingReal(2)) addToService("Farming", ingReal(2)) alert("Planted Apple!") hasCreated = true end if ing(1) == "Fertile Soil" and ing(2) == "Blueberry" then plant(ingReal(1), ingReal(2)) addToService("Farming", ingReal(2)) alert("Planted Berry!") hasCreated = true end if ing(1) == "Fertile Soil" and ing(2) == "Zombie Seed" then plant(ingReal(1), ingReal(2)) addToService("Farming", ingReal(2)) alert("Planted A Brain Eating Zombie Plant!") hasCreated = true ZSPALERT = Instance.new("StringValue") ZSPALERT.Parent = workspace.Services.Farming ZSPALERT.Value = ZSP end if ing(1) == "Bento Hide" and ing(2) == "" then addToService("Tanning", ingReal(1)) alert("Began Tanning!") hasCreated = true end if not hasCreated then alert("Nothing happened...") end clearTable() end function plant(compost, seed) seed.Locked = true seed.Anchored = true compost.Locked = true seed.CFrame = compost.CFrame local val = Instance.new("ObjectValue") val.Name = "MyCompost" val.Value = compost val.Parent = seed end function addToService(serviceName, part) local ov = Instance.new("ObjectValue") ov.Value = part ov.Parent = game.Workspace.Services:findFirstChild(serviceName) end function canCraft(targ) local criteria1 = (not targ.Locked) local criteria2 = (targ:findFirstChild("CanCraft") ~= nil) return (criteria1 or criteria2) end function onSelected(mouse) local player = tool.Parent.Parent frame.Parent = player.PlayerGui.ScreenGui mouse.Move:connect(function() local targ = mouse.Target local player = tool.Parent.Parent local char = player.Character local head = char.Head label.Text = "" if targ ~= nil then if canCraft(targ) then if getDist(head.Position, mouse.hit.p) < 15 then label.Text = targ.Name end end end end) mouse.Button1Down:connect(function() local char = player.Character local head = char.Head local targ = mouse.Target if targ ~= nil then if canCraft(targ) then if getDist(head.Position, mouse.hit.p) < 15 then if not checkIngTable(targ) then table.insert(ingTable, targ) setListName() else alert("You already have that!") end end end end end) end function onDeselected() frame.Parent = tool if example ~= nil then example.Parent = nil end local buttons = tool.Parent.Parent.PlayerGui.ScreenGui:GetChildren() for index, child in pairs(buttons) do if child.Name == "ChoiceButton" then child:remove() end end end tool.Selected:connect(onSelected) tool.Deselected:connect(onDeselected) clear.MouseButton1Down:connect(function() clearTable() local buttons = tool.Parent.Parent.PlayerGui.ScreenGui:GetChildren() for index, child in pairs(buttons) do if child.Name == "ChoiceButton" then child:remove() end end end) createTool.MouseButton1Down:connect(makeTool) createItem.MouseButton1Down:connect(makeItem) processItem.MouseButton1Down:connect(process)
#141238910Wednesday, July 23, 2014 3:59 AM GMT

Did you seriously copy 303s script? Get a life.
#141238969Wednesday, July 23, 2014 4:00 AM GMT

That was probably the longest script there was... bad choice on my part
#141239099Wednesday, July 23, 2014 4:01 AM GMT

Still you COPIED their script, that THEY made, which means it's not for you.
#141239112Wednesday, July 23, 2014 4:01 AM GMT

I already stated this was not originaly my script. it was originaly davidiis 303 verted to 'the colony' and im verting that to my game. Garnold did much the same with his Survival apocalypse.
#141239291Wednesday, July 23, 2014 4:03 AM GMT

Peaple put there games uncopylocked for a reason. that reason being that they want peaple to use it. i would be apreciative if you where to help the issue though.

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