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#141259730Wednesday, July 23, 2014 8:46 AM GMT

I have 2 main scripts for a minigame place i am trying so hard to create please help me out: local minigameList = { "Statue Sword Fights" } local minigameRunning = game.ServerStorage.MinigameRunning game.ServerStorage.MinigameOver.Event:connect(function(winners,pointsAwarded) local winnersMessage = "And the winners are:" for i=1,#winners do winners[i].leaderstats.Points.Value = winners[i].leaderstats.Points.Value + pointsAwarded winnersMessage = winnersMessage.." "..winners[i].Name.."," end winnersMessage = string.sub(winnersMessage, 1, string.len(winnersMessage) - 1).." - Congratulations!" m = Instance.new("Message",workspace) m.Text = winnersMessage wait(10) m:destroy() minigameRunning.Value = false end) function SelectMiniGame() return minigameList[math.random(1,#minigameList)] end function Start_A_Game() if #game.Players:GetChildren() > 1 then minigame = SelectMiniGame() m = Instance.new("Message",workspace) m.Text = minigame.." has been chosen! Get ready!!" wait(10) m:destroy() minigameRunning.Value = true game.ServerStorage[minigame.." StartEvent"]:Fire() end end while true do wait(1) if not minigameRunning.Value then Start_A_Game() end end connections = {} function GameOver() for i=1,#connections do connections[i]:disconnect() end connections = {} game.ServerStorage.MinigameOver:Fire(plrs,50) end function SpawnCharacter(plr) print(map.Name) repeat wait(1) until plr.Character ~= nil spawnpoints = map.SpawnPoints:GetChildren() plr.Character:MoveTo(spawnpoint[math.random(1,#spawnpoints)].Position) stats = plr.leaderstats local sword = game.ServerStorage.LinkedSword:clone() sword.Parent = plr.Backpack if not stats:findFirstChild("Kills") then kills = Instance.new("IntValue",stats) kills.Name = "Kills" kills.Value = 0 end end game.ServerStorage["Statue Sword Fights StartEvent"].Event:connect(function() plrs = game.Players:GetChildren() map = game.Workspace["Statue Sword Fights"] lastSpawnPointUsed = 0 for i,plr in pairs(plrs) do if plr.Character ~= nil then lastSpawnPointUsed = lastSpawnPointUsed + 1 SpawnCharacter(plr) end connections[#connections + 1] = plr.CharacterAdded:connect(function(chr) SpawnCharcater(game.Player:GetPlayerFromCharacter(chr)) end) end wait(20) GameOver() end) Please help no error popped up in the output window and i cant find the problem so please if you can help please help.
#141260090Wednesday, July 23, 2014 8:56 AM GMT

Anybody? b1
#141260665Wednesday, July 23, 2014 9:13 AM GMT

Step one: put prints everwhere Step two: Tell us where it gets stuck One of your if statements are probably returning false.

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