#14635414Saturday, September 26, 2009 4:33 AM GMT

Xaad waits for Sariana to make her move. Darren fidgets silently in the corner. And Ragaan fiddles with some controls behind the one way mirror. If Sariana made any threatening move, he would have her incapacitated via remote controlled dart shooting turrets installed into the Operating room. Ever since that one deranged vandal strolled in, he's always come prepared with things like these.
#14635474Saturday, September 26, 2009 4:36 AM GMT

She reviewed the plan in her head. Trip, fall next to Darren, stand, seem to brush herself off... then rip the.... the CROWN off his head, and hold the boy back.... This seemed like the only way to get free. Sariana tripped.
#14635487Saturday, September 26, 2009 4:36 AM GMT

Bio: Name: Conkiko Kurono Age: Unknown to everyone including myself Race: Zitanian (Pre-Midevil Times Elf Who hasn't aged as much as normal humans would, he is quite old, Yet no one can tell from his looks) Weapons & Apperance: Good with a gun, Holds a old style revolver in his holster, Small dark black clothing hanging down over one leg, Ripped down one leg, Originally was a black robe, A sword had cut through the left legs area so it now gives more freedom for the left leg, Right handed, Male, Doesnt know much about modern day, as he came out of a cave where he'd been living off rats for over 50 years, 2 Knives hidden just incase...
#14635791Saturday, September 26, 2009 4:45 AM GMT

Ragaan viewed the events unfold. As Sariana got up, he saw her muscles tense, ready to spring to action... She was either going to grab the boy, or attempt to tear out his throat.. or something... He clicked the button that started up the automated turret in the room, and then selected the target. Select shots... Select Dosage.. Pause between shots... Initiate.. *pew pew pew* Ragaan then turned on a microphone. "Hello, Conkiko, would you please come down here and help me with this? Thank you." (Note : Conkiko is Ragaans little helper... We agreed to this previously.. unless Conkiko wishes to break off this agreement. In which case, please disregard the sentance above.)
#14635973Saturday, September 26, 2009 4:50 AM GMT

Sariana crumples to the ground, unconcious... for the... what? 10th time?
#14636054Saturday, September 26, 2009 4:53 AM GMT

-walks down the stairs to see ragaan- What do you need sir?
#14636160Saturday, September 26, 2009 4:56 AM GMT

Lithos sprinted to the forest. Maybe he could hunt a bird or something. All he knew was that wheres theres forests, there are animals, and every animal is meat.
#14636241Saturday, September 26, 2009 4:58 AM GMT

Ragaan looks at Conkiko. "Alright Conkiko, i need you to bring down two crates of the Xerphite sedatives... A wheel chair... And some tea and biscuits, if you dont mind. Thank you greatly." Ragaan continues to watch the trio inside the Operating room.
#14636339Saturday, September 26, 2009 5:02 AM GMT

-Slowly turns around and starts to walk up stairs grunting on the way up- I'll be down in a little bit sir!
#14636482Saturday, September 26, 2009 5:06 AM GMT

Name: Sam Eisenford Age: 27 Race: Mutated Gender: M Appearance: ROBLOX look, except more realistic Bio: Was tested on and was a great success his powers are amazing. Weapons: His special abilities Special Abilities: Psycic, can jump great heights, not really flameable
#14636520Saturday, September 26, 2009 5:07 AM GMT

(It's late, start me off somewhere in the story, like a battle or something with you guys. Too tired)
#14636525Saturday, September 26, 2009 5:08 AM GMT

(...Psychic... is kinda a no...)
#14636542Saturday, September 26, 2009 5:08 AM GMT

( Eh, Legen, can you please not be Psychic?.. its a bit.. i dunno... god-moddish, because you can basically put words into peoples mouth.. its generally not a good idea i suppose..)
#14636577Saturday, September 26, 2009 5:09 AM GMT

Name: Sylvaine Kurono (Conkiko's brother.) Age: Appears in his late 20s. Race: Genetically enhanced human. Gender: Male Appearance: Reminescent of a tall ninja, Sylvaine is towering over most people at 6'4". He wears tight leather armor with titanium shoulderpads and chestplate. A small scar can be seen across his left eye. Bio: Allied with Ragaan, Sylvaine is a mercenary for hire. He goes where the money is. He has no rights or wrongs, he is in the opinion of the highest bidder. Weapons: Anything he can find - he is good with improvising. Special Abilities: Enhanced senses, razor-sharp reflexes and the stealth of a ninja.
#14636590Saturday, September 26, 2009 5:10 AM GMT

(I forgot the word of the one I was using. It's like..... being able to move things by thinking about it. Not controlling somebody)
#14636653Saturday, September 26, 2009 5:12 AM GMT

(Thats Telekinesis... and i dunno.. ask pretzel..)
#14636656Saturday, September 26, 2009 5:12 AM GMT

#14636676Saturday, September 26, 2009 5:13 AM GMT

Lithos unstrapped Epeon from his back. Holding it at his side.
#14636681Saturday, September 26, 2009 5:13 AM GMT

(Meh. Onleh move Objects... small ones at that ._.)
#14636684Saturday, September 26, 2009 5:13 AM GMT

(There we go. Being up at 1:00 A.M really messes with my head. So pretzel, can I use telekenisis?)
#14636701Saturday, September 26, 2009 5:14 AM GMT

(Late post fail, ok small objects only)
#14636784Saturday, September 26, 2009 5:16 AM GMT

Xaad and Darren quietly discuss what to do with Sariana. "Look boy, im guessing we just pick her up, and knock on the door. Then Ragaan can come unlock the door, and then we can go set her up somewhere else." Darren objects. "But hes the one who shot her in the first place!" Xaad interjects. "He had a good enough reason.. er.. he will.. i suppose..." Ragaan, meanwhile, ignores this, and radios Sylvaine. "Sylvaine, please report to the Main Bunker for a recap. We have visitors.. I may need help restraining one of them.. Please be advised, you are NOT to use live ammunition, i repeat, do NOT use live ammunition." Ragaan clicks the radio off, and waits.
#14636914Saturday, September 26, 2009 5:23 AM GMT

-Walks down the stairs tripping while dragging a wheelchair, Holding two crates of the Xerphite sedatives, tea, and biscuits, setting them on the ground lets out a sigh-
#14637008Saturday, September 26, 2009 5:29 AM GMT

"...I repeat, do NOT use live ammunition." The radio buzzed. Sylvaine pressed the a finger to his earpiece, speaking through his internally implanted mic. "Yeah, yeah. I have no weapons on me anyway." The background noise of the tank was almost deafening. It rumbled and crunched as it made its way to the destination. He kicked back, relaxing. He'd arrive in minutes now. This was a pretty good job. He'd get awesome pay for getting into some battle. Nothing he hasn't done before...
#14637060Saturday, September 26, 2009 5:30 AM GMT

((I feel distant, and forgotten))