#15295449Sunday, October 11, 2009 8:37 PM GMT

Darren speaks up at this point. "I don't think we can actually... That Ragaan person has the keys to all the doors.. We cannot simply break them down, it would take too much time and effort.." Xaad confirms this. "Yes, and He is currently busy greeting some other person, one of his assistants i'm sure." Darren then flicks a small fireball at the mouse, which kills it. "Roast mouse.. yum.."
#15295759Sunday, October 11, 2009 8:43 PM GMT

#15332463Monday, October 12, 2009 7:29 PM GMT

(Fine fine fine. It was sent to Ragaans coordinate, and only his coordinate. That way noone else can get it :P)
#15358038Tuesday, October 13, 2009 5:57 AM GMT

((I'm sort of waiting for ash to acknoledge the fact that Sylvaine has arrived and is awaiting orders from Ragaan.))
#15413657Wednesday, October 14, 2009 11:58 PM GMT

"Sylvaine Unit 227 reporting for duty." Ragaan smiled faintly, Sylvaine was his trusted soldier, and assistant. "Come my boy, let us greet our guests. Oh and eh... Remember, don't shoot vital areas if you have to.. We wouldn't want complications, now would we? Anyways, come come, there is little time ahead to prepare for our next move. Ragaan walked slowly through the corridors, paused, and waited for Sylvaine to catch up.
#15413768Thursday, October 15, 2009 12:00 AM GMT

"...So you're really going to just stand there? You Cowardly.. Cowardly... grr..."
#15414774Thursday, October 15, 2009 12:20 AM GMT

Sylvaine caught up, almost completely silent, save for the small metal clanks under his footsteps. His face was a mask under his balaclava; No emotion whatsoever, like a robot. His voice was neutral, but not monotone. He switched to his military personality, dropping his casual like a brick. "What's our status on the field?"
#15415683Thursday, October 15, 2009 12:36 AM GMT

"Mmmm, recon bots in Gamma Sector have stopped reporting back, i'm going to send out a few recovery droids.... Eh, some of the satellites have met some negative feedback on some com channels, debugging as we speak. Other than those few abnormalities, everything's fine." Ragaan continued to walk, keeping up a brisk pace. "How are things on the southern front? I've heard some nasty things from some of our more human spies."
#15416596Thursday, October 15, 2009 12:52 AM GMT

"...You're no better than the Destroyers..." Sariana tried to kick one of them, but was still too weak... Danged gas mask!
#15417092Thursday, October 15, 2009 1:00 AM GMT

"Bloody. Pity, most of the casualties were from recruits. Special Ops have been deployed, or so I've heard." He turns to Ragaan, pulling something out of his side pouches. "I've got something to show you, sir. It's a prototype my team is working on. We call it a Personal Cloaking Device, or PCD." A small silver disk is in his palm. A holographic display is in it's centre, with a floating model of a male human with arms outspread. "It works by bending the light around the user, while taking a digital photograph of the environment around the user every nanosecond. The result: complete invisibility."
#15423220Thursday, October 15, 2009 3:34 AM GMT

Ragaan glanced at the device, and chuckled. "Splendid my boy, splendid! You can send the prototype to the main labs and i shall have some boys work out any kinks, if you find any. Eh, if you wish to field test it, I shouldn't have to remind you to bring some sound dampening pads, hmmm? In any case, we must attend to our guests. One in particular should be very... Very impatient to meet you, I'm sure."
#15424957Thursday, October 15, 2009 5:56 AM GMT

"I'm intrigued already..." Sylvaine felt like grinning. This should be fun, working for this "Ragaan" guy. He slipped the disk back into his pouch, next to a concealed knife. You never know... "Don't trust anyone. Not me, not your family, not even yourself." His mentor, Cylera, once told him. She was the shortest woman he'd met, but she could pack a better punch than any man. He contrasted greatly against her, standing small at 4'3". Her long blonde hair was always in a ponytail, save for the formal situations. This gave her an advantage, as she was more nimble and quick than Sylvaine could ever hope to be. One day, Sylvaine recieved a package. He opened it, but surprisingly didn't react. It was her head, severed. He keeps this "package" at home, as a reminder to be more careful with his clients. Did he choose the right side in this battle?
#15482008Friday, October 16, 2009 10:13 PM GMT

(Meh, too late to join in on the fun?)
#15498277Saturday, October 17, 2009 3:17 AM GMT

Off in the distance.... Far away... Near the epicenter of the land, evil awakens... It lets out a blood curdling screech, a howl so inhuman that even its creators back up in awe, and fear. It looks feverishly around itself, the blank, gray walls, and lifts a foot experimentally. It is met with resistance, Heavy Iron cuff links attached to its feet, until the researchers can be sure it will not turn on its masters. It lets out another screech, and leaps into the air, and smashes its head against the ceiling. Buildings above stir slightly, tremors reaching up from the subterranean levels of the Research Facility. Its red, demon eyes scan the area once more, looking for potential threats. In its head, hardware begins to kick in, and its vision soon begins to blur... then sharpen. A small, robotic voice sounds in the distance " Recording initialized..." It instantly turns its head at the direction of the noise, and it strains against the neck metal bars imprisoning it there. Life stirs around it, and soon, a small group of scientists look up at their child. It immediately, quick as a flash, drives it horrid, metal beak into one of their hearts, and is met with a shock, thousands of volts sent into its body. The voice sounds again. " Electrical Damage sustained. Repairing, as necessary." Its vision blurs yet again, and it slumps to the ground, a metal heap of death. Cheers are heard, and a pair of paramedics are sent to dispose of the body. They have triumphed. A monster has been born. (Might wanna tell me if this is a bit much or not, I'm not too sure really.) (I was bored, so i came up with a quick enemy for the group to battle :D)
#15685968Wednesday, October 21, 2009 9:08 PM GMT

Ilath, still working on his thumb dancing, quickly gets annoyed with his punishment. -It hasnt even started and already it grows tiresome. I want this..Ragaan, to get me out of here.- The thought was followed by a draw out sigh and his father walked into the room, standing over him. Ilath refused to look up from his thumbs. "I have contacted Ragaan." Soldiir says after a long moment of silence. "Any reply?" Ilath asks impatiantly "Date? Time? Person? Location? ANYTHING?" "No.." Soldiir replies, slightly annoyed with the attitude his own son was giving him "Nothing." Ilath lets out yet another sigh. -Starting to doubt this persons intelligence..-
#15873971Monday, October 26, 2009 1:38 AM GMT

-This is going to take a while. Might as well sharpen my conjuring.- Ilath slides off the chair onto the floor. He closes his eyes, bringing in a mental picture of the room. He doesnt care about the furniture, he cares about the air surrounding it. He focuses on the air, blacking out everthing except it. The remaining picture is white, and seemingly flowing. Now, to conjure. Ilath thinks of what he should make. Hmm..mabey a fancy looking lamp. No..last time he did that he woke up tied to a tree at sword-point, being asked questions like "Who started the blaze?" and "Why did you destroy the Realm?" At first he just thought he had drank too much.. -A wooden carving should suffice.- He pictures the carving, and moves the air to shape the mental picture. To any onlookers, this would look exactly like a 3D outline, the airs density in one area makeing it visible, but not distinguishable as anything more than a blob. Slowly he colors the air, changes it from a gas into a solid, and makes a last mental inspection. This is the most important detail. Anything wrong in the mental-magic structure would destroy the object, and although he didnt care about the wooden carving in paticular, it was still good practice for real life situations. Once he felt that the carving was complete, he let go of the magic bonds he held with it, and let it exist completely in the physical world. At the moment he released, a knock came on the door.. -Ragaan finally showed up.- Ilath was about to get up when his father went to answer the door. He was clearly excited to meet him. To Ilaths amusment, it wasnt Ragaan, but it was Delnaar, his cousin. (Name: Delnaar Moonwhisper [Father side of the family] Age: 215 Race: Elf Gender: Male Appearance: Casual; T-Shirt and Jeans, almost always with a jacket. Armor; Studded Leather. Bio: Cousin to Ilath Moonwhisper on Soldiirs side of the family, thus the name doesnt change. Weapons: Instrument; A common Lute. Blades; Duel Kukris [Shortswords with blades resembling half-spanned bird wings.] Special Abilities: Enhancement Bard [Minor buffing through spellsinging] Side note: Please tell me if this isnt allowed :P)
#15982085Wednesday, October 28, 2009 11:15 PM GMT

Now Ilath couldnt take being in the house. He never liked Delnaar. And the fact he had showed up NOW of all times made things worse. "Why are YOU here?" Ilath asks annoyed. "Im on punishment too, whole family tradition thing." Delnaar replies "Tradition in serious!" Soldiir interrupts "Mabey next time you should take it more seriously." "Anyway.." Delnaar continues "My family heard you were on punishment as well, figured whatever you had was good enough for me. So now im going with you into the wild blue yonder." -Nothing could make this day worse. My cousin accompanying me to a punishment that has already annoyed me is going a little too far.- Ilath thinks sternly. He knew with a gut feeling that he was going to regret ever forgetting the gift.. "So what did you do?" Delnaars voice crashes into Ilaths trail of thought. "Nothing that really matters to you" Ilath responds harshly. "And you?" "I wont answer that until you answer me." Delnaar says smugly. Figures set a price for his answer. And answer in return has to be the worst to pay. Ilath forgets even asking. -I want this punishment to start, so it can end.-
#15982269Wednesday, October 28, 2009 11:18 PM GMT

Ragaan walked by his main computer terminal as he led Sylvaine towards Xaad and the others. While he walked by, he heard a soft beeping sound. He looked over to the terminal. "Just one moment Sylvaine, i need to check this.. Probably nothing, but stand by." He entered the small room, and sat down at the smaller, more personal, monitor. He tapped his finger lightly on the keyboard, wondering what it was... As the screen lit up, he saw that he had a message... Hmm.... After reading the short message, he sent a reply. Hello Soldiir. Thank you for your message. I am afraid i cannot pick up your son, as i am currently busy with things here in the bunker. However, if you have access to any personal electronic device, i would be happy to upload a location where he can be picked up by an associate. Please note that i cannot give out my exact location, so your Ilath may be alone for a day or so. Please be sure he has enough food and supplies to last him accordingly. - R Satisfied with his message, he sent it, and returned to Sylvaine, without saying a word, and continued down the hallway.
#15982400Wednesday, October 28, 2009 11:20 PM GMT

Sariana sighed, and frowned. "Where is that I-think-I-know-it-all?"
#15982465Wednesday, October 28, 2009 11:22 PM GMT

Soldiir was aware of the message before it had even been sent. He quickly checked it with the old computer they kept around for such occasion. His reply is the following Please send us the location you wish to pick them up at. Oh, and i may mention, my nephew is coming as well. He doesnt sign it, eager to have Ragaan send the duo off as soon as possible.
#15982681Wednesday, October 28, 2009 11:25 PM GMT

Xaad sighs, and rubs his forehead. "I have no idea, probably doing some odd things a genius would be doing at a time of war, how should i know for gods sake?" Immediately, he regrets his words, knowing that the girl would have some snide remark for him. Darren senses a disturbance.... A spider has fallen off its web. He walks over, and promptly squishes it.
#15982829Wednesday, October 28, 2009 11:28 PM GMT

"So, all I-think-I-know-it-alls sit in their office and play with little robots while REAL people die?"
#15983396Wednesday, October 28, 2009 11:36 PM GMT

The sun rises over the distant horizon... Dawn breaks over the land... The beast slowly opens its eyes, and looks around. It senses something amiss... What could it be?... It hits it. There is no noise. The soft mutterings of the scientists, the shouts of joy over discoveries by the researchers, the congratulations from the Tribunal themselves over them... Gone... It spreads its great, gleaming metal wings in joy. It is free, free at last. Long ago, it was reborn from the ashes of war, a cold, dead corpse, the carcass of an old eagle.... It was brought back to life, painfully, and now, its heart rests inside its cold, dead hull. Its eyes renewed, its hunger restored, it must now find its next meal... With a sudden, loud sharp shriek, it takes to the air... And begins the hunt....
#15983669Wednesday, October 28, 2009 11:40 PM GMT

Ragaan and Sylvaine soon near the door to the sitting room. "Sylvaine, I want you to stay in the hallway, until I call you. Just sit tight, the girl may listen to reason now." He smirked, and then left him to his own devices. Entering the room, and closing the door after him, he grins. "So the sleeping beauty is now awake? Good, good... Nearly gave us all a fright back there.... Now... Before you accuse me of anything, first, listen. I saved you from dieing in those woods, and your friends. I took three, complete and total strangers into my home. Alright? So put yourself in my position before you have a rant. What i did was a very selfless thing to do, after all, i couldve just let you die. Now, speak and be heard, young one."
#15983786Wednesday, October 28, 2009 11:42 PM GMT

"EXACTLY WHY DID YOU SHOOT ME?!" She yells, a slight echo sounding.