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#14166073Saturday, September 12, 2009 11:56 PM GMT

In 2020, a space-station was launched. The goverment kept it secret, but the public saw it. The reason for the station was unknown, intil 17 years later. The space-station was hit by a solar wind, was ripped out of earths magnetic feild, and came hurdeling back at earth. It was burnt in the atmosphere, and torn in two. One half landed in Canada, the other crashed into the ocean. A team was sent to investigate the crashsite. They tested it with a Gigacounter, and it had readings of radiation. Inside the station was the remains of a nuclear reactor and the scraps of what looked like some sort of supernuke. It was outdated, but still deadly. A strange machine was found inside the station. It resembled a claw and it had numerous hydrolics, and of course was torn in two. The parts of the machine were taken out of the station, repaired, and put back together again. The machine's claw had a circular metal plate the size of a trashcan lid. Around the edges were what looked like some sort of reinforced glass, stained with a green alge-like substance. Other containers like this were found, and the remains of some humanoid creature were found in another. What were the origins of this station? Days later, the snow around the station melted and grass began to grow. Vines crept up dead trees, and fungi sent spores all over the place.(Put:I read the story at the end of your charcter sheet) Within two miles of the crashsite, everything was overgrown.Pepole near the crashsite report about 'Algae Pepole', apparently the so called 'Algae Pepole' have grown onto weapons such as chainsaws, and are mowing pepole down for no reason. The police and millitary hope to somehow stop these 'Algae Pepole'. RULES: No being Mr. Super-Algae person. No Aliens. The ones on the space-station were killed when it crashed. No ubering. KEEP IN CANADA. I'll add more when I see fit. Story and chat mode both accepted, but I would like it if you did it in storymode. Put:I read the Information at the end of your character sheet CHARCTER SHEET(S): Human Sheet: Name: Age: (no younger than 20) Specialty: (examples are Genetic Analysis, Engineering) Bio: Apperance: Opinion of the 'Algae Pepole' reports: Algae Person Sheet: Grown onto: (examples are Chainsaw, Axe. Algae Pepole have not yet evolved to carry arround shotguns and such.) Color: Behavior: (this changes. Examples are Aggresion, Dormancy) Container Number:(From what container the Algae came from, like Container C-712) MINE: Grown onto:Some guys civil war sabre Color:Greenish brown Behavior:Agressive, territorial Container Number:F-227
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#14166205Saturday, September 12, 2009 11:59 PM GMT

F-227 wants to slice'n'dice pplz.
Top 25 Poster
#14166255Sunday, September 13, 2009 12:00 AM GMT

Meh. I change my weapon to Old Shotgun. Pepole who worked on my thread with me gets old shotgun.
Top 25 Poster
#14166449Sunday, September 13, 2009 12:04 AM GMT

Im changing my character sheet entirly. Grown onto:Shards of glass, has a few raidoactive tendrils with the shards of glass at the ends of them, ability to regenerate Color:Black Behavior:Agressive, territorial Container Number:LEAD-2
#14166453Sunday, September 13, 2009 12:04 AM GMT

Human Sheet: Name: Marc Alvin Cheez (I forgot Gender in my suggestion sheet, so I'm adding it now)Gender: Male Age: 27 Specialty: Genetic Analysis Bio: A smart geneticist that is interested in the incident. Apperance: Your average scientist. Opinion of the 'Algae People' reports: "Improbable, but I'm open to the truth." I read the information.
Top 25 Poster
#14166503Sunday, September 13, 2009 12:05 AM GMT

Since you helped me, you dont has to read story.
#14166506Sunday, September 13, 2009 12:05 AM GMT

Human Sheet: Name: Samantha Terra Age: 20 Specialty: Combat Bio: A strange girl. Tomboy. She prefers being called Sam. Digs for a living. But better at combat. Apperance: Black hair and red eyes. Some hard hat and diggers clothes. A jackhammer as a wepon too. Opinion of the 'Algae Pepole' reports: That it is not real.
#14166526Sunday, September 13, 2009 12:06 AM GMT

Grown onto: Very sharp shards of metal in hands and tendrils. Operate as claws. Color: Black. Behavior: Leader - Intelligent. Container Number: LEAD-1. Extras: Four black tendrils come out of his back. These are radioactive, and can do alot of damage. Appearance: Large, humanoid Algae-Person. Four thick, black tendrils of radioactive algae emerge from his back. He has red eyes. Should we not have appearance and extras? I mean, it wouldn't do much, but detail is good.
#14166552Sunday, September 13, 2009 12:06 AM GMT

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#14166572Sunday, September 13, 2009 12:07 AM GMT

I wa/lked o/ut of t/he rui/ns /of /my met/al and gl/ass pri/son. Th/ose thi/ngs g/rew m/e, an/d n/ow th/ey we/re de/ad. (LEADs are the original algae pepole)
#14166639Sunday, September 13, 2009 12:08 AM GMT

I climbed out of the metal container that I was in. I turned to see another like me climbing out of LEAD-2. Other LEAD containers were bursting open as well, and others were emerging from them. I noticed that my hands had sharp shards of metal on them, functioning as claws. The tendrils on my back had metal spikes embedded into them.
Top 25 Poster
#14166641Sunday, September 13, 2009 12:08 AM GMT

Grown onto: (examples are Chainsaw, Axe. Algae Pepole have not yet evolved to carry arround shotguns and such.) Color: Behavior: (this changes. Examples are Aggresion, Dormancy) Container Number:(From what container the Algae came from, like Container C-712) Extras: Apperance: LEAD-2's apperance:Black semi-humanoid Algae person. Four raidoactive tendrils tipped with glass coming out of back. Extras:Able to get through tight spaces.
#14166644Sunday, September 13, 2009 12:09 AM GMT

I climbed a tall tower, watching the city. "Wow.." I gasped of amazement.
#14166702Sunday, September 13, 2009 12:10 AM GMT

(Be right back. Dinner)
#14166745Sunday, September 13, 2009 12:10 AM GMT

Marc: *watching TV coverage of the area* Strange... I feel compelled to go there and investigate, myself. But I need a weapon. *doorbell rings* Marc: I wonder who is at the door. *turns off TV and opens front door, only to find a large package* Marc: Hmmm... what's inside? *Brings the package inside, closes the front door, and starts opening it* Marc: It looks like a firearm. *finishes opening package and finds an old shotgun inside with some shells* Marc: This will be useful. *brings shotgun and shells with him as he drives his car as close to the site as he can*
Top 25 Poster
#14166846Sunday, September 13, 2009 12:12 AM GMT

The climate here was colder then the prison I had lived in, but that would change. I saw that those creatures had sent spores of the fungui that had been the base of us onto this orbital mass of supercompressed magma, decomposed creatures, and so on.
#14166897Sunday, September 13, 2009 12:13 AM GMT

Marc: So this is the site. *starts investigating with shotgun in hand*
#14166901Sunday, September 13, 2009 12:14 AM GMT

I began walking to a door to the outside. It seemed to be locked. I began kicking at it, denting it. With a few kicks, the door flew off of it's hinges. I walked outside.
Top 25 Poster
#14166972Sunday, September 13, 2009 12:15 AM GMT

I sensed another lifeform in the area which we were freed. I knew about the others, but this one was a bit like those who created us. He carried a form of ores that apparently fired two sphereiods which could perice the outer layers and inner layers of a being.
Top 25 Poster
#14167033Sunday, September 13, 2009 12:16 AM GMT

#14167082Sunday, September 13, 2009 12:17 AM GMT

I emerged to a bright day. I used my hands to shield my eyes from the sun. Surveying the landscape, I noticed a town a decent distance away.
#14167312Sunday, September 13, 2009 12:23 AM GMT

As I was investigating, I saw two humanoid figures coming out of the wreckage of the space station. I then thought to myself, "So it is true. It would be nice if I could get some of their genetic data for investigation. But then again..." I waited for their responses.
#14167426Sunday, September 13, 2009 12:25 AM GMT

(Back) "It would be nice to see the investigation.." and I quickly jumped off the tall building and runing to the investigation, looking around.
#14167553Sunday, September 13, 2009 12:28 AM GMT

These algae people didn't seem to be moving. But out of the corner of my eye, I saw a young woman running past me. What is she doing here, I thought.
#14167978Sunday, September 13, 2009 12:35 AM GMT

(How come I have the power to stop threads?)

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