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#141870084Monday, July 28, 2014 8:43 PM GMT

ALL 8 RB WINS: Win One: /voBZ035.jpg Win Two: /0fBUMGU.png Win Three: /rBfihHO.png Win Four: /bGN8g4i.png Win Five: /5PleaOp.png (Server shut down unfairly; win approved by Cing) Win Six: /ZwoaOsX.png (Server shut down unfairly after RB PM'd 7 HR's and waited 35 minutes before pre-flooding) Win Seven: Video; don't have it currently, however I'll post it when I do. Win Eight: http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=141864046 This isn't counting the official server that sufferpoop nuked and AA'd: /Q2oQXhF.png If we counted this, it would be 9-0. Also, this one is for the idiot you have in the high throne; sufferpoop. The war terms, which, if you were smart enough to read, you would see RB did not break any, however, IF did. http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=140764153 As for sufferpoop dropping out of the war; go right ahead. It's getting boring not being challenged over the course of an entire war. If you end the war, we will count it as an unconditional surrender on behalf of Iron Force, seeing that RB was well in the lead, with proof provided, and that IF had not a single win against us. So, to Iron Force, I say this; gg no re
#141870117Monday, July 28, 2014 8:43 PM GMT

rb wins
#141870221Monday, July 28, 2014 8:44 PM GMT

you clamied another auto-win of course.. RB has 1 win, fail to do this.. IF auto-wins war.
#141870272Monday, July 28, 2014 8:44 PM GMT

They said theyre going to claim an autowin for the war LOL
#141870287Monday, July 28, 2014 8:44 PM GMT

gg no re sir @vri learn to read
#141870317Monday, July 28, 2014 8:44 PM GMT

still lost tho IF
#141870352Monday, July 28, 2014 8:45 PM GMT

"RB has 1 win, fail to do this.. IF auto-wins war." i feel like dying now 1v1 me league: charly9011 | rip c&g - 7/2/2014
#141870367Monday, July 28, 2014 8:45 PM GMT

"RB has 1 win, fail to do this.. IF auto-wins war." Kid just go douse yourself in gasoline and light a match, youre so stupid you don't belong to live on Earth.
#141870404Monday, July 28, 2014 8:45 PM GMT

just sayin what my HRs are saying RB still stop trying to be VAK, your never gonna get there
#141870493Monday, July 28, 2014 8:46 PM GMT

Cyberbulling, I see.. I would love to see how my local police react.
#141870494Monday, July 28, 2014 8:46 PM GMT

"Kid just go douse yourself in gasoline and light a match, youre so stupid you don't belong to live on Earth." dying about as much as him once he does that
#141870502Monday, July 28, 2014 8:46 PM GMT

'RB still stop trying to be VAK, your never gonna get there' you're official dumb.
#141870553Monday, July 28, 2014 8:46 PM GMT

the stupidity of if... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hfYJsQAhl0 i'm crying at how stupid someone can be.. 1v1 me league: charly9011 | rip c&g - 7/2/2014
#141870589Monday, July 28, 2014 8:46 PM GMT

'I would love to see how my local police react.' lol
#141870677Monday, July 28, 2014 8:47 PM GMT

Win #7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2DLvRZ4jhY&feature=youtu.be
#141870699Monday, July 28, 2014 8:47 PM GMT

Your high ranks are idiots. Learn to use your own brain and actually look at the proof.
#141870726Monday, July 28, 2014 8:47 PM GMT

its 1 - 0. we're changing it on our wall. gg and btw raiders can win when theres no IF there. I just proved that /mM3tV3t.png and furthermore you guys didnt follow the rules on the war terms that YOUR OWN LEADER CREATED... RB IS FULL OF IDIOTS, so before you call me an idiot think about all of this.
#141870764Monday, July 28, 2014 8:48 PM GMT

Thanks Valaxo.
#141870773Monday, July 28, 2014 8:48 PM GMT

HE'S CYBER BULLYING ME, ARREST HIM COPS! cops: nobody cares kid 1v1 me league: charly9011 | rip c&g - 7/2/2014
#141870778Monday, July 28, 2014 8:48 PM GMT

gg no re
#141870812Monday, July 28, 2014 8:48 PM GMT

'its 1 - 0. we're changing it on our wall. gg and btw raiders can win when theres no IF there. I just proved that /mM3tV3t.png and furthermore you guys didnt follow the rules on the war terms that YOUR OWN LEADER CREATED... RB IS FULL OF IDIOTS, so before you call me an idiot think about all of this.' please just stop, lol.
#141870895Monday, July 28, 2014 8:48 PM GMT

Vritix its 8-0 actually, prefect example of how stupid you are. Make yourself a bleach cocktail and see how many of them you can drink.
#141870902Monday, July 28, 2014 8:48 PM GMT

READ BOTTOM TO TOP sufferpoop wrote at 7/28/2014 3:37:30 PM: Report Abuse 1. I do make decisions because I am one of the Co-1ics. 2. That raid was unofficial since there weren't enough IF there. 3. RB has broken so many war terms that the war should have been over a week after it started. If and when I officially declare IF victory. It will be an IF victory because of all of the war terms yall have broken. ------------------------------ On 7/28/2014 at 3:34 PM, Rezdonox wrote: Lol; you don't make the decision. If you end the war we will declare victory due to unconditional surrender on behalf of Iron Force. Basically, you lose now, or in a week or two. Your choice. I was gonna give you guys a chance to FB us twice to come back, but to hell with that. Seems you're ready to give up. Also, we should be 9-0 after the server that was official when you nuked everybody. ------------------------------ On 7/28/2014 at 3:28 PM, sufferpoop wrote: War is over good day. ------------------------------ On 7/28/2014 at 3:27 PM, Rezdonox wrote: Lol are you that stupid? We don't need to recruit trash into our clan. We'd rather win wars then lose them, such as you are currently. Even if you weren't lying and this is true, it isn't in the war terms saying that we can't recruit members from opposite clans, and we've caught some IF recruiting our low ranks too, so please, don't be such a hypocrite. ------------------------------ On 7/28/2014 at 3:23 PM, sufferpoop wrote: Nah bro. Recruiting our HR's like your HR's have been doing. Is an automatic War win for us. Thanks. ------------------------------ On 7/28/2014 at 3:21 PM, Rezdonox wrote: Sub is also one of your Major Generals, who was online at the time. It doesn't matter who we PM in your High Command, they should respond and defend like they should. Refusal to defend, like what occurred just now, results in a point to the raiding team. Read the terms. ------------------------------ On 7/28/2014 at 3:20 PM, sufferpoop wrote: rofl you pmed sub......................lawl. Sub is our builder rofl!!!!!!!!! ------------------------------ On 7/28/2014 at 3:17 PM, Rezdonox wrote: It's not a bad link; it's a screenshot of the PM we sent to SubTwentyEight. ------------------------------ On 7/28/2014 at 3:17 PM, sufferpoop wrote: I'm not clicking a link that I don't know. Who was the HR? You can tell me instead of sending me a pic. ------------------------------ On 7/28/2014 at 3:08 PM, Rezdonox wrote: /H0gbmQh.png ------------------------------ On 7/28/2014 at 3:02 PM, sufferpoop wrote: Who did you PM?
#141870919Monday, July 28, 2014 8:49 PM GMT

"Cyberbulling, I see.. I would love to see how my local police react." "RB IS FULL OF IDIOTS, so before you call me an idiot think about all of this." hypocrite much 1v1 me league: charly9011 | rip c&g - 7/2/2014
#141870927Monday, July 28, 2014 8:49 PM GMT

please just gtfo, lol

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