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#142037265Wednesday, July 30, 2014 3:28 AM GMT

I love the new layout, but a lot of users have been complaining about how it takes two clicks to get to a lot of ROBLOX website features instead of one, which is understandable why that could be annoying if you're used to one click. Of course, it's not really THAT big of a deal, and is worth it for the incredible organization of the new layout, but I have a solution anyways. My solution: Instead of having to click on the button on the top left corner, you just slide your mouse to the button and the bar will appear, just like the Charms bar in Windows 8. This will allow users to access the bar faster, and with less clicks. I think this will make the new layout even faster to use than it already is. Thanks for reading!
#142037539Wednesday, July 30, 2014 3:30 AM GMT

"Instead of having to click on the button on the top left corner" What's this now about a button in the top left corner? For me the navbar is just sitting there constantly, making things feel very claustrophobic. wat do qq ily bae <33
#142037571Wednesday, July 30, 2014 3:31 AM GMT

Support, but put it on the opposite side. Because if you have a windows 8 (Like me), you can open that bar no matter what page you're on unless its fullscreen.
#142037966Wednesday, July 30, 2014 3:35 AM GMT

@Spiro Idk why it's like that, but it's supposed to be that you click on the button with the 3 bars on it to get to the bar on the side. Idc where it is located, either way this will make it easier to use. However, the ROBUX and Tix are on the right side, along with the logout, settings, and help menu, so idk if there's room for it.
#142065422Wednesday, July 30, 2014 12:30 PM GMT

Anyone else support this awesome minor change?
#142076403Wednesday, July 30, 2014 3:39 PM GMT

I think this is great :P.
#142076465Wednesday, July 30, 2014 3:40 PM GMT

"you just slide your mouse to the button and the bar will appear" obamacare doesn't cover this kind of illegal activity
#142076579Wednesday, July 30, 2014 3:41 PM GMT

Yeah my bar is always there too... but it doesn't fin my whole screen so I have to scroll on it ;-;
#142085225Wednesday, July 30, 2014 5:29 PM GMT

@Toxic Lol. @Obscure This won't fix the scrolling issue, it will fix the 2 clicks to get to things that took 1 click previously. Long as the last thing on the list is the Blog, I had no problems with the scrolling, and don't know why others are.
#142184851Thursday, July 31, 2014 3:49 PM GMT

Bump :P.
#142195369Thursday, July 31, 2014 5:52 PM GMT

I'm surprised not many like this. I think it would be great!
#142195618Thursday, July 31, 2014 5:55 PM GMT

Support X732465634576532476234576345763526357637265327785454
#142195637Thursday, July 31, 2014 5:56 PM GMT

Um...what? And no, the solution would be an option to revert the layout. >I will rip out your duodenum
#142195812Thursday, July 31, 2014 5:58 PM GMT

Thank you for the support! And no, that is not the solution, the solution is to make the new layout better for users who liked the old one. Many users have complaint is that it now takes 2 clicks to do things that used to take 1 click, this will make it 1 click again.
#142195963Thursday, July 31, 2014 6:00 PM GMT

And most people hate the layout in general. So far I've posted two threads with reasons why this layout is awful. Solution that please errybody: MAKE IT AN OPTION What errybody is saying: "LEAVE IT AS IS!"or "OMG KILL IT" or "MAKE A COMPRIMISE" >I will rip out your duodenum
#142214352Thursday, July 31, 2014 9:28 PM GMT

That's fine, too, however I think ROBLOX wants to stick to one layout; newcomers would definately be confused with a bunch of layouts, and maybe that's why they removed the layout feature a while ago. I think this idea will make the new layout better, as that's the goal. Not to get rid of it, or make layouts optional.
#142343652Saturday, August 02, 2014 3:38 AM GMT

In order for these newcomers to get confused in the first place is for them to go onto their account page and select a new layout. If they are so extremely inept as to not be able to comprehend multiple layouts, then they are sure as hell too inept to find the account tab.....especially with this layout. >I will rip out your duodenum
#142379275Saturday, August 02, 2014 3:15 PM GMT

Lol. You're right xD. But who said the layout swap possible update would be in the Account tab? Yes, that's the most likeley spot for it, but it could be in the Home page too. Anyways, if ROBLOX did make an option to switch to the old theme, they would want it somewhat hidden, because they want us to use the new layout, which is better once you get used to it, more.

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