#142090331Wednesday, July 30, 2014 6:24 PM GMT

The loner who can handle himself in a pickle... I'm guilty of this one.
#142090444Wednesday, July 30, 2014 6:26 PM GMT

Speaking about five bullets in the leg and keeps running, there was this guy on one of my threads. He went straight through the roof of the building which was occupied by enemies without any backup grabbed his rifle and fell to his death
#142097993Wednesday, July 30, 2014 7:50 PM GMT

"not a cliche, but when people just use one character for every rp they join." eheheh yeah thats that sure pretty bad dont you hate...people who... LOOK I HAVEN'T HAD AN OPPORTUNITY TO DEVELOP THE CHARACTER OKAY EVERYTHING I JOIN DIES
#142098571Wednesday, July 30, 2014 7:57 PM GMT

"EVERYTHING I JOIN DIES" I have far worse suffering on that matter, my friend.
#142099631Wednesday, July 30, 2014 8:09 PM GMT

The one that's "brave, adventurous, a great leader" etc. Also vampires and godmodders that say they're like, "mortal" but have millions of little powers (I used to do this in the past ;-;). Shoot the spider. And then eat him like a pancake. I am now a llaama. Your hand is a 50 year old guy. I am on a hippogriff. -Yo mama, the proud potatoe of 1980-something.
#142108028Wednesday, July 30, 2014 9:32 PM GMT

but if it's done poorly then it's pretty much the worst thing ever Yeah, I'm not saying it's SO bad, but some people just make it to where just because they have said backstory they're super strong and fast or something, even when they're backstory doesn't relate to anything like that. "OMGGGG MY PARENTS DIED WHEN I WAS LYKE 3 SO IM SUPER STRONG!"
#142116142Wednesday, July 30, 2014 10:58 PM GMT

This type of character explains itself. *chops off their leg* *they turn around and stab the attacker* I know we all love 90s action heroes, but in real life you can't get stabbed/shot/sliced/shanked/blugeoned and receive damaging wounds then just go on about your business!
#142116748Wednesday, July 30, 2014 11:04 PM GMT

Yeah, I've been moving away from that... Trying to get the desperation through my writing if such a powerful attack occurs.
#142116843Wednesday, July 30, 2014 11:05 PM GMT

"I know we all love 90s action heroes, but in real life you can't get stabbed/shot/sliced/shanked/blugeoned and receive damaging wounds then just go on about your business!" Somehow I feel embarresed as a char of mine lost an arm, roared in anger, and turned around and killed the opponnent ;-;
#142134009Thursday, July 31, 2014 2:00 AM GMT

The completely flat main character, whom everything revolves around despite him having no character development, story, or even a personality. Rather, he just has a bunch of gimmicks and traits lumped together that are only put there when the RPer feels that it's convenient to make the character do something different. These characters get all the attention, from NPCs and from other RPers, but they never actually do interesting things besides tacky main character stuff.
#142140149Thursday, July 31, 2014 3:00 AM GMT

A cliche, when used right, can make for a truly interesting character when it comes down to it. However, a large amount of cliches are used terribly, making for a rather generic character.
#142147196Thursday, July 31, 2014 4:13 AM GMT

what cliche's have i been responsible for hmmmm well according to this thread, every single type of character in existence is a cliche.
#142147546Thursday, July 31, 2014 4:17 AM GMT

ok. i like rping characters with stutters.
#142151042Thursday, July 31, 2014 4:54 AM GMT

Characters that can fight without having any previous training or experience. [Now we have a choice here: we either sit and wait, or we take these flare guns and do something really stupid!]
#142153097Thursday, July 31, 2014 5:14 AM GMT

I hate characters that have a face mask and no personal information and a low voice.
#142154324Thursday, July 31, 2014 5:26 AM GMT

What's wrong with t-shirts? Is my RP character not allowed to wear anything but hoodies and sweaters? ew sweaters And as for the same character thing: Does reusing a name, but not a personality, appearance, bio, etc. count?
#142173930Thursday, July 31, 2014 12:45 PM GMT

"according to this thread, every single type of character in existence is a cliche." you must be very narrowminded to think this thread accounts for every character
#142174769Thursday, July 31, 2014 1:04 PM GMT

"Same, here tai, I really like a mixture of both, not to over the top crazy and not to sad of a story. Just enough to be labeled "off"." what about a neutral/good character with a horribly sad backstory i mean seriously my character is a good guy (well more neutral actually) and there's literally no good bits in her backstory
#142174977Thursday, July 31, 2014 1:09 PM GMT

"not a cliche, but when people just use one character for every rp they join. im kinda guilty with this as aya ivyria for at least 3 power rps, but still, it pisses me off." tbh i don't really mind that since lots of people have a certain character for different types of genres. maybe just because i'm guilty of this though. for example, evilboo uses amarth for power roleplays and i use serena for medieval roleplays
#142175094Thursday, July 31, 2014 1:12 PM GMT

"A cliche, when used right, can make for a truly interesting character when it comes down to it." i actually agree with that. also, sometimes a cliché is so cliché that no one has used it for ages so it's technically not cliché anymore something that really annoys me is the loner teenage girl characters with cat ears
#142177738Thursday, July 31, 2014 2:06 PM GMT

"I have a dark past that I won't share with anyone" Page 6 "So, what happened to you before all this." "Well you see back when I was 4" 'dark' past ensues.
#142178586Thursday, July 31, 2014 2:20 PM GMT

uh i basically do all these cliches but in my defense i try and morph and twist them so theyre not as cliche as they would otherwise, and that i only do certain cliches for certain RPs but :(
#142179761Thursday, July 31, 2014 2:39 PM GMT

Stoic b@d@ss who has emotional wounds that never completely healed but they don't let it show. Why didn't they ever try to find help? They never thought about getting therapy, seeking assistance from friends or family, or even just trying to get their mind of off whatever the issue is instead of dwelling on it for years? To me, that doesn't make an awful lot of sense. And then there's the sociopath or the snark who immediately starts warming up to the first cheery person who is positively interested in them. I get that the mixing of personalities like that creates an interesting dynamic, but such a relationship would take time to form.
#142180011Thursday, July 31, 2014 2:43 PM GMT

"They never thought about getting therapy, seeking assistance from friends or family, or even just trying to get their mind of off whatever the issue is instead of dwelling on it for years? To me, that doesn't make an awful lot of sense." actually, that's quite a common situation in real life. lots of people with problems like that try to keep it to themselves so people don't judge them.
#142180078Thursday, July 31, 2014 2:44 PM GMT

@Kataoka When it's a realistic-fiction war roleplay, rule of thumb is "It's later than 2050. Russia or Asia did stuff and now the Americans have to go fight them."