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#142063175Wednesday, July 30, 2014 11:39 AM GMT

The new layout needs improvement. Here is a short collection of posts in which prove this: M39a9am3R; "New Layout, means of improvement." "Now I am for the new Website layout, and of course it will take time for people to get used to like some features. Just a few things I don't like is the big ROBUX button at the top of the screen, and the Upgrade button when you open up the side panel. All you have to do is make these subtle, though it kind of feels like it is nagging me to purchase these. I am not too big of a fan of the Leaderboards button, nor was I in the the previous layout. Have there be a feature where we can modify what goes into the top bar, because I do a bit of scripting and go to my groups a lot so having those easily accessible would be great. And not everyone is excited about the new layout, I do feel there should be a option to change the layout, and if these people want to adapt to the new layout they may in account settings. Once again, I am for this new layout and have made this post because of some people wanting the new layout removal. I quite like it, and it gives me a iPad feel and gets some unnecessary stuff out of the way. But I do feel we should have options for the top bar and wether we want the layout in general. All great features need improvement, and I think that making the BC and ROBUX stuff more subtle and giving us more option for the layout would be a great area of improvement. Thank you for taking the time to read this post." moazmoazmoaz; "Make your own layout." "ROBLOX is constantly struggling with the new layouts and the feedback they receive regarding them. How about you make it so that we can design our own layout. For free users, you can make it that they have like 3 themes and they can move around the buttons. But you can pay a price of lets say 1000 robux so you can design the whole thing your self. However, all designs are checked by mods before being use. if the mod thing is too complicated, YOU DONT NEED IT TO BE CHECKED. Keep in mind that your interface is not affecting anyone but yourself, so your interface should be whatever you want it to be. Also, you have to design all the buttons and you can't add any buttons (No coding just hard core wed design) To make this easier, I am assuming that hardly anyone on roblox know web design, you can make it so that you can make the buttons bigger with a resize tool and you get to put pictures behind the buttons and stuff It may not be an awesome idea but at least I'm not just going around making petitions saying that they should completely revoke the new user interface. ur ugly i can sense it with my powas" Ignial; "Customize the layout of robox/put in backgrounds" "The layouts that roblox make are generally good. But, I always like to customize things. Like layouts and I am sure that a lot of others do to. being able to customize the layout moving buttons (Forum, character, message, catalog ect.) putting in backgrounds, changing the group page layout and so on that would suit you best. Even to show off GFX skill in background design and banners. If you can customize your character, build games, make groups and all that stuff, why not be able to customize the background and button layouts of your Roblox layout. I would make this free to everyone to be able to at least change the button layouts. But, maybe you have to pay a set amount of robux for backgrounds and banners. Or maybe not. So that this feature would be completely free to everyone. Templates could be used. Have like 20 different templates to choose from. Like publisher. Or something completely different, like Photoshop where there are boxes and you can move them to any place on the screen. Have an editor mode so that you don't just randomly move a button into a place unreachable. Make backgrounds like the OBC background but ones for BC and TBC if someone cannot make one themselves or doesn't want to pay to have one made for them. Then have an option to put in a file like the thumbnail. Only make other peoples backgrounds visible for others to see. But your button layout only seen by yourself so there is no confusion or annoyance. These are just some ideas. Basically, over the past few years I haven't liked the button layouts that roblox has made and have always wanted to make my own. I am sure a lot of others agree. This is an idea that I have always thought about and would love if it got integrated. Thank you for reading - Ignial" Velbex; "CHANGE THE SET UP BACK TO THE OLD ONE!" "It's confusing and ugly, slow to use and roblox should change it back to the old one!" punks1alt4; "Have the option for the new layout or old layout" "Sometime today or yesterday,Roblox made a update to the website with its new layout. The new layout does look good in my opinion but it does have its flaws. Because I have to sometimes scroll down the web page to find the forum or blog button (Which is sometimes not there unless you scroll down to),Where you could find whatever you wanted easily on the top of the page. I do like the new layout but personally the old one is sightly better because you can find what you want easily. But everyone has their own opinion to the new layout. So here what I was thinking about then. I think there should be the option to have the new layout or the old layout because then people will be more happy with the website then since some people are unhappy with the new layout right now. Please Support this idea." MedwedianPresident; "WHY HAS THE LAYOUT NOT BEEN MADE OPTIONAL YET?" "Seriously. Why have BCers not got the option to have the old layout. I understand it is a new update, but dear ROBLOX, observing that thousands of ROVLOXians are ABSOLUTELY HORRIFIED by this layout, and STILL FORCING IT ON ALL OF US - it is below-standard behavior. It is very SAD for me to see this ignorance for thousands of threads made about it. So I am asking ROBLOX and it's developers: Please. Make. It. Optional. At. Least. For. BCers. Sincerely, MedwedianPresident" scrin445; "Simple Layout Suggestion" "*No, I'm not against the layout* While I am tame with the new layout and all, it does look rather... dull. Most of the colours is the standard blue and white What I would like to suggestion is to splash a bit of colour to the layout. Perhaps green/red would do nicely. It would certainly help in making the new layout look more interesting, and perhaps shut some of the whiners. Oh, and the icons (ie; Tix/Robux), splash them with their respective colours. It would add to the layout. If you support or don't, please make sure to specify a reason. I would much prefer to know your opinions" garret7; "Layout Headline Customization" "You should add customization for the headline of the new layout. This means customizing the color of the headline and the drop-down box, and adding buttons and removing some from the headline. This could be adding messages next to the ROBUX/Tickets icons, and adding a forum button next to the search box, you know what I mean..." tuliao567; "Roblox please..." "Remove the new layout (this is not a question)" (Me!) warspyking; "Layout Ruining My Life" "LRML (Layout Ruining My Life) deserves to be a new subforum. I posted this before when there was a "preview" of it for about like an hour, on Technical Help and Support forums or whatever it's called.. I always forum on iPod. I've helped a lot of people on SH (Scripting Helpers). This may end that. I'm expeirencing the following problems; I cannot zoom in/out on iPod with this layout. I cannot properly surf the site on iPod without safari crashing. Does anybody have a fix for zoom/crashes? Does anybody have a way to switch back to the old layout? If the answers to both those questions are no; Admins, please, make this layout optionial." That was just the front page if S&I on the day after you posted. Due to numerous complaints you should make it optional (and possibly customizable) Please specify a valid reason for not doing either of these. We should be able to switch website versions just like we get switch studio versions (SystemMenu and RibbonBar) Any response ROBLOX?
#142063322Wednesday, July 30, 2014 11:43 AM GMT

What the "F", Roblox? I thought you were improving! Damn, I forgot to add my siggy.
#142063485Wednesday, July 30, 2014 11:47 AM GMT

Around a few days or weeks, you'll get used to it. But finding "people" can be irritating with the use of buttons.
#142063688Wednesday, July 30, 2014 11:53 AM GMT

I can't stand the zoom/app crashes. It's getting ridiculous. If it keeps up I may stop foruming, and that's one of the last things I like about ROBLOX D:
#142063955Wednesday, July 30, 2014 11:59 AM GMT

I agree, we should be able to change website versions..
#142065353Wednesday, July 30, 2014 12:29 PM GMT

Agreed. We should make the Layout Optional, since I got horrified and almost vomited on my keyboard. But I'm not gonna lie, this new layout is worse than the price floor.
#142066515Wednesday, July 30, 2014 12:52 PM GMT

I'm sure all of the posters mentioned in this thread thanks you for your support. Keep it coming.
#142066702Wednesday, July 30, 2014 12:55 PM GMT

Support ~Yours truly -Scripting wizard
#142066779Wednesday, July 30, 2014 12:57 PM GMT

I have to agree with most people here. You need to be able to change between website versions. I can't remember when, but one time when the website changed. It ruined so much of what the other had to offer. It was completely horrible. It ruined the game so much for me, that I ended up not playing at all. Luckily 2 weeks later it was changed back.
#142066827Wednesday, July 30, 2014 12:57 PM GMT

#142069395Wednesday, July 30, 2014 1:45 PM GMT

#142069469Wednesday, July 30, 2014 1:47 PM GMT

TL;DR The layout should be optional, between old and new. It should also be a bit customizable (maybe)
#142069538Wednesday, July 30, 2014 1:48 PM GMT

Feel free to post your own posts here, or links to your posts in a form of support!
#142069553Wednesday, July 30, 2014 1:48 PM GMT

super support but roblox will never read this they lied on that sticky i havent seen an admin post on this forum regarding an issue since 2006
#142113133Wednesday, July 30, 2014 10:24 PM GMT

#142113241Wednesday, July 30, 2014 10:25 PM GMT

"i havent seen an admin post on this forum regarding an issue since 2006" youre an idiot Emos are idiots I arvin3149/realsteveaustin got a 1 dayer
#142168541Thursday, July 31, 2014 10:09 AM GMT

They never post on mine. They should go through ever idea in order as they're posted, locking them when they post yes/no & reason.
#142168601Thursday, July 31, 2014 10:11 AM GMT

the layout is overall more efficient so they're not going to change it
#142168849Thursday, July 31, 2014 10:19 AM GMT

I don't think they will change the layout now, just like they didn't for the previous layout in 2012. The response to the new layout in 2012: In 2012, a new layout was added. You could not revert to the older one too. The forums quickly exploded with complaint threads, ranging from threads asking to remove it in capital letters to threads asking for making it optional. Most of the complaints stopped in most forums except S&I, where people kept making complaints for the next several weeks. All of the complaints died out by the next several months. The response to the new layout in 2014: In 2014, a new layout was added. You could not revert to the older one too. The forums quickly exploded with complaint threads, ranging from threads asking to remove it in capital letters to threads asking for making it optional. Most of the complaints stopped in most forums except S&I, where people are still currently making complaints. History is repeating itself. (And yes, and I forumed in 2011, just ask me for proof it you want.)
#142170043Thursday, July 31, 2014 10:59 AM GMT

Sadly, no matter what we tried and do something about ROBLOX, they doesn't care and thought we are much like a whiner, troll or something even thought any good ideas are really worth a thing for them and for us. Currently, a new layout was OK for me. But having a left-hand bar is quite annoying compare to the old one. Another thing about it, the layout's colour are quite dull as always. Mostly feels like a Microsoft basic layout for me. Bright colour and a nice design would be enough to give ROBLOX a more flourish look without feeling like "it's like at work, but with 100% more boring guarantee". Other than that, it was an average. But you could need more focus on artistic on that layout rather than having nothing with dull layout.
#142170555Thursday, July 31, 2014 11:14 AM GMT

ROBLOX needs more red XD Yes, red. The color. To be honest, I really like the layout, but if it never crashed my iPod app (safari) and it allowed me to zoom in, all would be fine for me D:
#142170588Thursday, July 31, 2014 11:15 AM GMT

If they don't fix the problems with this layout it won't just be "a few weeks" I'll keep bumping this until the NEXT layout.
#142170641Thursday, July 31, 2014 11:17 AM GMT

Admins don't need to post to see it, if they think it's a good idea they will consider it but they aren't going to tell you.
#142173459Thursday, July 31, 2014 12:34 PM GMT

#142173697Thursday, July 31, 2014 12:39 PM GMT

@warspyking That's what they said in 2012.

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