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#142074193Wednesday, July 30, 2014 3:06 PM GMT

it looks like a plain blue and white facebook on mobile honesty. maybe make it look like this a lil bit: https://twitter.com/DannyhaROBLOX/status/494486422959972352/photo/1 Yeah, it will stretch the page a little bit but you have a scroll bar for a reason... ==Total respect points earned from thread: 0==
#142074560Wednesday, July 30, 2014 3:11 PM GMT

#142074617Wednesday, July 30, 2014 3:12 PM GMT

support, i hate it, it's like facebook and windows 8 mixed together, ROBLOX is a sandbox game not a social game, for creativity.
#142074999Wednesday, July 30, 2014 3:18 PM GMT

They tried and they failed I liked the old old layout

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